6e. | Patient Consent患者知情同意 | Yes/No/Other 是/否/其他 | Reason原因 |
6e.1 | Please attach copies of consent forms请提供知情同意书复印件 | y | |
6e.2 | Please confirm that:请确认以下各项: | y | |
| For examination verbal consent always obtained and documented? 对于检查,是否都要取得患者口头同意并加以记录? | | |
| For invasive procedures, is written consent always obtained and documented?对于隐私处置,是否取得患者口头同意并加以记录? | | |
6e.3 | Is a standardised adult consent form used?成人的知情同意书是否采用标准化格式? | | |
6e.4 | Is this available in English?是否有英文的知情同意书? | | |
6e.5 | Is the consent available in any other languages? (is so which)是否有其他语言的知情同意书?(如有,是什么语的?) | | |
| Free text: please give details:请提供详情: | y | |
6e.6 | Are consent forms structured to allow for patient and doctor signatures? 知情同意书中是否要求患者和医生签字? | | |
6e.7 | Are all consent forms dated and signed by the patient?知情同意书是否都要注明日期,并由患者签字? | | |
6e.8 | Are all consent forms dated and signed by the professional completing them?知情同意书是否都要注明日期,并由填写的医生签字? | | |
6e.9 | Are specific paediatric consent forms used?是否有专门的儿科知情同意书? | | |
6e.10 | Are paediatric consent forms structured to allow for a signature and date from legal guardian/authorising person as applicable?儿科知情同意书是否要求法律监管人/委托人签字,并注明日期? | | |
6e.11 | Does the hospital employ a policy regarding the age at which a patient (considered a minor in law) is able to autonomously consent of refuse treatment?医院是否有制度涉及可以自主签订拒绝治疗书的患者年龄? | | |
6e.12 | Does the hospital have a consent form for use if a patient is unable to consent for themselves?当患者本人不能为自己签订知情同意书时,医院是否有其他格式的知情同意书? | | |
6e.13 | Is there a written policy which governs the use of the above?是否有书面的制度涉及以上状况? | | |
6e.14 | When taking consent, are the following documented:当签订知情同意书时,是否记录以下各项: | y | |
| · Patient name 患者姓名 | | |
| · Patient date of birth 患者出生日期 | | |
| · Unique patient identifier code 患者唯一识别码 | | |
| · Name of operation/procedure 手术/处置的名称 | | |
| · Location on the body or verification of the side of surgery (e.g. left or right)
手术部位确认(例如,左或右)? | | |
| · Possible serious adverse incidents (e.g. death, loss of limb)可能发生的严重不良事件(例如,死亡、四肢缺损) | | |
| · Possible side effects 可能发生的副反应 | | |
| · Possible alternative treatments 可能的备选治疗方案 | | |
| · Indication that supplementary aids for information have been provided (e.g. information leaflets)指出辅助性信息已向患者提供(例如,宣传单页) | | |
6e.15 | For procedures which involve anaesthesia, does the consent form include: 对于涉及麻醉的处置,知情同意书是否包括: | y | |
| · Type of anaesthetic (for example GA, LA, spinal, or epidural,) 麻醉类型(例如,全麻,局麻,腰麻或硬膜外麻醉) | | |
| · Options available 备选方案 | | |
| · Specific risks with the selected type of anaesthesia 所选麻醉类型的特定风险 | | |
| Free text: please add any additional details regarding the consent procedure for interventions and anaesthesia followed in the hospital. 其提供关于处置和麻醉知情同意书方面的规范详情。 | y | |
6e.16 | Are specific consent forms used for any clinical research or experimental treatments to ensure patients are fully informed of all treatment decisions? 针对参与临床研究或试验的病人,是否有相应的知情同意书以确保病人知晓所有相关的治疗信息? | | |
6e.17 | Does the hospital have a policy that states which treatments/procedures need specific informed consent? 医院是否有制度表明有哪些治疗需要特殊的知情同意? | | |