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Vaccination in post-earthquake crisis
Vaccination seems to be an importantmethod of infection control in post-earthquakesituations. Of several vaccines, tetanustoxoid, hepatitis A and cholera vaccinesare the three most useful. Tetanus toxoid isrecommended for all patients who have acontaminated wound. Hepatitis A vaccineshould be considered based on the epidemiologybackground. Oral cholera vaccineis recommended according to 1996 WHO recommendation.
破伤风类毒素,适用于所有具有污染创伤的病人。甲肝疫苗,应该根据流行病学状态来考虑。霍乱疫苗建议遵循1996年WHO的推荐。Human Vaccines 6:7, 595-596; July 2010; © 2010 Landes Bioscience
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