本帖最后由 舟舟 于 2012-6-7 18:34 编辑
贴出来了,不需要下载了,有能力的就提供帮助吧。 TEST REPORT The TOSI Test provides an indication of cleaning performance. The red material on the TOSI Test stainless steel strip simulates the blood (protein) that is to be broken down and removed. This is an indication of the product performance for breaking down protein bioburden. file:///D:/360data/重要数据/用户临~1/ksohtml/wps_clip_image-31944.png The Test Strip on the Left shows the results using the four Enzyme RUHOF Endozime AW Triple Plus. The Test Strip on the Right shows the results using the all-in-ONE four Enzyme Detergent Surgical Instrument Lubricant Cleaner. file:///D:/360data/重要数据/用户临~1/ksohtml/wps_clip_image-12645.png Both strips were exposed to the same time and temperature following their exposure to the diluted product. The products were diluted as per the product Directions for Use (DFU). NOTE: the TOSI test only tests for protein ((blood)) removal. The TOSI Test does not test for the removal of fats, carbohydrates, and starches and is therefore one indication of the potential performance derived from using an enzyme cleaner, but is NOT comprehensive. It has been shown that the most challenging bioburden to be removed includes an emulsion of fats, proteins, and starches. That requires a cleaning agent that will remove all forms of bioburden. WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE RUHOF PRODUCT AND THE ALL-IN-ONE PRODUCT ???? BOTH PRODUCT HAVE THE FOUR ENZYMES BOTH PRODUCT DELIVER DETERGENT AND SURFACE CONDITIONERS THE ALL-IN-ONE DELIVERS: a higher concentration of the 4 enzymes, a higher concentration for surfactant detergents. The INGREDIENTS of the all-in-ONE chemical complex is superior to ingredient of the RUFOH product. ergo-Logistics Technical Support: John Temple