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发表于 2008-5-14 21:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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handshake :handshake :handshake
5。血源性传播疾病,因灾区用血量迅速增加,检测手段滞后,如HIV ,HBV,HCV等
JAMA. 1997 Mar 19;277(11):904-8.Links
A coccidioidomycosis outbreak following the Northridge, Calif, earthquake.
Schneider E, Hajjeh RA, Spiegel RA, Jibson RW, Harp EL, Marshall GA, Gunn RA, McNeil MM, Pinner RW, Baron RC, Burger RC, Hutwagner LC, Crump C, Kaufman L, Reef SE, Feldman GM, Pappagianis D, Werner SB.
Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS), Community Disease Control, County of San Diego Department of Health Services, CA, USA.
OBJECTIVE: To describe a coccidioidomycosis outbreak in Ventura County following the January 1994 earthquake, centered in Northridge, Calif, and to identify factors that increased the risk for acquiring acute coccidioidomycosis infection. DESIGN: Epidemic investigation, population-based skin test survey, and case-control study. SETTING: Ventura County, California. RESULTS: In Ventura County, between January 24 and March 15, 1994, 203 outbreak-associated coccidioidomycosis cases, including 3 fatalities, were identified (attack rate [AR], 30 cases per 100,000 population). The majority of cases (56%) and the highest AR (114 per 100,000 population) occurred in the town of Simi Valley, a community located at the base of a mountain range that experienced numerous landslides associated with the earthquake. Disease onset for cases peaked 2 weeks after the earthquake. The AR was 2.8 times greater for persons 40 years of age and older than for younger persons (relative risk, 2.8; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.1-3.7; P<.001). Environmental data indicated that large dust clouds, generated by landslides following the earthquake and strong aftershocks in the Santa Susana Mountains north of Simi Valley, were dispersed into nearby valleys by northeast winds. Simi Valley case-control study data indicated that physically being in a dust cloud (odds ratio, 3.0; 95% CI, 1.6-5.4; P<.001) and time spent in a dust cloud (P<.001) significantly increased the risk for being diagnosed with acute coccidioidomycosis. CONCLUSIONS: Both the location and timing of cases strongly suggest that the coccidioidomycosis outbreak in Ventura County was caused when arthrospores were spread in dust clouds generated by the earthquake. This is the first report of a coccidioidomycosis outbreak following an earthquake. Public and physician awareness, especially in endemic areas following similar dust cloud-generating events, may result in prevention and early recognition of acute coccidioidomycosis.
BMJ. 2001 Feb 10;322(7282):317.  Links
Pneumonia, cholera, and dysentery feared after earthquake.
Sharma R.
Public Health. 2004 Sep;118(6):403-8. Links
The devastation of Bam: an overview of health issues 1 month after the earthquake.
Akbari ME, Farshad AA, Asadi-Lari M.
Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Iran.
The appalling earthquake in the ancient city of Bam on December 27th 2003 was one of the worst disasters since the last century in Iran. Further to the chilling statistics of human loss, essential services including water supply, power, telephone, health care services, main roads, and the city's only airport were crippled. From the 'public health' and 'health emergency' perspectives, the initial priorities were to minimise avoidable further mortality and morbidity. This required prompt evacuation of the injured, defining catchment areas, establishment of efficient systems for disease control, organising a disaster management plan, out patient management, co-ordination of international aid, and re-organising the current PHC network in the district. The second stage, each department planning health delivery for the subsequent year, was rapidly initiated. This paper discusses these strategies, which were designed specifically for Bam but are likely useful in similar situations.
Semin Pediatr Infect Dis. 2006 Jan;17(1):36-45. Links
Infectious diseases that pose specific challenges after natural disasters: a review.
Ligon BL.
Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Houston, Texas 77030, USA. bligon@bmc.tmc.edu
In a time span of less than one year, December 2004 to October 2005, several natural disasters of extreme proportions struck different areas of the world, causing unparalleled destruction and loss of lives and property. In each of these instances, the potential existed for acquisition of infectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, mold, and mildew and demonstrated that such disasters represent a public health concern, which is exacerbated by the fact that many factors may work synergistically to increase the risk of morbidity and mortality caused by communicable diseases. This article reviews causes, symptoms, and treatments of various infectious diseases that pose a threat in the event of a natural disaster.
Clin Infect Dis. 2007 Apr 15;44(8):1032-9. Epub 2007 Mar 2. Links
Widespread outbreak of norovirus gastroenteritis among evacuees of Hurricane Katrina residing in a large "megashelter" in Houston, Texas: lessons learned for prevention.
Yee EL, Palacio H, Atmar RL, Shah U, Kilborn C, Faul M, Gavagan TE, Feigin RD, Versalovic J, Neill FH, Panlilio AL, Miller M, Spahr J, Glass RI.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Coordinating Center for Infectious Diseases, Div. of Viral Diseases, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA. bwd3@cdc.gov
BACKGROUND: After Hurricane Katrina, an estimated 200,000 persons were evacuated to the Houston metropolitan area, >27,000 of whom were housed in 1 large "megashelter," the Reliant Park Complex. We investigated an outbreak of gastroenteritis reported among the evacuees who resided in the Reliant Park Complex to assess the spread of the infectious agent, norovirus, and to implement and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions used for control. METHODS: Public health authorities conducted surveillance of gastroenteritis among evacuees treated at the Reliant Park Medical Clinic during 2-12 September 2005. Basic demographic and clinical data were recorded. Specimens of stool and vomitus were collected and tested for bacteria, parasites, and viruses. Shelter census data were used to estimate the daily incidence of disease. RESULTS: During a period of 11 days, >1000 patients were treated at the clinic for gastroenteritis, which accounted for 17% of all clinic visits. Norovirus was the sole enteric pathogen identified, but multiple different strains were involved. Among the evacuees residing in the Reliant Park Complex, the incidence of gastroenteritis was estimated to be 4.6 visits per 1000 persons per day, and among the evacuees who resided there for 9 days, 1 (4%) of 24 persons would have been ill. Intensive public health measures were promptly instituted but did not definitively slow the progression of the outbreak of norovirus gastroenteritis. CONCLUSIONS: Our investigation underscores the difficulties in managing such outbreaks in crowded settings and the need for rapid, sensitive laboratory assays to detect norovirus. Additional research is needed to establish more effective measures to control and prevent this highly contagious gastrointestinal illness.

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发表于 2008-5-14 21:20 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2008-5-14 21:25 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2008-5-14 22:41 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-5-15 10:00 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2008-5-15 19:35 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢David!我市的医疗队是由我院外科院长领队,昨天乘专机奔赴前线,下机后又星夜兼程地赶往北川与甘肃交界的一个小镇,20几个小时,只有矿泉水和饼干吃,路上有时还得徒步,解放军叔叔们在前方开路。今早我将David的资料发短信给我们院长,提醒大家注意个人安全,保重!我想这也是我们院感人的责任!但直到下午2点,那边才收到。院长回信说:条件很艰苦,他们很好!此时我们正在开周会,大院长在上面传达抗灾救灾支援前线,我便将我们大家的牵挂告诉了他们,在前线的同志激动地给在讲话的院长打来电话,告诉我们,他们一定会出色地完成任务回来!全场响起了一阵掌声!:D :'(

[ 本帖最后由 缭绕 于 2008-5-15 19:39 编辑 ]

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