①安装鉴定(Installation Qualification,IQ):证明设备已按照规范要求提供和安装,获得并形成文件化证据的过程。(GB/T 19971-2015)
IQ:process of establishing by objective evidence that all key aspects of the process equipment and ancillary system installation comply with the approved specification.(ISO 11139-2017)
②运行鉴定(Operationalqualification,OQ):证明已安装的设备按运行程序使用时能在一定限值内运行,获得并形成文件化的过程。(GB/T 19971-2015)
OQ:process of obtaining and documenting evidence that installed equipment operates within predetermined limits when used in accordance with its operational procedures.(ISO 11139-2017)
③性能鉴定(Performance Qualification, PQ):证明已按操作程序安装和运行的设备,可持续地按预定规范生产出符合规格的产品,获得并形成文件化证据的过程。(GB/T 19971-2015)
PQ:process of establishing by objective evidence that the process, under anticipated conditions, consistently produces a product which meets all predetermined requirements.(ISO 11139-2017)
④再鉴定(Re-qualification):为证实某一规定过程持续合格而重新进行的部分确认活动。(GB/T 19971-2015)
Requalification: repetition of part or all of validation for the purpose of confirming the continued acceptability of a specified process. (ISO 11139-2017)
注:在外文规范中会见到“常规测试(Routine test,RT)和定期测试(Periodic test,PT)”,它们属于再鉴定的范畴。在ISO 11139-2017中给出了RT的定义,而没有给出PT的定义。这两个属于都没有列入GB/T 19971-2015中。
Routine test: technical operation conducted periodically to establish that the operational performance of the equipment or process remains within the limits established during validation.(ISO 11139-2017)