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American Journal of Infection Control - Table of Contents E-mail Alert - November 6, 2008
Major Articles
National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Report, data summary for 2006 through 2007, issued November 2008 (笔者强力推荐)
Jonathan R. Edwards, Kelly D. Peterson, Mary L. Andrus, Margaret A. Dudeck, Daniel A. Pollock, Teresa C. Horan, National Healthcare Safety Network Facilities
pages 609-626
The International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC): Goals and objectives, description of surveillance methods, and operational activities (笔者强力推荐)
Victor D. Rosenthal, Dennis G. Maki, Nicholas Graves
pages e1-e12
International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium report, data summary for 2002-2007, issued January2008 (笔者强力推荐)
Victor D. Rosenthal, Dennis G. Maki, Ajita Mehta, Carlos lvarez-Moreno, Hakan Leblebicioglu, Francisco Higuera, Luis E. Cuellar, Naoufel Madani, Zan Mitrev, Lourdes Dueas, Josephine Anne Navoa-Ng, Humberto Guanche Garcell, Lul Raka, Rosalía Fernández Hidalgo, Eduardo A. Medeiros, Souha S. Kanj, Salisu Abubakar, Patricio Nercelles, Ricardo Diez Pratesi, International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium Members (see Appendix for rest of the authors), Endorsed by the International Federation of Infection Control
pages 627-637
Consideration to culture health care workers related to increased methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus activity in a neonatal intensive care unit
Patti S. Grant, L. Gale Charns, Bonnie W. Rawot, Susan G. Benedetti
pages 638-643
Prevalence, risk factors, and molecular epidemiology of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus among newly arrested men in Baltimore, Maryland
Jason E. Farley, Tracy Ross, Paul Stamper, Sharon Baucom, Elaine Larson, Karen C. Carroll
pages 644-650
Impact of an antimicrobial-impregnated gauze dressing on surgical site infections including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections
Shawn Westadt Mueller, Larry E. Krebsbach
pages 651-655
page 655
The role of molecular methods in the prevention of nosocomial methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus clusters in cancer patients
Ghazi Ghanem, Ray Y. Hachem, Roy F. Chemaly, Tanya Dvorak, Kristen Hulten, Linda Graviss, Issam I. Raad
pages 656-660
Impact of a hospital-wide antimicrobial formulary intervention on the incidence of multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacteria
Guilherme H.C. Furtado, Luciana B. Perdiz, Iolanda Lopes Santana, Márcia M.S.C.R. Camargo, Fernanda C. Parreira, Daniela B. Angelieri, Eduardo A.S. Medeiros
pages 661-664
Brief Reports
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and skin infections among personnel at a pediatric clinic
L. Rand Carpenter, Marion Kainer, Amy Woron, William Schaffner, Timothy F. Jones
pages 665-667
Dermatologists' perceptions and practices related to community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections
Kristin J. Brinsley-Rainisch, Ronda L. Cochran, Michele L. Pearson
pages 668-671
Monitoring and feedback of hand hygiene compliance and the impact on facility-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Andrea L. Cromer, Susan C. Latham, Kathy G. Bryant, Svetlana Hutsell, Lucy Gansauer, Heather A. Bendyk, Robert Steed, Michelle C. Carney
pages 672-677
A cluster of Klebsiella pneumonia bacteremia in a radiation oncology ward
Ayse Erbay, Dilek Kanyilmaz, Ebru Us, Ipek Mumcuoglu, Zeynep Ceren Karahan, Gokhan Gozel, Neriman Balaban, Hurrem Bodur
pages 678-680
Letter to the Editor
Correlation of antibiotic use and antimicrobial resistance in Pratumthani, Thailand, 2000 to 2006
Anucha Apisarnthanarak, Linda M. Mundy
pages 681-682
page 682
Table of Contents
page A2
Editorial Board
page A6
Information for Readers
page A8
http://www.ajicjournal.org/article/S0196-6553%2808%2900772-4/abstract |