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[转帖] 科学家发现能引起骨骼感染的细菌

发表于 2008-10-22 08:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Scientists discover bacteria that can cause bone infections


Scientists have discovered that a bone infection is caused by a newly described species of bacteria that is related to the tuberculosis pathogen. The discovery may help improve the diagnosis and treatment of similar infections, according to an article published in the October issue of the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology.


Some rare genetic diseases can make patients susceptible to infections with Mycobacterium species, the bacteria that amongst other diseases, cause tuberculosis and leprosy. These patients often suffer from recurring mycobacterial infections throughout their whole lives. Because of this, researchers are trying to identify unusual species that cause disease in order to improve treatment strategies.


"We isolated an unknown species of bacteria from a 7 year old child who has a genetic immune defect," said Dr Didi Bang from Statens Serum Institut in Copenhagen, Denmark. "The infection had caused bone lesions and this is where we found the newly described bacteria."

“我们从一名7岁的遗传免疫缺陷患者体内分离出一种未知的细菌,”丹麦哥本哈根Statens血清研究所的Dr Didi Bang说,“感染引起了骨损害,在病灶中我们找到了这种新近描述的细菌。”

Mycobacterial infections can be very difficult to treat. The bacteria have unique cell walls that protect them from several antibiotics. As well as being resistant to treatment, they can also survive attack with acids, alkalis and detergents. Most mycobacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics such as clarithromycin and rifamycins, but some species are becoming resistant to these antibiotics, so new drugs for treatments must be developed.


"Initial tests suggested we had found a Mycobacterium. By sequencing some of the bacterium's genes we showed that we had discovered an undescribed species," said Dr Bang. "We called the bacterium Mycobacterium arosiense. The name comes from Arosia, the Latin name of the city of Aarhus in Denmark, which is where the bacterium was first found. We showed the position of the new bacterium on the Mycobacterium family tree by sequencing genes and comparing them to related bacteria."

“最初的检验提示我们发现的是分支杆菌属的细菌。对其一部分基因进行测序则告诉我们,这是一种从未被描述过的种类,”Dr Bang说,“我们把它命名为分支杆菌属arosiense种,这个词来源于Arosia,即丹麦城市Aarhus的拉丁文名称,在那里我们发现了这种细菌。通过基因测序,我们已经把这种新菌种在分支杆菌属的族谱树上的位置标示了出来,并把它同与其有亲缘关系的细菌进行了比较。”

The new pathogen is closely related to Mycobacterium intracellulare and Mycobacterium avium, which cause a lung disease similar to tuberculosis in people, especially those with weak immune systems such as HIV patients that are immunologically suppressed. It is rod-shaped and grows slowly.


"Mycobacterium arosiense can be killed by several antibiotics in the lab, including clarithromycin and rifamycins. However, resistance to fluoroquinolones and isoniazid was observed," said Dr Bang. "Little knowledge is available on performing resistance tests on mycobacteria other than tuberculosis."

“分支杆菌属arosiense种在实验室里能被许多抗生素杀死,包括克拉霉素和利福霉素。不过,我们观察到它对氟喹诺酮类和异烟肼是耐药的,”Dr Bang指出,“我们在测试除结核杆菌以外的分支杆菌属的耐药性方面知识不多。”

"We hope that this discovery will help doctors to diagnose similar diseases in the future and that further investigation may improve the treatment of people with similar infections."


Source : Society for General Microbiology






“我们从一名7岁的遗传免疫缺陷患者体内分离出一种未知的细菌,”丹麦哥本哈根Statens血清研究所的Dr Didi Bang说,“感染引起了骨损害,在病灶中我们找到了这种新近描述的细菌。”


“最初的检验提示我们发现的是分支杆菌属的细菌。对其一部分基因进行测序则告诉我们,这是一种从未被描述过的种类,”Dr Bang说,“我们把它命名为分支杆菌属arosiense种,这个词来源于Arosia,即丹麦城市Aarhus的拉丁文名称,在那里我们发现了这种细菌。通过基因测序,我们已经把这种新菌种在分支杆菌属的族谱树上的位置标示了出来,并把它同与其有亲缘关系的细菌进行了比较。”


“分支杆菌属arosiense种在实验室里能被许多抗生素杀死,包括克拉霉素和利福霉素。不过,我们观察到它对氟喹诺酮类和异烟肼是耐药的,”Dr Bang指出,“我们在测试除结核杆菌以外的分支杆菌属的耐药性方面知识不多。”



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