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AAMI TIR 34经过修改,已经被AAMI ST108所替代,成为正式的美国标准。现将其目录和前言部分分享大家
Water for the processing of medical devices Contents 1.Scope 2.Normative references 3.Terms and definitions 4.Roles and responsibilities 5.Risk analysis 6.Categories of water quality for medical device processing 7.Water quality selection and requirements 8.Water treatment systems installation and operationqualification 9.Water treatment systems performance qualification - evaluationof water quality 10.Water treatment systems routine monitoring 11.Continuous quality improvement 12.Water treatment systems maintenance 13.Special considerations Annex A (informative) Guidance on the application ofthe normative requirements Annex B (informative) Risk analysis Annex C (informative) Automated Endoscope Reprocessor(AER) Annex D (informative) Water used in cleaning and moistheat processes Annex E (informative) Water treatment technologies Annex F (informative) Water treatment system design Annex G (informative) Routine monitoring of watertreatment equipment & produced water quality Annoy H (informative) Maintaining microbiologicalquality Annex I (informative) Typical presentation of waterquality issues during the processing of medical devices Bibliography
Introduction Water quality is an important considerationin all stages of medical device processing, as is the purity or chemicalcontent of the steam that is generated for moist heat sterilization. The healthcare facility should have a multidisciplinary team in place that develops astrategy to confirm all aspects of water quality that impact the processing ofmedical devices within this standard. Appropriate water quality and steampurity in device processing requires collaboration between the personnel whoprocess medical devices and the personnel who establish and maintain the watertreatment system. Water treatment and delivery systems can beconfigured in many ways to achieve the required water quality specifications.Water can be treated by a variety of methods that yield different levels ofwater quality. Gram-negative bacteria and nontuberculous mycobacteria can growin water regardless of treatment process. The rate of growth and the microbiallevels attained are a function of several factors related to the water (e.g.,variety and concentration of organic contaminants, pH, temperature). Watersystems that are closely monitored for quality reduce variability of processingconditions and effectiveness of cleaning and disinfection processes as well asreduce the potential of microbial proliferation. The importance of monitoringwater quality to prevent problems with microbial proliferation cannot beoveremphasized. This standard defines multiple levels ofwater quality and steam purity suitable for medical device processing, and itdescribes the water treatment processes that can be utilized in order toproduce water of the quality to meet each of these categories. 1 Scope 1.1 General This standard establishes minimumrequirements for the water quality used at different stages in the processingof medical devices (e.g., reusable devices and single-use devices providednon-sterile requiring processing prior to use such as non-sterile implants andprocessed single-use devices) to make them ready for use on the next patient.These requirements are established to assist medical device processingprofessionals in the selection of the appropriate water quality needed forcleaning, rinsing, disinfection, and sterilization of medical devices. 1.2 Inclusions This standard covers the quality of thewater delivered to the point-of-use and used in medical device processing(cleaning, rinsing, disinfection and sterilization). It defines water typesbased on the qualities possessed and where it will be used. Included in thisdocument are: a) Responsibility for the water management program; b) Importance of water quality; c) Adverse effects of water impurities on medical device processing; d) Categories and requirements of water quality for medical deviceprocessing; e) Selection of water of the appropriate quality; f) Purity requirements of water used to generate steam; g) Effective water treatment and qualification; h) Considerations for ongoing maintenance, monitoring and qualityimprovement of the water treatment system; i) Troubleshooting water quality issues. This standard also provides definitions ofterms and a bibliography. 1.3 Exclusions This standard does not cover: a) Waterrequirements for hemodialysis applications; b) Waterrequirements for laboratory use; c) Steamquality requirements (i.e., physical qualities of steam such as: moisturecontent, noncondensable gas content and Superheat). See ANSI/AAMI ST79 ; d) Watertreatment performed within the medical device processing equipment (e.g.,washers, washer/disinfectors, or automated endoscope reprocessors (AERs); e) Waterquality of municipal water supply; and f) Testingof water post use.