非常欢迎针对书中的学术问题进行探讨,只有质疑才会进步。这一部分主要参考了美国CDC2007年发布的《Guideline for Isolation Precautions:Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings 2007》P85页,接触预防中有关患者转运的内容。原文如下:
V.B.4. Patient transport
V.B.4.a. In acute care hospitals and long-term care and other residential settings, limit transport and movement of patients outside of the room to medically-necessary purposes. Category II
V.B.4.b. When transport or movement in any healthcare setting is necessary, ensure that infected or colonized areas of the
patient’s body are contained and covered. Category II
V.B.4.c. Remove and dispose of contaminated PPE and perform hand hygiene prior to transporting patients on Contact Precautions.Category II
V.B.4.d. Don clean PPE to handle the patient at the transport destination. Category II