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我想说的是根据我们的经验,现在的真菌感染性肺部感染还是挺多的,自己认为痰中发 ...
昊love无限 发表于 2011-1-1 18:24
看看这两篇文献吧!是目前对于痰培养中念珠菌比较权威的文献,一篇是北京协和医院曹彬、蔡柏蔷、王辉等老师写的,一篇是台大医院Kuan-Yu Chen(陳冠宇), Shiann-Chin Ko(柯獻欽)等人的文章。文中的观点与目前国际上的对痰培养中真菌的一贯认识是一致的。
【摘要】 目的 了解肺部真菌感染的病原谱和预后。方法 根据欧洲癌症研究和治疗侵袭性真菌感染协作组(EORTC)、美国变态反应和感染性疾病协会真菌病研究组(MSG)2002年制定的定义以及血液病/恶性肿瘤患者侵袭性真菌感染的诊断标准,将北京协和医院2002年1月至2006年6月诊断的152例肺部真菌感染患者按照统一的定义进行重新分组:确诊组38例,临床诊断组24例,拟诊组35例,定植组55例,重新分析病原谱。结果38例确诊肺部真菌感染的患者中,肺曲霉菌感染占首位(15/38),其次为肺隐球菌感染(13/38),第三为毛霉菌和其他类型丝状真菌,而真正念珠菌肺炎少见,只有2例。临床诊断组曲霉菌和曲霉菌+念珠菌占第1位,而拟诊组以及定植组以单纯念珠菌占首位。临床诊断组病死率为58.3% ,高于拟诊组(25.7%)和定植组(16.4%)。拟诊组和定植组“念珠菌肺炎”分别为28例和50例,对这78例“念珠菌肺炎”患者的预后危险因素进行分析后发现,只有急性生理和慢性病评分(APACHE II)与患者的预后有关,而是否抗真菌治疗及使用何种抗真菌药物与预后无关。结论肺部真菌感染以曲霉菌占第1位,其次为隐球菌和毛霉菌,念珠菌肺炎少见。痰标本念珠菌属培养阳性作为“念珠菌肺炎”的诊断标准值得商榷。
而在《Pulmonary Fungal Infection:Emphasis on Microbiological Spectra, Patient Outcome, and Prognostic Factors》一文中:
Study objectives: To investigate the microbiological spectra, patient outcome, and prognostic factors of pulmonary fungal infection.
Design: The medical and microbiological records of patients with pulmonary fungal infection were retrospectively analyzed.
Setting: A university-affiliated tertiary medical center.
Patients and methods: From January 1988 to December 1997, all cases of pulmonary fungal infection were reviewed. The criteria for inclusion were obvious lung lesion shown on chest radiographs and one of the following: (1) the presence of fungi in or isolation of fungi from the biopsy specimen of open thoracotomy, thoracoscopy, transbronchial lung biopsy, or ultrasoundguided
percutaneous needle aspiration/biopsy; or (2) isolation of fungi from pleural effusion or blood, with no evidence of extrapulmonary infection.
Results: A total of 140 patients were included. Ninety-four cases of pulmonary fungal infection (67%) were community acquired. The most frequently encountered fungi were Aspergillus species (57%), followed by Cryptococcus species (21%) and Candida species (14%). There were 72 patients with acute invasive fungal infection, with a mortality rate of 67%. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that nosocomial infection (p 5 0.014) and respiratory failure (p 5 0.001) were significantly and independently associated with death of acute invasive fungal infection.
Conclusions: Pulmonary fungal infection of community-acquired origins is becoming a serious problem. It should be taken into consideration for differential diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia. Furthermore, acute invasive fungal infection is associated with a much higher mortality rate for patients with nosocomial infection or complicating respiratory failure. Early diagnosis with prompt antifungal therapy, or even with surgical intervention, might be warranted to save patients’ lives.
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