Although it has been widely appreciated for many years among physicians and microbiologists that blood cultures areamong the most important laboratory tests performed in the diagnosis of serious infections (35), it has become equally apparent in more recent years that contaminated blood cultures are common,enormouslycostly,andfrequently Confusing for clinicians(1,12,14,26).Clinicalstudiesofblood-stream infections over 3 decades have provided guidelines fordifferentiatingtruepathogensfromcontaminantsororganisms of unknown significance (14, 18, 41, 42); however, a true “gold standard” for differentiating pathogens from contaminants does not exist (4, 25). Moreover, the most common blood culture contaminants, coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS),which were almost always such several decades ago (18, 41),now are pathogens more frequently (19, 25, 26, 42), and judging the clinical significance of this group of microorganisms in bloodhasproventobeespeciallyproblematic(1,11,22,24,26, 42; S. J. Peacock, I. C. Bowler, and D. W. Crook., Letter,Lancet 346:191-192, 1995). This review focuses on how pathogen-contaminant decisions are made, the phenomenon of increasing contamination of blood cultures, potential methods for addressing high contamination rates, and practical labora-tory approaches to the workup of likely contaminants.
虽然在内科学和微生物学上已经多年普遍承认血培养是实验室诊断严重感染性疾病的最重要手段,但在近年,血培养污染事件,花费巨大以及误导临床现象也同样存在.超过30年的血液感染临床研究提供的从污染物或者有机体中区分病原体的指导也未见显著性.但是区分污染物病原菌的”金标准”确实不存在.另外,血培养污染最常见的病原菌,阴性凝固酶金葡菌,数十年前就存在,现在变的更加频繁.判断临床意义时候这组菌群显得特别可疑.这篇文献主要研究如何判定为病原菌污染,血培养污染的现状,有可能定位高污染率的方法,实际的指导实验室建立最易污染物. |