Preliminary Report: Epidemiology of the Avian Influenza A (H7N9) Outbreak in China.N Engl J Med 2013 :
Li Q Zhou L Zhou M Chen Z Li F Wu H Xiang N Chen E Tang F Wang D Meng L Hong Z Tu W Cao Y Li L Ding F Liu B Wang M Xie R Gao R Li X Bai T Zou S He J Hu J Xu Y Chai C Wang S Gao Y Jin L Zhang Y Luo H Yu H Gao L Pang X Liu G Shu Y Yang W Uyeki TM Wang Y Wu F Feng Z
From the Public Health Emergency Center (Q.L., L.Z., N.X., L.M., Z.H., W.T., Y.C., L.L., F.D., B.L., M.W., Y.G., L.J., Y.Z., Z.F.) and National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention (D.W., R.G., X.L., T.B., S.Z., S.W., Y.S.), Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (H.L., H.Y., W.Y., Y.W.), Chinese Field Epidemiology Training Program (R.X.), and Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention (X.P.), Beijing;. Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Prevention and Control (M.Z., F.T.) and Nanjing Prefecture Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Y.X.), Nanjing; Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hangzhou (Z.C., E.C., C.C.); Anhui Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hefei (F.L., J. He); Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shanghai (H.W., J. Hu, F.W.); Hunan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Changsha (L.G.); and Henan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Zhengzhou (G.L.) - all in China; and Influenza Division, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta (T.M.U.).