Thank you, for registering for the Hand Hygiene Excellence Award.
To complete your application you need to fill out the following online-questionnaire.
Due to technical constraints your answers cannot be saved before you have completed the questionnaire.
After you have completed and saved the questionnaire you may see all your answers and download your replies as PDF.
As this online-tools does not require a log-in process, it does not hinder you to enter your data and complete the questionnaire a second or even a third time. To avoid multiple entries, please be disciplined and enter your data only once.
Therefore, before you start, please read these instructions carefully and prepare:e you start, please read these instructions carefully and prepare:
General data about your hospital such as
Name, Department, Hospital, Address, Country, Contact number, E-mail
Setting of hospital Rural/Urban
Number of beds
Number of Infectious Diseases Physicians/ Dr
Number of Infection Control Nurses
Number of IC Link Nurses
Number of Microbiologists
For IC Nurses, % time dedicated to infection control
You will be asked to reply to the following questions.
To reply to B1 – B7, it is recommended to prepare your text using a word processor like MS Word or Open Office Writer and then copy the text into the text boxes when the questions appear in the online-questionnaire.
The text entered into each box should not exceed 1000 characters. There is no option to attach documents. Just provide the helicopter view and focus on your main achievements.
B 1
System Change:
Please elaborate on how you have implemented a system change in your hospital to increase hand hygiene awareness
B 2
Training and Education:
Please describe your training/education programs for all health-care workers (including newly employed staff) on the importance of hand hygiene, the “My 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene”, and the correct procedures for hand washing and the application of hand rubs
B 3
Evaluation and Feedback:
What aspects of hand hygiene compliance do you monitor on a regular basis in your hospital? What communication programs do you have in place to let healthcare workers know about the progress or your hand hygiene improvement program?
B 4
Reminders in Workplace:
For staff, patients and visitors please tell us what type of reminders or prompts you have =implemented in your hospital/healthcare setting to raise awareness about the importance of hand hygiene.
B 5
Institutional Safety Climate:
Please describe how your hospital or healthcare facilities are adopting a culture of safety and provide examples of evidence.
B 6
Describe any innovative approaches implemented in your hand hygiene program.
You may include a dropbox link at the top of your text, if you want to provide further information (e.g. a movie) which is necessary to understand your innovation or its impact.
B 7
Data demonstrating the reduction of infection rates correlating to hand rub consumption and hand hygiene compliance rates.
Please describe in an executive summary the impact of your hand hygiene program in reducing infection rates. Which parameters are recorded, what is the outcome, since when did you start to collect data? Is the data collection limited to special areas in your insitution or does it cover your whole institution?
Download the hand hygiene self assessment framework and fill it out on paper.
You will be asked to answer the same questions in this online-questionnaire.
Now you are prepared and may enter the online-questionnaire. As long as you have not completed your questionnaire you can go backwards to review and change your answers, by clicking on the backwards or forward buttons.
Good luck! |