看到一篇论文,发现这个菌,我们国内报道很少见,把摘要放上来大家学习一下H. Nielsen, K. K. Hansen1, K. O. Gradel.Bacteraemia as a result of Campylobacter species: apopulation-based study of epidemiology and clinical riskfactors.Clin Microbiol Infect 2010; 16: 57–61Invasive disease as a result of Campylobacter is rarely reported. We reviewed 46cases of blood stream infection with Campylobacter in a Danish population withcomplete follow-up. The incidence was 2.9 per 1 million person-years with a peakincidence in the age group above 80 years. In the population, the ratio of notifiedbacteraemia/enteritis patients with Campylobacter infection was 0.004. Patients withbacteraemia were older and had higher comorbidity, e.g. alcoholism,immunosuppression, previous gastrointestinal surgery or HIV infection. We found26% of blood isolates resistant to ciprofloxacin. The length of hospitalization wassignificantly longer in bacteraemia patients, whereas the outcome was favourable with28-day mortality of 4% in bacteraemia patients and 1% in enteritis patients. None ofthe bacteraemia patients relapsed within 365-day follow-up.