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1: Transpl Int. 2007 Feb;20(2):135-40.
Outbreak of aspergillosis infections among lung transplant recipients. 肺移植受者曲霉菌感染爆发
Raviv Y, Kramer MR, Amital A, Rubinovitch B, Bishara J, Shitrit D.
Pulmonary Institute, Rabin Medical Center, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Aspergillus infections have been associated with building constructions. We reported, for the first time, an outbreak of aspergillosis in lung transplant recipients exposed to heavy building construction work during hospitalization. We reviewed the files of 115 patients who underwent lung transplantation between May 1994 and June 2005. Patients operated on from May 1994 to December 2003 (group 1) were compared with those operated on between January 2004 and June 2005 (group 2) for findings of aspergillosis on follow up. Thirty-six transplant recipients (31%) had evidence of Aspergillus colonization, including six of the 64 patients (9.4%) operated on from 1994 to 2003 and 30 of the 51 patients (59%) operated on in 2004-2005 (P=0.0001). Eight had aspergillosis, in all group 2 (P=0.001) compared with group 1. All infections occurred within the first 4 month after the transplantation. On comparison of the two groups for background and medical factors, the only difference found was the initiation of building construction at the hospital, close to the transplant ward, in early 2004. We concluded that lung transplant recipients are prone to Aspergillus colonization following exposure to building construction work, despite prophylactic treatment. Established guidelines for the prevention of aspergillosis should be implemented and enforced during construction activities in hospitals.
曲霉菌感染与建筑关系密切,Raviv Y,等报道了一起因医院建筑施工引起肺移植受者曲霉菌感染爆发事件。研究者调查了1994年5月到2005年6月的115例肺移植受者,把1994年5月到2003年12月的患者设为一组,2004年1月到2005年6月的患者设为另外一组。36例肺移植患者被确定为曲霉菌感染,前一组感染率为9.4%,而后一组感染率为59%,两组差异有统计学意义。所有的感染都发生在移植后的4个月内。通过两组病人的背景因素和医疗因素调查发现,唯一的区别是在2004年年初,该医院在靠近移植病房处进行建筑施工,因此认为该起曲霉菌感染爆发是因为肺移植受者暴露在建筑施工引起。 |