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[原创] 感染预防控制最佳实践(双语)

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发表于 2013-10-5 12:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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这是我最近翻译的《Best Practices in Infection Prevention and Control》一书的一部分,现首发到论坛。这份资料可能对大家在医院评审中有所帮助。


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-5 12:15 | 显示全部楼层
Best Practices in Infection Prevention and Control:
Chapter One  Infection Prevention and Control
第一章 感染预防控制
A Global Perspective on a Health Care Crisis
Infectious disease have been around for thousands of years wish resultant acute and chronic illnesses that have impacted human and animal health. Health professionals diagnose and treat infection and have attempted to reduce, if nor eliminate, infection risk. Infection prevention and control (IPC) strategies are critical to safe, high-quality health care via implementation of effective infrastructure and systems that identify, address, and prevent the spread of infections.
Health care-associated infections (HAIs) are infections that occur during the processes of health care delivery and are restricted to infections that were not present or incubating prior to the onset of care.1 These HAIs occur in patients who receive care in hospitals and other health care facilities and in health care professionals and staff who are identified with infections as a result of occupational exposures.1 There is increasing global concern and prioritization of HAIs as a patient-safety issue, particularly because these adverse events are associated with morbidity, if not mortality, and excess costs.2,3 Improved global communications have enhanced public awareness of health risks, infectious diseases, and HAI burden.4 Infections that have resulted in international headlines include, but are not limited to, viral infections from pandemic influenza H1N1 and West Nile virus, and bacterial infections from methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and multidrug-resistant (MDR) gram-negative organisms. From a global health perspective, effective IPC strategies for HAIs are readily applicable to preparedness plans and infrastructure for population health challenges, such as widespread epidemics, natural disasters, and bioterrorist threats.
医院感染(HAIs)是指在接受医疗服务过程中发生的感染,而不是在接受医疗前已经存在或处于潜伏期的感染1。这些医院感染(HAIs)是指患者在医院或其他医疗保健机构接受治疗期间和医院医务人员或因职业暴露而发生的感染1HAIs作为病人安全问题越来越引起全球的重点关注。特别是HAIs这些不良事件与发病率、死亡率、额外经济负担的增加密切相关2,3。加强全球交流,加大人们对健康危机、感染性疾病和医院感染负担的认识4。已成为国际社会热门话题的感染(且并不限于此)包括:从H1N1流感大流行到西尼罗河病毒(West Nile virus)所引起的病毒感染;从耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)到多重耐药(MDR)革兰阴性菌所引起的细菌感染。从全球卫生的角度思考,为医疗相关感染(HAIs)制定的感染预防控制措施也为人类健康面临的难题:如广泛的流行性疾病、自然灾害、生物恐怖威胁等提供了合适的实施计划和基础设施。


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-5 12:16 | 显示全部楼层
One of the primary responsibilities of care providers and health care organizations is to do no harm to the patient or to the health care worker (HCW).5 Yet health care delivery has inherent risks, the serious nature of HAIs is undeniable, and the safety risks for patients and providers are considerable. Care settings may be reservoirs for infections despite advanced technology, environmental health and cleanliness standards, and well-intentioned staff. There is increased pressure for health care organizations to do more with fewer resources, which creates strategic challenges amid treating increased numbers of patients over shorter inpatient stays, staffing shortages combined with ongoing staff training, lack of or limited supplies, and administrative requests to reduce costs. Historically, concern for HAIs has primarily been a focus only for hospitals. Now health care that traditionally was provided in hospitals has become increasingly provided in subacute and rehabilitation facilities, ambulatory clinics, other care areas, and the home. This shift in sites of care has heightened the risk of infection at all points along the care continuum, making IPC a priority in all health care settings.2,6 An abundance of challenges as opportunities exist for IPC strategies conducted by knowledgeable, well-trained health care epidemiologists (also called medical directors in some areas) and IPC professionals (also known as IPC practitioners or infection preventionists). The following sections discuss the components of the IPC crisis and identify some future challenges.
Infections pose a significant threat to patient safety, and organizations must work to minimize risk for HAIs and to mitigate adverse effects when prevention has not been achieved. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis reported that the burden of endemic HAIs—the normal or expected incidence of infections in a population—was higher in developing countries (pooled prevalence 15.5 per 100 patients, 95% confidence interval [CI] 12.6-18.9) than proportions reported from Europe and the United States (see Sidebar 1-1).7 Although it is true that some patients who acquire infections in a health care institution are frail, elderly, or immunocompromised, there are also many healthy people who enter hospitals or alternative care sites for elective procedures, fully expecting to return home in good health. When health care encounters include acquisition of infection, the consequences undoubtedly involve excess morbidity, if not mortality, and excess costs. Such infections include, but are not limited to, catheter-associated bloodstream infections (CABSIs), surgical site infections (SSIs), skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs), and ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia (VABP). The key criteria to addressing HAIs are early case detection and effective IPC strategies (see Sidebar 1-2).
感染给病人安全构成重大威胁,在有效的预防措施没能完全实现之时,医院必须尽最大的努力降低医院感染的风险,以减轻不利影响。最近一个系统评价和meta-分析显示地方性医院感染的经济负担,来自发展中国家中人群正常或预期的感染发病率(患病率为15.5%, 95%置信区间[CI]12.6-18.9)比例明显高于来自欧洲和美国的数据报道(见补充材料1-1)7。尽管一些病人在医疗保健机构获得感染的确是因他们自身的、年老或免疫力低下。也有许多正常人期待以良好的健康状况回家,有选择性地进入医院或其它医疗机构,然而在医疗过程中遭遇了感染,其后果是增加了新的发病率、死亡率和额外的医疗负担。这些感染包括(但不仅限于):导管相关血流感染(CABSIs)、手术部位感染(SSIs)、皮肤软组织感染(SSTIs)及呼吸机相关肺炎(VABP)。控制医院感染的关键是早期发现和实施有效的IPC策略(见补充材料1-2)

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-5 12:17 | 显示全部楼层
The many reason that infections occur in a health care setting include
lack of infrastructure to support the IPC program, such as ineffective or absent leadership support, insufficient staffing levels, insufficient staff training about IPC, and lack of supplies;*
* Joint Commission Internationl (JCI) defines leadership as an individual(s) who sets expectations, develops plans, and implements procedures to assess and to improve the quality of the organization’s governance, management, clinical, and support functions. This includes at least the leaders of the governing body; the chief executive officer and other senior managers; departmental leaders; the elected and the appointed leaders of the medical staff, the clinical departments, and other medical staff members in organizational administrative positions; and the nurse executive and other senior nursing leaders.
* JCI(国际医疗卫生机构认证联合委员会)将领导力定义为一个(一些)个体,他能给你期望、制定计划、并通过实施程序来评估和改善组织的管理、临床以及支持部门的质量。这至少包括理事机构的领导、行政总裁和其他高级经理、部门领导、以及在管理岗位上当选和任命为领导的医务人员、临床科室和其他医务人员,还包括护理执行董事和其他高级护理管理人员。
inadequate hand hygiene and aseptic or sterile technique;
the emergence of MDR organisms due in part to the inappropriate use of antimicrobial agents;
increasing number of immunocompromised patients;
inappropriate or inadequate procedures and techniques of care;
ineffective cleaning and disinfection of the patient care environment or medical equipment;
public health issues, such as contaminated water supplies, inadequate management of medical waste, and inadequate preparedness plans for natural disasters, bioterrorist threats, and bioterrorist events.

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-5 12:18 | 显示全部楼层
Sidebar1-1. the Global Burden of HAIs
补充材料1-1. 医院感染的全球负担
Estimates of HAIs vary widely, and a fragmented picture of the endemic burden of HAIs in developing countries, defined for lower- and middle-income countries, was recently published.1 As of 2010, only 23 of 147 developing countries (15.6%) had an operational national surveillance system for HAIs, and there were no published data on HAIs’ endemic burden from the majority (66%) of developing countries.1 When HAIs were reported from investigators in developing countries, almost half the published studies were related to SSIs, presumably because cases can be more easily defined and associated with the health care that was delivered. In Europe, annual estimates of HAIs have been associated with 16 million extra days of hospital stay and 37,000 attributable deaths.2 As assessment of HAIs includes the occupational health and safety of HCWs, the global preparedness and response to the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) pandemic in 2003 remains highly informative, given that between 20% and 60% of HCWs became infected with viruses during routine patient case.3
1.Allegranzi B, et al. Burden of endemic health-care associated infection in developing countries: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet. 2011 Jan 15; 377(9761): 228-241.
2.European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). Annual Epidemiological Report on Communicable Diseases in Europe 2008. Report on the State of Communicable Diseases in EU and EEA/EFTA Countries. Stockholm: ECDC, 2008.
3.Cherry, JD. The chronology of the 2002-2003 SARS mini pandemic. Paediatr Respir Rev. 2004 Dec; 5(4): 262-269.

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-5 12:20 | 显示全部楼层
Sidebar 1-2. Key Infection Prevention and Control Strategies to Minimize Risk For HAIs
补充材料1-2. 降低医院感染风险预防控制策略的关键
Strong, supportive leadership
Evidence-based hand-hygiene practices and policies
Antimicrobial stewardship
Sufficient, well-trained staff
Surveillance for patterns of infections and a system to identify areas that need specific interventions
Evidence-based infection risk-reduction strategies inclusive of HCW occupational health and safety1
1.Deuffic-Burban S, et al. Blood-borne viruses in health care workers: Prevention and management. J Clin Virol. 2011 Sep; 52(1): 4-10.

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-5 12:21 | 显示全部楼层
Emerging and Reemerging Diseases Epidemics, and Bioterrorism
When designing IPC programs to reduce risk of infections in health care settings, organizations must integrate community-based surveillance data and public awareness of infectious-disease threats. Many persons who acquire infections in the community must be seen in clinics, hospitalized, or cared for in the home by family or friends who have little to no training in IPC.8 Therefore, IPC professionals in health care organizations must incorporate and design strategies that permit uptake and diffusion of IPC into alternative care settings. Below is a discussion of infection clusters, epidemics, and pandemics, as well as selected emerging infectious diseases, blood-borne infections, and bioterrorist threats that are of global interest.
Infection Clusters, Epidemics, and Pandemics
The majority of HAIs are endemic infections—normal or expected incidence of infections in a population—that occur on a continual basis and require ongoing attention to ensure low incidence and prevalence. Evidence-based recommendations to reduce or to prevent endemic HAIs and endorsed by the Society of Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) target CABSIs, CAUTIs, SSIs, and VABP.9-12 Periodically, health care organizations experience HAI clusters, if not outbreaks, also known as epidemic. Epidemics are a greater-than-expected number of infections in a given population during a defined period. Well-designed procedures and protocols are available to investigate these occurrences in a systematic manner, to determine the cause, and to quickly initiate interventions.13 System-based improvements and practices from one cluster or outbreak can be incorporated into strategies to prevent future untoward events and outbreaks.
大多数医院感染是地方性感染――在人群中正常的或预期的感染率――这是一直存在的,需要持续关注,以确保低的发病率和患病率。循证建议降低或预防医院感染的流行,美国医疗保健流行病学会(SHEA)认同以CABSIs, CAUTIs, SSIs, and VABP作为目标9-12。医疗保健机构定期地经历医院感染的聚集,不称为暴发,也可称为流行。流行是在一时间段确定人口数量中比预期数量更大的人员发生感染。制定良好的规程和方案,对这些感染事件进行系统地调查,确定原因,并迅速启动干预措施13。基于一次感染聚集或暴发事件,进行系统地改进和实践,可纳入策略中,以防止未来的突发事件或暴发事件。
Organizations must have appropriate IPC strategies in place should an outbreak attributed to an infectious etiology be identified or suspected in the community or a health care setting. Standardized practices and policies will minimize the potential interpersonal transmission of infection, optimize effective communication, and standardize reporting.14 During a crisis, there is typically insufficient time to educate health care professionals about the warning signs of certain diseases and the appropriate actions to undertake in order to minimize, if not to interrupt, the spread of transmissible infections. These challenges compel health care organizations to develop and to promote preparedness plans in advance of infection clusters, outbreaks (epidemics), and pandemics—epidemics that spread worldwide, or at least across a large region. This goal can be accomplished through a proactive and ongoing risk-assessment process. Practical tips on how to develop such IPC programs are further detailed in Chapters 5 and 6.
Exemplary preparedness plans were executed during the 2003 severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic that occurred in many countries.15 The multicountry SARS epidemic was associated with transmission dynamics that began in a hotel, spread via global air travel, and subsequently resulted in patient-to-HCW transmission. As noted from the SARS epidemic, when epidemics occur, organizations at point-of-care sites must be prepared to respond rapidly, efficiently, and with transparency. Preparedness plans must include health care administrative support to rapidly create temporary isolation facilities, systems to restrict access to exposed HCWs, and plans to involve specialists to establish case definitions, to screen and to promptly identify cases, to provide for continuous monitoring to ensure adherence to optimal infection control practices, and to provide regular feedback to HCWs and health care administerators.14
Most infectious diseases are not associated with pandemics. It is more common for a microorganism to infect a relatively small number of people in routine clinical care than for outbreaks to occur. In some cases, an infectious disease can spread rapidly and affect large populations on multiple continents.16 If left unchecked, such infections can become epidemics or pandemics. The severity of a pandemic depends on the organism’s virulence, how rapidly it is able to spread from population to population, resistance to available drug treatments, immunity within the population, and effectiveness of response efforts. The global impact of prior influenza pandemics has been informative yet devastating (see Sidebar 1-3 for more information on influenza pandemics).17
许多感染性疾病不是由大流行引起。相对来说,小数量的人群在日常临床医疗中因微生物感染比暴发发生更普遍。在某种情况下,一种感染性疾病能迅速传播并在多个大陆影响一大群人16。如果不加以控制,这种感染可流行或变成大流行。疫情的严重程度处决于病原体的毒力,在人群中传播的速度如何,药物治疗的有效性,人群的免疫力,应对工作的有效性。先前流感大流行对全球的影响仍然具有教育意义(见补充材料1-3. 流感大流行的更多信息)17

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-5 12:22 | 显示全部楼层
Sidebar 1-3. Influenza pandemics
补充材料1-3. 流感大流行
Three types of influenza viruses infect humans: types A, B and C. Only influenza A has been associated with pandemics; influenza B viruses do not cause pandemics, and type C influenza viruses cause mild infection.
Historical Perspective
The 1918-1919 Spanish influenza pandemic was due to the emergence of H1N1 in humans and resulted in an estimate 50 million deaths worldwide. 1 The 1957-1958 Asian influence pandemic was due to the emergence of H2N2 in humans and associated with more than 1 million deaths worldwide; this virus no longer circulates in humans. The 1968-1969 Hong Kong influenza pandemic, due to H3N2, was associated will an estimated 34,000 excess deaths in the United States. 2 H3N2 viruses continue to circulate worldwide and have been associated with tremendous morbidity and mortality.
1918年至1919年西班牙发生H1N1病毒引起的人类流感大流行导致全球大约500万人死亡11957年至1958年亚洲发生由H2N2病毒引起的人类流感大流行导致全球超过10万人的死亡; 这个病毒在人类没引起再次循环。1968年至1969年香港流感大流行。由于H3N2病毒的流行,在美国估计超过有34000人死亡。H3N2病毒继续在全球传播,造成巨大的发病率和死亡率。
Recent Influenza Epidemiology
The natural reservoirs for new human influenza A virus subtypes are wild aquatic waterfowl, ducks, and geese. Since 2003 the transmission dynamics of avian influenza viruses have involved complex, rapid viral exchange of highly virulent virus in poultry flocks, with infection among humans in Azerbaijan, Cambodia, China, Djibouti, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam.3
Minor viral mutations evolve through a process called antigenic drift, which drives seasonal epidemics. But antigenic shift results from the replacement of the hemagglutinin (HA) and sometime the neuroaminidase (NA), with novel subtypes that have not been present in human viruses for a long time. The introduction of new HA into human viruses usually results in a pandemic. The reemergence of avian influenza A (H5N1) in 2003, together with seasonal influenza vaccine shortages throughout the world, has heightened awareness of the unmet needs related to pandemic preparedness plans. The global response to the 2009 pandemic influenza A H1N1 exemplified well-coordinated IPC strategies and effective response plans at the international, federal, state, local, and community levels.
Relevance to IPC
Influenza pandemics evolve quickly, take an immense human toll, and have tremendous social and economic consequences. Early case detection, effective IPC strategies, and global communication efforts are relevant to minimizing risk of a future viral pandemic. The UC Centers for Disease control and prevention (US CDC) estimates that another influenza pandemic could cause up to 7.4 million human deaths worldwide and excess health care utilization in outpatient visits and hospital admissions.3 Risk of human-to-human transmission of influenza A H5N1 was explored in two studies, neither of confirmed transmission to HCWs exposed to confirmed and probable cases with H5N1 infection.4,5 WHO published interim IPC recommendations for suspected H5N1 patients in 2004 and updated them in 2006.6 Full barrier precautions are recommended, when possible, in provision of care for suspected of confirmed avian influenza patients with close patient contact and during aerosol generating procedures. Such precautions are defined as standard, contact, and airborne precautions inclusive of eye protection. Because some elements of full barrier precautions (particularly airborne precautions) may not be available in all health care facilities, minimal requirements for caring for H5N1 patients should include standard, contact, and droplet precautions. In addition, active surveillance for viral infection in HCWs and annual influenza vaccination of HCWs is recommended to potentially reduce the risk of coinfection with H5N1 and human influenza A viruses and to reduce the risk of viral reassortment.
1.Taubenberger JK. Morens DM. 1918 influenza: The mother of all pandemics. Emerg Infect Dis. 2006 Jan; 12(1): 15-22
2. Pan American Health Organization. Hurrying toward disaster? Peters C. 23 Aug 2002. Accessed 7 Oct 2011. http:// www.paho.org/common/Display.asp?Lang=E&ReclD=4609
3.World Health Organization. Cumulative Number of Confirmed Human Cases of Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Reported to WHO, 2003-2011. 10 Oct 2011. Accessed 7 Oct 2011. http:// www.who. int/influenza/human_animal_interface/ EN_GIP_LatestCumulativeNumberH5N1cases.pdf.
4. Apisarnthanarak A, et al. Seroprevalence of anti-H5 antibody among Thai health care workers after exposure to avian influenza (H5N1) in a tertiary care center. Clin Infect Dis. 2005 Jan 15;40(2):e 16-18.
5. Liem NT, Lim W, Would Health Organization International Avian Influenza Investigation Team, Vietnam. Lack of H5N1 avian influenza transmission to hospital employees, Hanoi, 2004. Emerg Infect Dis. 2005 Feb;11(2):210-215.
6. World Health Organization. Avian Influenza. (Updated Apr 2011) Accessed 14 Sep 2011. http://www.who.int/ mediacentre/factsheets/avian_influenza/en/.


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-5 12:24 | 显示全部楼层
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Since 1973 more than 30 new diseases have been characterized that have either viral or bacterial etiologies.18 Infectious diseases now comprise a mix of acute and chronic infections, and rapid transmission of infections has been further expedited by global travel. The emergence and spread of West Nile virus (WNV) infections in 1994-1999, the worldwide pandemic influenza A (H1N1) in 2009-2010, the ongoing emergence and global spread of MDR bacterial infections, and MDR tuberculosis portray how infectious diseases continue to thrive, how new strains emerge, and how dissemination occurs.19 These diseases highlight the importance of vigilance, preparedness plans, early case identification, and open communication, which together contribute to effective IPC and preserve patient safety in community and health care-delivery setting.
West Nile Virus (WNV)
WNV has now been reported in most regions of the world. Outbreaks of WNV encephalitis in human occurred in Algeria in 1994, Romania in 1996-1997, the Czech Republic in 1997, the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1998, Russia in 1999, Israel in 2000, and the United States in 1999-2003.20 The US public health experience with the emergence, monitoring, and control strategies for WNV illustrates the importance of strong communication networks and coordinated collection of information not only between health care organizations and government agencies but also among physicians, veterinarians, public health providers, and wildlife experts. Sharing of information and transparent data collection can help enhance case detection, optimize clinical decision making, and contribute to disruption of viral transmission.
The Pandemic Influenza—A H1N1
The 2009 pandemic influenza A H1N1 was first detected in Mexico in late March 2009, followed by prompt case detection in the United States and other countries. This virus was a unique combination of six influenza virus genes never previously identified in animals or humans. 21 There was triple-reassortant of North American swine virus lineages and two genes encoding neuraminidase and matrix proteins from Eurasian swine virus lineages. 22
After the initial case detection, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the 2009 influenza A H1N1 outbreak a public health emergency of international concern, raising the level of influenza pandemic alert from phase 3 to phase 4, and recommended that countries intensify surveillance for unusual outbreaks of influenza-like illness and severe pneumonia. In June 2009 WHO signaled that a global pandemic of 2009 influenza A H1N1 was under way by further raising the worldwide pandemic alert level to phase 6.23-25 The global pandemic was associated with millions of case infections, more than 19,000 deaths, and several million dollars in health care expenditures.
The mechanisms of person-to-person transmission of the 2009 H1N1 virus appeared similar to those of seasonal influenza, but the relative contributions of small-particle aerosols, large droplets, and fomites are uncertain.22 Rates of secondary outbreaks of illness varied according to the setting and the exposed population, yet estimates ranged from 4% to 28%.23 Household transmission was highest among children and lowest among adults over 50 years of age.23
WHO announced the end of the pandemic period in August 2010. 23 The 2009 pandemic influenza A H1N1 occurred against a backdrop of pandemic response planning after years of developing, refining, and regularly exercising preparedness response plans at the international, federal, state, local, and community level.26 This emergent disease was a major challenge for health care institutions and HCWs, particularly health care epidemiologists and IPC professionals who invested significant resources to control the pandemic.
Community-Associated MRSA
Staphylococcus aureus is an important cause of infections in health care settings and in communities. MRSA results from the production of an alternate penicillin-binding protein, PBP2a, which has a low affinity for all β-lactam agents and generates resistant susceptible only to other antibiotic families, such as glycopeptides. Clinical isolates of MRSA were increasingly reported in the 1980s among patients primarily in hospitals and other health care environments. Since the mid- to late 1990s, however, there has been an explosion in the number of MRSA infections reported in persons lacking exposure to health care systems. These infections have been linked to MRSA clones known as community-associated MRSA (CA-MRSA).27 Strains of CA-MRSA differ in phenotype from the older, health care-associated MRSA (HA-MRSA) strains and carry a smaller, more mobile, and less physiologically burdensome chromosomal element, termed SCCmec type IV. This genetic element usually carries only the mecA gene, with no other resistance determinants, differentiating it from genetic elements traditionally found in HA-MRSA strains. 27 These CA-MRSA strains, often spread among healthy people in the community, and have been associated with severe skin and respiratory infections. 28
金黄色葡萄球菌是引起医疗保健机构和社区感染的一个重要原因。MRSA产生一种能替代青霉素结合蛋白(PBP)的物质PBP2a, 降低其与β-内酰胺类药物的亲和力,产生耐药性,仅对其他种类的抗菌药物敏感,如糖肽类药物。上世纪80年代,越来越多的报道,在医院和其他医疗环境的患者中,从临床上分离出MRSA菌株。然而,从上世纪90年代中期以来,报道没有医疗保健环境暴露的经历者,感染MRSA的数量巨增。这种感染把MRSA克隆体与社区相关MRSA(CA-MRSA)联系起来27CA-MRSA菌株在表型上不同于旧的、医疗相关MRSA (HA-MRSA)菌株,携带一个较小的、游离的、很少生理负担的染色体质粒,称作SCCmec IV型。这种遗传因子通常只携带mecA基因,没有其他耐药因子,将它与传统上HA-MRSA菌株能找到的遗传因子区分开来27。这些CA-MRSA菌株常常在社区健康人群传播,与严重的皮肤和呼吸道感染相关28
MDR Gram-Negative Pathogens
Infections caused by MDR gram-negative pathogens are an increasing problem worldwide. Resistance dramatically limits therapeutic options, and, in contrast to new drugs for gram-positive organisms, there has been a paucity of new antimicrobial agents approved for gram-negative bacilli (GNB) in recent years. 29 Furthermore, many GNB are resistant to multiple agents and in some instances are pan-resistant to all commercially available antimicrobial agents.30 Notably, carbapenemases are categorized by hydrolytic mechanisms that permit drug resistance and include β-lactamases in the molecular Class A, B, and D. Epidemiological investing suggests complex and differential patterns of emergence of carbapenem-resistant bacteria. As an example, introduction of the plasmid-mediated Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC) gene into several geographic regions has been due to intercountry patient transfer. Israel was the first nation outside the United States to report a large outbreak of KPC-producing K. pneumoniae attributed to health care-associated transmission of a strain linked to North America.31 Greece later identified wide-spread clonal KPC pathogens that were indistinguishable from contemporary Israeli clones. 32 In Germany, the likely index case in a single-center outbreak was a patient who had been previously hospitalized in Greece. 33 The Unite Kingdom, France, and other countries have also reported episodes of colonization or infection of patients with KPC pathogens transferred from endemic countries. For additional case studies and outbreaks of carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae (CRKP) see Chapter 5 (Case Study 5-9) and Chapter 6 (Case Study 6-2).
New Delhi metallo-β-lactamases (NDM) is a plasmid-mediated, class B metallo-β-lactamases that has been identified in a broad range of enterobacteriaceae and non-enterobacteriaceae. Isolates are resistant to carbapenems, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, and most antimicrobial drug classes. Of concern, some isolates have also exhibited resistance to tigecycline and colistin. The index case with an NDM-producing pathogen was a man in Sweden who previously received health care in India.34 Subsequent case report and case series suggest health care contact in India, Bangladesh, and some Balkan nations has been associated with case detection in the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan, and several European nations.35,36 These epidemicological observations require further elucidation but highlight the potential risk of intercountry transmission of MDN GNB.
从广泛的肠杆菌科和非肠杆菌科中鉴别出新德里金属β内酰胺酶(NDM)是一种质粒介导的B类金属β内酰胺酶。分离出的菌株耐碳青霉烯类、氨基糖苷类、氟喹诺酮类等多类抗菌药物。更重要的是,一些分离菌株还耐替加环素和粘菌素。检索到的产NDM病原体的瑞典人曾在印度接受过治疗。后来的病例报告及在印度、孟加拉国和巴尔干国家进行过医疗的系列病例发现与在美国、澳大利亚、加拿大和欧洲几个国家检测的病例有关联35,36。流行病学家观察提出需进一步突出阐明MDN GNB在国家间传播的潜在危险。
Tuberculosis (TB) is the most common infectious disease worldwide. It affects one third of the global population and is the leading cause of death from a potentially curable infectious disease. The 2009 global estimate for TB was 9.4 million incident cases (range 8.9-9.9), for a rate of 137 cases per 100,000 population (range 131-145).37 TB rate vary widely by geographic region, with 22 low- and middle-income countries accounting for more than 80% of active TB case worldwide.38 Prevalence rates of TB are highest in Africa and lowest in the Americas and Europe due to the high prevalence of HIV in some African countries and the effect of HIV on susceptibility to TB. 38 Case infection with MCR-TB is defined as a person with Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistant to at least two antitubercular drugs—isoniazid and rifampicin. Recent surveillance data have revealed that prevalence of MCR-TB has risen to the highest rate ever recorded worldwide. 38 The MCR-TB strain generally arises through the selection of resistance mutations that emerge during inadequate treatment. Prior TB treatment, shortage of α-tuberculous drugs, and treatment costs have been the most common reason for the inadequacy of the initial anti-TB regimen.39 Other factors that play an important role in the development of MDR-TB include limited administrative control of purchase and distribution of the drugs, inadequate mechanism for quality control and bioavailability tests, poor patient follow-up, and inadequate administrative infrastructure.
结核病是世界范围内最常见的感染性疾病。影响着全世界三分之一的人口,导致一些可治愈的感染性疾病患者死亡。2009年估计有940(890-990万之间)人感染结核,比率为10万分之137(131-145之间) 37。结核的比率在各个地理区域变化很大,在22个低、中收入国家中占有全世界超过80%的活动性结核病患者。结核病的患病率在非洲最高,在美国和欧洲最低,因为非洲一些国家是艾滋病的高发地区,而结核对艾滋病很敏感38。多重耐药结核(MCR-TB)感染定义为一个结核分枝杆菌感染者至少对两种抗结核药----异烟肼和利福平耐药。最近的监测数据显示多重耐药结核(MCR-TB)流行的比率上升到最高,超过了全世界曾有的记录38。多重耐药结核(MCR-TB)菌株通常出现在选择不适当的治疗时发生耐药性突变。先前对结核病的治疗,缺少α-结核药物,初始抗结核疗法,治疗费用不足是一个最常见的原因39。促使MDR-TB发展迅速的另一些重要原因是政府限制这些药物的购买和分配,质量控制和生物利用度测试机制不健全,病人随访太少,管理基础设施不足。
Many other infectious diseases not discussed above (for example, cholera, meningococcal disease, and dengue hemorrhagic fever) present ongoing challenges to IPC worldwide. Regional IPC strategies should focus on the infections prevalent in the geographic setting and include preparedness plans that can be implemented should an emerging infectious pathogen or outbreak occur.
Occupational Risk for Blood-Borne Pathogens
Twenty-six different viruses have been reported as occupational transmission risks to HCWs.17 The majority of occupational health-related cases are due to one of three viruses—hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). In the year 2000, incident HCW infections worldwide due to percutanous injuries were estimated to be 16,000 for HCV, 66,000 for HBV, and 1,000 for HIV.40 The highest proportion of blood-borne viral transmission occurs through percutaneous injuries with hollow-bore needles for vascular access, although post-exposure risk of infections to HCVs also exists for splashes of blood to skin and mucous membranes.17 Pathogen-specific postexposure risk related to percutaneous injuries is estimated to be 30% for HBV in susceptive HCWs without post-exposure prophylaxis or adequate HBV vaccination, 0.5% after viremic HCV exposure, and less than 0.3% for HIV. 17
From a historical perspective, WHO first established the Safe Injection Global Network in 1989 as an international alliance of all organizations concerned with achieving safer use of injections. Current standard precautions and preventive methods to minimize risk for blood-borne pathogens include hand hygiene, use of barrier methods, minimal manual manipulation of sharp instruments and devices, proper disposal of sharp instruments and devices in specific resistant containers, and occupational health and safety programs that promote HCW vaccination and the reporting of percutaneous injuries. Regular and renewed training sessions are relevant to new and long-term HCWs, students, physician trainees, and physician. A prospective active surveillance program has recently reported lower rates of percutaneous injuries at a large teaching hospital in Saudi Arabia relative to the United States Exposure Prevention Information Network.41 Improved practices and decreased occupational exposure have been associated with safety training compliance and with safety-engineered devices, such as retractable syringes, needle-free intravenous systems, and winged butterfly needles. In addition, reuse of cheap single-use devices (such as needles, syringes, and surgical gloves) remains common in several resource-limited health care settings, leading to large numbers of preventable infections and opportunities for implementation of effective IPC strategies to minimize risk for HBV, HCV, HIV, and other blood-borne infections.42,43
Report of HCW-to patient transmission of HBV, HCV, and HIV exist. Although uncommon, patients with blood-exposure to HCWs with HBV, HCV, or HIV should systematically receive the same postexposure assessment and management as HCW protocols.
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) has no cultural, social, or economic boundaries. According to a joint international program of the United Nations and WHO, as of 2009, an estimated 49.2 million people worldwide living with HIV, 2.6 million of whom were infected in 2009. 44 Form a historical perspective, the term AIDS was first used in 1982, when public health officials reported the occurrence of opportunistic infections in otherwise healthy people. Public fear, international distrust, and limited understanding of the of the natural history of disease, disease progression, and the transmission dynamics led to delays in identification of the viral etiology until 1985, when there was global consensus that a pandemic attributed to HIV infection resulted in AIDS. 44 In the United Stated and elsewhere, AIDS was initially identified in men who had sex with men, and subsequent case detection expanded to include women, injecting drug users, hemophiliacs, newborns, and unscreened blood supplies. Unsafe injection practices, unprotected sex, and the unnecessary use of injections in resource-limited setting continue to contribute to the burden of preventable HIV infection. Initial and ongoing training of HCWs regarding occupational risk for HIV infection and effective IPC strategies to minimize risk of blood-borne infection remains a key component of a sustainable and safe health care environment.
Release, or threats of release, of biological agents or materials as weapons of mass destruction has the potential to evoke widespread public fear and panic, human injury, and destruction of physical plant structures. The health care community in each country must work closely with public health officials, law enforcement, and the military to ensure public safety related to deliberate epidemics and bioterrorism.45 A significant challenge in preparing for a potential bioterrorism event is anticipating the nature of the event and predicting what IPC issues will come up. The type of organism, the location of the release, the composition of the infected population, and the use of health care organizations by infected people to get treatment will influence how the specific events of a bioterrorist act unfold. Although a multitude of potential bioterrorism agents exists, following is a brief discussion of anthrax and smallpox, two pathogens that have received major media attention over the past decade. Suggestions regarding how to facilitate communication and prompt response to a biological emergency appear in Chapter 5.
Anthrax infection occurs after direct exposure to Bacillus anthracis spores, not after direct person-to-person contact. In a bioterrorism event, it is most likely that only the individuals coming in contact with spores would be affected. However, massive air-borne dissemination of B. anthracis spores could prove catastrophic if early identification and a rapid response does not occur. If untreated, the clinical progression of anthrax includes septicemia, meningitis, and death. In persons exposed to anthrax, infection can be prevented with antibiotic prophylaxis therapy; early antibiotic treatment can also help increase a person’s chance of survival.45 Early identification of an anthrax bioterrorist attack would lead to rapid antimicrobial distribution and containment, improved case detection, and heightened surveillance.
Smallpox infection occurs after direct, fairly prolonged face-to-face contact with someone infected with variola virus, after direct contact with variola virus in infected bodily fluids, or on contaminated objects, such as bedding and clothing. 46 As a potential biological weapon, transmission of smallpox via person-to-person contact could involve suicides terrorists who used interpersonal transmission dynamics to disseminate the virus.46 Multiple countries could be affected, and these nations would need to work cooperatively to interrupt the transmission dynamics under way. Although antiviral agents have been identified and are being actively assessed in human trials, none has reached the licensure stage. As of today, there is no specific treatment for smallpox, and the only prevention is vaccination. Notably, a worldwide vaccination program that started in the 1950s has all but eradicated the disease. By 1984 the only known stocks of smallpox virus were in two WHO-approved laboratories—one in Atlanta and other in Moscow.47 Destruction of these viral stocks was originally planned for 1987 but postponed to permit further studies on the virus genome. Because the disease has been eliminated, in many parts of the world, routine vaccination no longer occurs. People who received the smallpox vaccine prior to 1980 probably have little to no immunity to smallpox today and in the case of an epidemic would require vaccination. 46 If a bioterrorist event involving smallpox were to occur, early case identification and isolation would be essential, and HCWs would need evidence of vaccination to safely provide care to infected case. Transmission would need to be minimized via targeted vaccination of close contacts of the index cases. Depending on the nature of the attack, a large-scale vaccination might be necessary, in which case public health organizations and other health organizations, such as ambulatory clinics, would have to anticipate and plan for the logistics of vaccinating the entire community.
Infection prevention and control strategies are critical to safe, high-quality health care. Organizations that embrace IPC and implement systems to identify, to address, and to prevent the spread of infections help create health cultures based on safety and organizations rooted in quality. To create such a culture, organizations must continually examine, evaluate, and act on IPC issues and view IPC as an integral component of patient safety and HCW occupation health and safety. Successful strategies to prevent or mitigate infections require ongoing collaboration between the professionals and officials in the public health sector, hospitals, and other health care settings.

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1. world Health Organization (WHO). Prevention of Hospital-Acquired Infections: A Practical Guide, 2nd ed. Geneva: WHO, 2002.
2. Bates DW, et al. Global priorities for patient safety research. BMJ. 2009 May 14; 338:b1775
3. Pads SK, et al. Economic and clinical impact of nosocomial meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections in Singapore: A matched case-control study. J hosp Infect. 2011 May; 78(1):36-40.
4. Rubin GJ, Potts HW, Michie S. The impact of communications about swine flu (influenza A H1N1v) on public responses to the outbreak: Results from 36 national telephone surveys in the UK. Health Technol Assess. 2010 Jul; 14(34): 183-266.
5. Smith CM. Origin and uses of primum non nocere—Above all, do no harm! J Clin Pharmacol. 2005 Apr; 45(4):371-377.
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13. Apisarnthanarak A, et al. Pseudo-outbreak of Acinetobacter lwoffii infection in a tertiary care center in Thailand. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2007 May; 28(5):637-639.
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15. Peiris JS, et al. The severs acute respiratory syndrome. N Engl J Med. 2003 Dec 18; 349(25):2431-2441.
16. Perez-Padilla R, et al. Pneumonia and respiratory failure from swine-origin influenza A (H1N1) in Mexico. N Engl J Med. 2009 Aug 13; 361(7):680-689.
17. Deuffic-Burban S, et al. Blood-borne viruses in health care workers: Prevention and management. J Clin Virol. 2011 Sep; 52(1):4-10.
18. Morens DM, Taubenberger JK, Fauci AS. The persistent legacy of the 1918 influenza virus. N Engl J Med. 2009 Jul 16; 361(3):225-229.
19. Rogers BA, et al. Country-to-country transfer of patients and the risk of multi-resistant bacterial infection. Clin Infect Dis. 2011 Jul 1; 53(1):49-56.
20. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. West Nile Virus: Background: Virus History and Distribution. Accessed 14 Sep 2011. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvbid/westnile/background.htm
21. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: Summary Highlights, April 2009-April 2010. (Updated 16 Jun 2010) Accessed 14 Sep 2011. http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/cdcresponse.htm.
22. de Leon-Rosales SP, et al. Prevalence of infections in intensive care units in Mexico: A multicenter study. Crit Care Med. 2000 May; 28(5)1316-1321.
23. World Health Organization. Swine Influenza. 25 Apr 2009. Accessed 14 Sep 2011. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/statements/2009/h1n1_20090425/en/index.html
24. World Health Organization. World Now at the Start of 2009 Influenza Pandemic. Chan M. 11 Jun 2009. Accessed 14 Sep 2011. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/statements/2009/h1n1_pandemic_phase6_2009611/en/index.html.
25. World Health Organization. Current WHO phase of Pandemic Alert (Avian Influenza H5N1). Accessed 14 Sep 2011. http://www.who.int/influenza/preparedness/pandemic/h5n1phase/en/index.html.
26. Schuchat A, Bell BP, Redd SC. The science behind preparing and responding to pandemic influenza: the lessons and limits of science. Clin Infect Dis. 2011 Jan 1; 52 Suppl 1: S8-12.
27. David MZ, Daum RS. Community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: Epidemiology and clinical consequences of an emerging epidemic. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2010 Jul; 23(3):616-687.
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29. Boucher HW, et al. Bad bugs, no drugs: No ESKAPE! An update from the Infections Disease Society of America. Clin Infect Dis. 2009 Jan 1; 48(1):1-12.
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31. Navon-Venexia S, et al. First report on a hyperepidemic clone of KPC-3-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in Israel genetically related to a strain causing outbreak in the United States. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2009 Feb; 53(2); 818-820.
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34. Yong D, et al. Characterization of a new metalo-beta-lactamase gene, bla (NDM-1), and a novel erythromycin esterase gene carried on a unique genetic structure in Klebsiella pneumoniae sequence type 14 from India. Anyimicrob Agent Chemother. 2009 Dec; 53(12):5046-5054.
35. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Detection of Enterobacteriaceae isolates carrying metalo-beta-lactamase-United states, 2010. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2010 Jun 25; 59(24):750.
36. Struelens MJ, et al. New Delhi metalo-beta-lactamase 1-producing Enterobacteriaceae: Emergence and response in Europe. Euro Surveill. 2010 Nov 18; 15(46):11-16.
37. World Health Organization. Tuberculosis (TB). Accessed 15 Apr 2011. http://www.who.int/tb/country/data/download/en/index.html.
38. Lawn SD, Zumia AI. Tuberculosis. Lancet. 2011 Jul 2; 378(9785):57-72.
39. Marahatta SB. Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis burden and risk factors: An update. Kathmandu Univ Med J (KUMJ). 2010 Jan-Mar; 8(29):116-125.
40. Pruss-Ustun A, Rapiti E, Hutin Y. Estimation of the global burden of disease attributeable to contaminated sharps injuries among health-care workers. Am J Ind Med. 2005 Dec; 48(6);482-490.
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45. World Health Organization. Preparedness for Deliberate Epidemics: Programme of Work for the Biennium 2004-2005. 2004. Accessed 14 Sep 2011. Http://www.who.int/csr/resources/publications/deliberate/WHO_CDS_CSR_LYO_2004_8.pdf.
46. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Anthrax. Accessed 1 Jun 2011. Http://www.bt.cdc.gov/agent/anthrax.
47. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Smallpox. Accessed 14 Sep 2011. http://www.bt.cdc.gov/agent/smallpox.

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Chapter Two The World Health Organization Approach to  Health Care-Associated Infection Prevention and Control
第二章        世界卫生组织对医院感染预防控制的要求
Health care-associated infection represent a major patient-safety issue worldwide. They are the most frequent adverse event during health care delivery and potentially result in prolonged hospital stays, long-term disability, increased antimicrobial resistance, high additional costs for the health care system, financial and human-suffering burdens for patient and their families, and excess deaths.1 Through the Fifty-fifth World Health Assembly Resolution (WHA 55.18), the World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized the need to promote patient safety as a fundamental principle of all health systems and urged Member States to take action, including the prevention of HAIs.2,3 Regional Offices and Committees across all six WHO regions (Africa, the Americas, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, South-East Asia, and Western Pacific) formally committed to respond to this call through official documents and clear mention of HAIs as being among the most serious threats to patient safety in their health care setting. 2
在世界各地医院感染已成为病人安全问题的一个主要话题。医院感染是医疗服务期间经常出现的最不利事件,潜在着延长住院时间、长期残疾、增加抗菌药物的耐药性、给医疗服务体系造成高的额外花费、给病人及其家人带来经济负担和身体痛苦,甚至增加死亡等不良后果1。第55届世界卫生大会通过决议(WHA 55.18),世界卫生组织认识到促进病人安全作为一项基本原则所有的卫生机构必须做到,敦促成员国开展活动,包括对医院感染的预防2,3。世界卫生组织所有的6个区域(非洲、美洲、东地中海、欧洲、东南亚和西太平洋)的办事处和委员会通过公文正式确认响应这一号召,清晰地认识到医院感染已成为这些医疗机构中对病人安全最为严重的威胁2
The emergence of life-threatening infections, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and viral hemorrhagic fevers (for example, Ebola and Marburg viral infections), highlight the urgent need for efficient infection control practices in health care. Among many important lessons learned from the SARS and viral hemorrhagic fevers epidemics is the fact that health care settings can act as amplifiers of disease. HAI prevention and control can be enforced also by WHO through International Health Regulations,4 an international legal instrument that is binding on 194 United Nations (UN) Member States across the globe and that entered into force in June 2007. An essential element for the implementation of the International Health Regulations is the early detection and contention of events that may constitute public health emergencies of international concern. To enable a timely public health response to infectious threats, hospital-based surveillance and infection prevention and control (IPC) practices must be in place for early reporting and containment purposes. International Health Regulations represent an excellent opportunity for the prevention and control of HAIs internationally.
HAIs may represent serious occupational hazards. Health care workers (HCWs) have been heavily affected during epidemics5,6 and are frequently victims of occupational exposure to blood-borne pathogens. Pruss-Ustun et al.7 estimate the global burden of disease attributable to occupational exposure among HCWs to be 40% hepatitis B and C infections and 2.5% human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections.
Antimicrobial resistance is a global threat, which is accelerating with the emergence of new multiresistance mechanisms and is fast outpacing available solutions. It challenges the control of infectious diseases, jeopardizes progress on health outcomes by increasing morbidity and mortality, and imposes huge costs on societies. It is clear that comprehensive global action by all stakeholders is needed. In response to this growing threat, WHO introduced a policy package on World Health Day on 7 April 2011 to combat antimicrobial resistance and reframe critical actions to be taken by governments, including the need to enhance IPC measurees.8
HAI prevention and control is now an important area of work for WHO, particularly over the last decade, with several World Health Assembly and Regional Committee resolutions2,9-15 emphasizing the need to enhance its capacity worldwide, and WHO has committed to focusing on this aspect by providing leadership, technical expertise, and coordination. Beyond its key role in reaction and support to emergency situations, WHO develops and promotes standards and essential infection control recommendations (for example, hand-hygiene best practices) and supports countries to build and to strengthen long-term capacities—to be better prepared to prevent and to respond to potential outbreaks and to reduce the burden of endemic HAIs.
Given its leading role in international health among UN Member States, WHO is in a unique position to encourage and to strengthen HAI prevention and control through its Regional and Country Offices and WHO Collaborating Centres, to coordinate efforts with ministries of health and other key players, and to create partnerships at local and international levels. Regional and Country Offices have multiple critical roles, including ensuring that the specific needs of Member States in their regions are known and addressed; adapting global standards, directions, plan, and tools appropriate for the region; and coordinating regional initiatives. Country offices have the lead role in coordinating communications and other critical activities with national authorities and WHO efforts to provide local assistance. WHO headquarters collaborates closely with Regional Offices and plays a key role in the coordination of global initiatives and the development of global standards.

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As a result of this commitment, the following examples can be cited to illustrate the global scope and reach of some WHO headquarters’ initiatives in the field of HAI prevention and control. By developing and testing the Guideline on Hand Hygiene in Health Care16 and the Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy and Toolkit17 over the past five year, WHO has emphasized the importance of hand hygiene as the most effective measure to prevent the transmission of health care-associated pathogens. However, evidence has shown that for many reasons, this basic procedure is often neglected by HCWs, and average compliance is estimated at less than 40% worldwide.18 Although overcoming this reality (and behavioral issue) initially appeared to be a massive challenge in 2005, WHO has now succeeded in establishing a global campaign, with 124 governments formally committed to reducing HAIs through hand-hygiene best practices and other measures. Among these, 43 have initiated national/subnational hand-hygiene campaigns.19 Since its launch in 2009, the WHO SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands global initiative has snowballed, with the participation of almost 14,000 hospitals from 153 countries in 2011.20 One of the key success factors of this global campaign has been the strong and continuous support of all key players in the field of infection control worldwide as well as of WHO Collaborating Centres and Regional and Country Offices.
Another example of global spread is the Safe Injection Global Network (SIGN) launched by WHO in 1999.21 SIGN is a network of stakeholders aiming to ensure the safe and rational use of injections worldwide and includes prominent international organizations, government bodies, scientific societies, universities, and industry representatives. A greater awareness of the need for safe injections has been achieved in almost every country since the SIGN launch, and by 2008, two thirds of the 96 low- and middle-income countries for which information is available had implemented safe injection programs under its guidance. More than 90 countries have built the capacity to identify infection control breaches in injection practices and to implement the needed strategies to address the gaps by using SIGN tools to assess injection practices and to support the development of evidence-based injection-safety strategies.
A very important development is the fact that WHO has recently taken up the task of coordinating efforts for HAI prevention and control around the global by launching the Global Infection Prevention and Control (GIPC) Network in June 2011.22 The overall aim is to enhance IPC practices as tools for promoting safer care, containing infectious-disease outbreaks, and fighting antimicrobial resistance. Of note, the Regional and Country Offices are crucial to its functioning. The GIPC Network is expected to assist WHO in providing technical support to Member States through a broad dissemination of IPC policies and guidance documents. In addition, it will contribute to WHO efforts to build IPC Capacity, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. The network will take advantage of already-established Collaborations with institutions, organizations, agencies, and professional societies with demonstrated influence and experience in international infection control capacity building. Other WHO programs focused on HAI prevention and control will also contribute to its activities.
Since WHO has actively demonstrated its high commitment to HAI prevention and control, the topic of patient safety has finally attracted attention in the developing world. This represents a major change, as the scientific evidence and tradition of IPC have grown in Industrialized nations where the vast majority studies are conducted and key recommendations are issued. With its global perspective, WHO works to raise awareness of the fact that no country or health care setting worldwide can claim to be exempt or to have resolved the problem of HAIs. This not only means that recommendation and standards must be rigorously based on high-quality evidence and valid guidelines developed for use in any country but also implies significant efforts to facilitate implementation and adaptation according to available resources and the local culture and conditions. The work of WHO and others has demonstrated that the burden of HAIs in low- and middle-income countries is much higher and has some implication that differ from those of high-income countries, although other health problems are usually prioritized in settings with limited resources.1-3 Another aspect indicating the global perspective of WHO’s approach is the commitment to translate and to disseminate tools and documents as widely as possible to achieve the best audience reach and adoption.

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Within WHO headquarters, two programs are focused only on HAI prevention and control (Clean Care Is Safer Care and Infection Prevention and Control in Health Care) and tackle different aspects of the problem. Other programs are related to specific topics of infection prevention or environmental health that are relevant for the community and health care settings or include some specific areas of work that have related implications. All collaborate and interact in a complementary manner. Most of these programs are reflected at the regional level with coordinated, but also partially independent, activities. In Table 2-1 these programs are listed in alphabetical order together with the main topics tackled, the main objectives, and the key documents produced to date. Refer to the specific website pages for more details. This list may not be exhaustive, as HAI prevention and control as well as patient-safety aspects might also be included within additional WHO programs. In general, all programs aim to raise awareness among governments, HCWs, and other key players to develop guidelines, standards, policies, and implementation and monitoring tools to support systems and resource strengthening for infection control, to engage with stakeholders and experts, to support training activities, and to facilitate field implementation, monitoring, research, and sharing of results and local experiences.
在世界卫生组织总部,医院感染预防控制的两个项目(清洁护理是安全护理医疗服务机构的感染预防控制)被关注, 处理这一问题的不同方面。其他项目是涉及到感染预防或环境卫生相关的社区和医疗服务机构包括一些有相关影响的具体工作领域的特殊主题。所有的合作和互补的方式交互进行。这些项目的大多数体现在区域范围的协调中,但也有部分地独立活动。表2-1按字母顺序一起列出迄今为止要解决的主要议题、主要目标和关键文件。更多细节参考特别的网页。这表可能不详细,医院感染预防控制象患者安全情况一样可能包括在其他WHO项目中。一般地,所有项目的目的是提高政府、医务人员、其他核心成员对制定指南、标准、策略、执行、检测工具的意识,为控制感染支持系统和强化资源,吸引利益相关者和志愿者去支持训练活动,促进专业项目的实施,对取得的成果和地方经验进行检测、研究和分享。

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Table 2-1. Main WHO Programs Focused on Health Care-Associated Infection (HAI) Prevention and Control
2-1. WHO项目中主要的医院感染预防控制要点
Blood Transfusion Safety (http://www.who.int/bloodsafety/en/)
Prevention of transfusion-transmissible infections (including HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and syphilis, and bacterial contamination of blood and blood products)
Relation to HAI Prevention and control
Main guidelines and documents*
To develop norms, standards, best-practice guidelines, tools, and materials relating to the entire blood-transfusion process from donor to patient to ensure blood safer
To support the establishment of sustainable national blood programs, ensuring the provision of safe, high-quality blood and blood products to all patients requiring transfusion and their safe and appropriate use
To build capacity in countries through structured training activities, voluntary unpaid blood donation, donor selection, donation testing, risk assessment and management, data and quality management, external quality assessment, blood cold chain, hemovigilance, and the clinical use of blood
To support the implementation of a quality system in all aspects of blood collection, processing, testing ,and clinical use, including setting up the system for surveillance, vigilance, and monitoring
To support the development of education and training programs and to incorporate transfusion medicine into medical and nursing school curricula
To establish a global monitoring mechanism on safe blood and blood products and to collect, to analyze, and to disseminate reliable information on blood safety and availability
To promote harmonization and collaboration of international efforts to ensure sufficient quantities of safe blood and blood products
To promote research and development in the provision and appropriate use of safe blood and blood products
Information sheet
Prevention of health care-associated HIV infection: Flyer
Aide-memoire for good policy process for blood safety and availability
Aide-memoire for national health authorities: Developing a national blood system
Universal access to safe blood transfusion
Guidelines: Maintaining a safe and adequate blood supply during pandemic influenza
WHO resource materials on blood safety: CD-ROM
The Melbourne declaration on 100% voluntary nonremunerated donation of blood and blood components
Toward 100% voluntary blood donation: A global framework for action
Developing a voluntary blood donor program (DONOR): Facilitator’s toolkit (6 modules): CD-ROM
Blood-donor selection: Recommendation on assessing suitability for blood donation
Screening donated blood for transfusion-transmissible infections: Recommendation for blood transfusion services
Aide-memoire: The blood cold chain
The blood cold chain: Guide to the selection and procurement of equipment and accessories
Manual on the management, maintenance, and use of blood cold chain equipment
Aide-memoire: The clinical use of blood
Aide-memoire: Clinical transfusion process and patient safety
Developing a national policy and guidelines on the clinical use of blood recommendations
The clinical use of blood: Information sheet of clinicians
The clinical use of blood: Handbook
The clinical use of blood in general medicine, obstetrics, pediatrics, surgery and anesthesia, trauma, and burns: Module
The clinical use of blood: CD-ROM
Aide-memoire: Quality systems for blood safety
Quality management training for blood transfusion services: Facilitator’s toolkit (5 books, 15 modules, CD-ROM)
Distance learning in blood safety: Flyer
Establishing a distance-learning program in blood safety: A guide for program coordinator
Safe blood and blood products: Distance-learning materials (five modules)
  - Safe blood and blood products: Trainer’s guide
  - Introductory module: Guidelines and principles for safe blood-transfusion practice
  -Module 1: Safe blood donation
  -Module 2: Screening for HIV and other infectious agent
  -Module 3: Blood-group serology
Clean Care is Safer Care (http://www.who.int/gpsc/en/)
HAI prevention control, and in particular, surveillance and prevention of the endemic burden of HAIs, with special focus on hand
To raise awareness of the burden of HAIs worldwide and the importance of hand hygiene in health care
To catalyze political and stakeholders’ commitment to reducing HAIs
To develop technical guidance and recommendations on hand hygiene and infection control measures and to support their implementation in Member States
To promote and to sustain hand-hygiene improvement at the point of care, through the SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands initiative and through a network of hand-hygiene campaigning countries—the CleanHandsNet
To undertake reviews and to report updates related to the endemic burden of HAIs and to promote HAI surveillance and data reporting
To evaluate the impact of infection control interventions to reducing the HAI burden, with particular focus on settings with limited resources
To coordinate the development of new approaches for the prevention of surgical site infections
To integrate infection control and hand hygiene in the approach to preventing bloodstream infection
To support development and strengthening of infection control capacity and knowledge, skills, and behaviors at regional, subregional, and country levels through the provision of tools and materials
To develop and to coordinate educational, training, and research activities
To advise WHO on infection control measures and priorities and integration with patient-safety strategies
Guidelines on hand hygiene in health care
Guide to implementation of the WHO multimodal hand- hygiene improvement strategy
Hand Hygiene Implementation toolkit (32 tools)
  - Tools for system change
  - Tools for training and education
  - Tools for evaluation and feedback
  - Tools as reminders in the workplace
  - Tools for institutional safety climate
Hand-hygiene self-assessment framework
“Hand Hygiene Moment 1—Global Observation Survey”
Summary report
SAVE LIVESClean Your Hands Promotional video
Outline action plan and top 10 tips for country/area campaigns
Using hand-hygiene improvement tools to implement country/area campaigns
Report on the endemic burden of HAIs worldwide
HAIs fact sheet
Scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals
Infection Prevention and Control in Health Care (http://www.who.int/csr/bioriskreduction/infection_control/en/index.html)
HAI prevention and control; in particular, prevention, preparedness, and response to epidemics that can be associated with or amplified by health care
To support IPC capacity building in Member States through technical assistance and development of guidance on core elements for national and local IPC programs
To provide support to help prevent spread of infectious diseases through development and dissemination of evidence-based infection control measures in health care settings
To provide IPC tools for health care facility preparedness to respond to pandemics and epidemics
To coordinate the Global Infection Prevention and Control (GIPC) Network to foster alignment of policies and to enhance IPC practices worldwide
To support Member States in responding to outbreak through the WHO Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network(GOARN)
To develop evidenced-based norms and standards for antimicrobial-resistance containment strategies in health care setting
To support infection control preparedness to cope with public health emergencies
Prevention of hospital-acquired infection
Practical guidelines for infection control in health care facilities
Infection prevention and control of epidemic- and pandemic- prone acute respiratory diseases in health care WHO interim guidelines and an accompanying set of implementation tools for community and hospital health care facilities
Interim infection control recommendations for care of patients with suspected or confirmed filovirus (Ebola, Marburg) or hemorrhagic fever
Core components for IPC programs and an accompanying set of implementation tools for national and local programs
WHO policy on tuberculosis (TB) infection control in health care facilities, congregate setting, and household
Natural ventilation for infection control in health care setting
Advice on the use of masks in the community setting in Influenza A (H1N1) outbreaks
IPC during health care for confirmed, probable, or suspected cases of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus infection and influenza-like illnesses
Prevention of blood-borne pathogens transmission through unsafe injection practices
To promote the rational use of injections and safe practices for injections and related procedures, including phlebotomy intravenous, and fingerpick procedures
To produce policies on the prevention of needlestick injuries in HCWs and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) following accidental stick injuries
To support the implementation of the recommendation for providing hepatitis B vaccine for all HCWs
To improve access to safety-engineered injection devices and sharps containers
To promote safe sharps waste management
To provide the secretariat for the “Safe Injection Global Network” (SIGN), which aims to achieve safe and appropriate use of injections throughout the world
First, do no harm: Introducing auto-disable syringes and ensuring injection safety in immunization systems of developing countries
WHO best practices for injections and related procedures toolkit
WHO guidelines on drawing blood: Best practices in phlebotomy
Revised injection-safety assessment tool
Communication strategy for the safe and appropriate use of injection
The injection-safety policy planner
Guiding principles to ensure injection-device security
Guide to supervising injection providers
SIGN 2010 meeting report
SIGN 2010年会议报告
Occupational Health (http://www.who. Int/occupantional_health/topics/hcworkers/en/index.html)
Prevention of HAIs among HCWs
To promote the protection of occupational health of HCWs and the greening of the health sector (for example, less toxic disinfectants, natural ventilation)
To support the hepatitis B immunization campaign for HCWs (linked in regions to vaccination week and other vaccine-preventable diseases)
To reduce the exposure to HIV and other sharps-related infection (hepatitis B and C) associated with injections in HCWs
To review and to report data on global burden of disease from sharps injuries to HCWs
Joint WHO-ILO-UNAIDS policy guidelines for improving HCW access to HIV and TB prevention, treatment, care, and support services
Occupational health: A manual for primary HCWs
Role of occupational health nurse in the workplace
Protecting HCWs—preventing needlestick injuries tool kit
Joint WHO/ILO guidelines on postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) to prevent HIV infection
Reduction of complications due to surgery, including surgical site infections (SSI)
To improve the safety of surgical care around the world by ensuring adherence to proven standards of care in countries
To contribute to the prevention of SSIs through the use of the WHO surgical-safety checklist
WHO surgical-safety checklist
Checklist implementation manual
Water Supply, Sanitation, and Hygiene Development (http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/hygiene/en/)
Promotion of environmental health in health care settings; in particular, safe health care waste management
To support the development and implementation of national policies, guidelines on safe practices, and training and promotion of effective messages in a context of healthy settings
To develop technical guidance on environmental health standard in health care
To develop technical guidance materials for assessing the quantities and types of waste produced in different facilities
To develop national health care waste-management guidelines
To build capacity at national level to enhance the way health care waste management it dealt with in low-income countries
Safe health care waste management: Policy paper
WHO core principles for achieving safe and sustainable management of health care waste
Management of solid health care waste at primary health care centers: A decision-making guide
Essential environmental health standards in health care
Natural ventilation for infection control in health care setting
Mercury in health care: policy paper
* These documents are all available in PDF format on the cited website pages related to the corresponding WHO program


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1. World Health Organization. Report on the Burden of Endemic Health Care-Associated Infection Worldwide. 2011. Accessed 26 Sep 2011. http://whqlibdoc.int/publications/2011/9789241501507_eng.pdf.
2. World Health Organization. Quality of Care: Patient Safety (Resolution WHA55.18). 18 May 2002. Accessed 26 Sep 2011. http://apps.who.int/gb/archive/pdf_files/WHA55/ewha5518.pdf.
3. World Health Organization. Quality of Care: Patient Safety. 23 Mar 2002. Accessed 26 Sep 2011. http://apps.who.int/gb/archive/pdf_files/WHA55/ea5513.pdf
4. World Health Organization. International Health Regulations. 2008. Accessed 26 Sep 2011. http://apps.who.int/ihr/9789241596664/en/index.html.
5. Feldmann H, Geisbert T, Kawaoka Y. Filoviruses: Recent advances and future challenges. J Infect Dis. 2007 Nov 15; 196 Suppl 2:S129-130
6. Jeffs B, et al. The Medecins Sans Froutieres intervention in the Marburg hemorrhagic fever epidemic, Uige, Angola, 2005. I. Lessons learned in the hospital. J Infect Dis. 2007 Nov 15; 196 Suppl. 2:S154-161.
7. Pruss-Ustun A, Rapiti E, Hutin Y. Estimation of the global burden of disease attributable to contaminated sharps injuries among health-care workers. Am J Ind Med. 2005 Dec; 48(6):482-490.
8. World Health Organization. World Health Day 2011: Policy Briefs. Accessed 26 Sep 2011. http://www.who.int/world-health-day/2011/policybriefs/en/index.html.
9. World Health Organization. Emerging and Other Communicable Disease Antimicrobial Resistance (Resolution WHA51.17). 11-16 May 1998. Accessed 26 Sep 2011. http://apps.who.int/medicinedocs/index/assoc/s16334e/s16334e.pdf.
10. World Health Organization. Ameliorer l’endiguement de la resistance aux autimicrobiens (Resolution WHA58.27). 25 May 2005. Accessed 26 Sep 2011. http://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA58/WHA58_27-fr.pdf.
11. World Health Organization. Prevention and Control of Influenza Pandemics and Annual Epidermics (Resolution WHA56.19). 28 May 2003. Accessed 26 Sep 2011. http://www.who.int/immunization/sage/1_WHA56_19_Prevention_and _control_of_influenza_pandemics.pdf.
12. World Health Organization. Strengthening Pandemic-Influenza Preparedness and Response (WHA58.5). 23 May 2005. Accessed 26 Sep 2011. http://apps.who.int/gb/ebwba/pdf_files/WHA58/WHA58_5-en.pdf.
13. World Health Organization. Prevention and Control of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis and Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (WHA62.15). 22 May 2009. Accessed 26 Sep 2011. http://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/A62/A62_R15-en.pdf.
14. World Health Organization. Viral Hepatitis (WHA63.18). 21 May 2010. Accessed 26 Sep 2011. http://www.worldhepatitisalliance.org/Libraries/Documents/2010_WHO_Viral_Hepatitis_Resolution.sflb.ashx.
15. World Health Organization. Infection Prevention and Control in Health Care: Time for Collaborative Action (Em/RC57/6). Oct 2010. Accessed 26 Sep 2011. http://www.emro.who.int/rc57/resolutions.htm.
16. World Health Organization. WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene Health Care. 2009. Accessed 26 Sep 2011. http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2009/9789241597906_eng.pdf.
17. World Health Organization. Save Lives: Clean Your Hands: Guide to Implementation. Aug 2009. Accessed 26 Sep 2011. http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/2009/WHO_IER_PSP_2009.02_eng.pdf.
18. Allegranzi B, et al. Burden of endemic health-care-associated infection in developing countries: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet. 2011 Jan 15; 377(9761):228-241.
19. World Health Organization. WHO CleanHandsNet—A Network of Campaigning Countries. Accessed 26 Sep 2011. http://www.who.int/gpsc/national_campaigns/en/.
20. World Health Organization. Save Lives: Clean Your Hands-WHO’s Global Annual Campaign. May 2011. Accessed 26 Sep 2011. http://www.who.int/gpsc/5may/en/.
21. World Health Organization. The SIGN Alliance. Accessed 26 Sep 2011. http://www.who.int/injection_safety/sign/en/.
22. World Health Organization. GIPC Network Launch Meeting and Next Steps. 29 Jul 2011. Accessed 26 Sep 2011. http://www.who.int/csr/bioriskreduction/laboratorynetwork/gipc_next_steps/en/index.html.
23. Jha AK, et al. patient safety research: An overview of global evidence. Qual Saf Health Care. 2010 Feb; 19(1):42-47

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-5 12:35 | 显示全部楼层
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Chapter three   Joint Commission International’s Infection Prevention and  Control Standards and Requirements
第三章        JCI的感染预防控制标准与要求
A Detailed Study
The prevention and control of infection represent one of the most significant safety initiatives for a health care organization. Infections can be acquired in any health care setting, transferred between organizations, or brought in from the community. Because infections are a significant safety risk for patients, other care recipients, and health care workers (HCWs), infection prevention and control (IPC) must be high on every organization’s list of priorities.
To help organizations focus on IPC issues and address related challenges, Joint Commission International (JCI) has developed IPC and related standards in all of its accreditation and certification programs as follows:
Ambulatory Care: Infection Control and Facility Safety (IFS; partial chapter)
●非住院医疗:感染控制和机构安全 (IFS;部分章节)
Clinical Laboratories: Resource Management and Laboratory Environment (RSM; 1 standard)
Home Care: Infection Prevention and Control (IPC; entire chapter)*
Hospitals: prevention and Control of Infections (IPC; entire chapter)
Long Term Care: Infection Prevention and Control (IPC; entire chapter)*
Medical Transport: Exposure to and transmission of Biologic and Chemical Agent (BCA; entire chapter)
Primary Care: Organization and Delivery of Services (ODS; chapter portion on IPC)
International Patient Safety Goal 5(IPSG.5)—Reduce the Risk of Health Care-Associated Infections (goal applicable for all accreditation and certification programs except Medical Transport)
The purpose of this chapter is to provide an in-depth look at JCI IPC requirements. A complete list of all JCI IPC requirements at the time of this publication is provided in Appendix 1. For the current IPC requirements regarding any JCI accreditation or certification programs, please consult the applicable JCI comprehensive accreditation or certification manual or access JCI accreditation and certification Web page at http://www.jointcommissionintern ... ification-Process/.
Please note: the majority of organizations surveyed by JCI are hospitals—three out of four organizations, as of the publication of this book—and as a result, the JCI hospital standards are used as the foundation of much of this chapter and Chapter 4. However, it is important to note that JCI accreditation standards are similar in theme, tone, and detail across accreditation and certification programs, and therefore, JCI requirements are similar no matter the accreditation and certification programs.
It is also important to note that for the sake of the following discussion, only JCI requirements with direct application to IPC are noted. Many JCI standard could and do apply indirectly to the concepts discussed below, but only those requirements specific to prevention and control of infection are noted,
* At the time of publication, the first edition of the JCI Home Care and Long Term Care manual were being developed for publication in January 2012. Standards for both programs were derived from JCI’s Care Continuum standards and will be in effect starting 1 July 2012. For the current status of these initiatives, visit the JCI Accreditation website (http://www.jointcommissioninternational.org/Accreditation-and-Certification-Process/) or e-mail JCI Accreditation at JCIAccreditation@jcrinc.com.

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JCI Requirements
Most JCI Requirements are in the form of standards, which were created to respond to requests from the international community for external, objective, standard-based ways to evaluate health care practices and organizations. The goal of the accreditation program is to stimulate demonstration of continuous, sustained improvement in health care organizations by applying international consensus standards and indicators. JCI standards require a focused look at IPC across an organization and have an underlying philosophy of quality management, continuous quality improvement, and patient safety. These standards guide the organizations leadership to establish and to maintain a comprehensive, integrated IPC program that is adequately supported and well managed.
JCI standards discuss the components of a comprehensive IPC program and the resources and support systems necessary to successfully implement such a program. There are three parts to the JCI standard: the standards, intent statements, and measurable elements.
JCI standard define the performance expectation, structures, or functions that must be in place for IPC. These standards were developed using a consensus process with a task force of international experts. The standards are based on accreditation experiences during recent years in more than 40 countries. The standards are validated through accreditation surveys and designed to incorporate local or national laws and regulations. JCI has determined that organizations being surveyed must satisfactorily meet the requirements of all standards for the prevention and control of infection to achieve accreditation. These standard are designed to create a culture of patient safety and to lead organizational to best-practice levels to protect fundamental patient and family rights, to reduce risks during patient care processes, and to enhance a safe environment where care is provided.
A 12-member International Standard Subcommittee composed of experienced physicians, nurses, administrators, and public-policy experts, guides the development and revision process of the JCI standards. The subcommittee consists of members from six major world regions: Lain America and the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific Rim, the Middle East, Central and Eastern Europe, Western Europe, and Africa. The work of the subcommittee is refined based on an international field review of the standards and the input from experts and others with unique content knowledge.
Intent Statements
A standard’s intend statement helps explain the full meaning of the standard. The intent describes the purpose and rationale of the standard, providing an explanation of how the standard fits into the overall program, sets parameters for the requirement(s), and otherwise “paints a picture” of the requirements and goals.
Measurable Elements
Measurable elements of a standard indicate what is reviewed and assigned a score during the survey process. The measurable element(s) for each standard identify the requirements for full compliance with the standard. The measurable elements are intended to bring clarity to the standards and to help the organization fully understand the requirements, to help educate leaders and HCWs about the standards, and to guide the organization in accreditation preparation.
Examples of the standards, intent statements, and measurable elements are found throughout this book (see, for example, Box 3-1). The standard are update approximately every three years based on the ongoing assessment of science, contemporary health care practice, available technology, quality and patient-safety practices, and other information.

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Box 3-1.  Example of JCI Standard, Intent, and Measurable Element
插入框3-1.  JCI标准、含义、衡量要素的例子
Standard PCI.1
PCI标准. 1
One or more individuals oversee all infection prevention and control activities. This individual(s) is qualified in infection prevention and control practices through education, training, experience, or certification.
Intent of PCI. 1
PCI含义. 1
The infection prevention and control program has oversight appropriate to the organization’s size, level of risk, complexity of activities, and the program’s scope. One or more individuals, acting on a full-time or part-time basis, provide that oversight as part of their assigned responsibilities or job descriptions. Their qualification depends on the activities they will carry out and may be met through
certification or licensure.
Measurable Elements of PCI. 1
PCI衡量要素. 1
1. One or more individuals oversee the infection prevention and control program.
2. The individual(s) is qualified for the organization’s size, level of risks, and program scope and complexity
3. The individual(s) fulfills program oversight responsibilities as assigned or description

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-5 12:41 | 显示全部楼层
Components of a Comprehensive IPC Program
The goal of an organization’s infection surveillance, prevention, and control program is to identify and to reduce the risk of acquiring and transmitting infections among patients, HCWs, contract workers, volunteers, students, and visitors.
IPC programs differ from one organization to another, depending on the organization’s geographic location, community, socioeconomic and physical environmentpatient volume, populations served, types of clinical activities, and number and education of employees. Effective programs include identified leaders, appropriate policies and procedures, HCW education, coordination throughout the organization, and systems to identify risks and to intervene to minimize or to eliminate infections.
The JCI hospital IPC standard are organized into the following six major sections:
1. Program Leadership and Coordination
2. Focus of the Program
3. Isolation Procedures
4. Barrier Techniques and Hand Hygiene
5. Integration of the Program with Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
6. Education of Staff About the Program
As mentioned earlier in this chapter, other JCI accreditation programs also have IPC requirements listed. Where those requirement overlap with JCI hospital standard is note below.
Program Leadership and Coordination
Applicable JCI Standard
The following JCI standard are directly applicable this section of text. For complete standard and further compliance information, see Appendix 1
Ambulatory case
IFS.1 through IFS.4
Clinical Care Program (Certification)
Clinical Laboratories
Home Care
IPC.1 through IPC.3
IPC.1 through IPC.4
Long Term Care
IPC.1 through IPC.3
Medical Transport
BCA.1 through BCA.3
Primary Care
ODS.27through ODS.29

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