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ABAbstractEnglish language abstract taken directly from the published article
ADAffiliationAuthor or corporate author addresses
AIDArticle IdentifierArticle ID values supplied by the publisher may include the pii (controlled publisher identifier), doi (digital object identifier), or book accession
BTIBook TitleBook Title
CICopyright InformationCopyright statement provided by the publisher
CINComment InReference containing a comment about the article
CNCorporate AuthorCorporate author or group names with authorship responsibility
CONComment OnReference upon which the article comments
CPChapterBook chapter
CRDTCreate DateThe date the citation record was first created
CRFCorrected and republished fromFinal, correct version of an article
CRICorrected and republished inOriginal article that was republished in corrected form
CTDTContribution DateBook contribution date
CTICollection TitleCollection Title
DADate CreatedUsed for internal processing at NLM
DCOMCompletion DateNLM internal processing completion date
DDINDataset described inCitation for the primary article resulting from a dataset
DRINDataset use reported inCitation for an article that uses a dataset from another scientific article
DEPDate of Electronic PublicationElectronic publication date
DPPublication DateThe date the article was published
DRDTDate RevisedBook Revision Date
EDATEntrez DateThe date the citation was added to PubMed; the date is set to the publication date if added more than 1 year after the date published
EFRErratum ForCites the original article needing the correction
EINErratum InReference containing a published erratum to the article
EDEditorBook editors
ENEditionBook edition
FAUFull Author NameFull Author Names
FEDFull Editor NameFull Editor Names
FIRFull InvestigatorFull investigator or collaborator name
FPSFull Personal Name as SubjectFull Personal Name of the subject of the article
GNGeneral NoteSupplemental or descriptive information related to the document
GRGrant NumberResearch grant numbers, contract numbers, or both that designate financial support by any agency of the US PHS or other funding agencies
GSGene SymbolAbbreviated gene names (used 1991 through 1996)
IPIssueThe number of the issue, part, or supplement of the journal in which the article was published
IRInvestigatorInvestigator or collaborator
IRADInvestigator AffiliationInvestigator or collaborator addresses
ISISSNInternational Standard Serial Number of the journal
ISBNISBNInternational Standard Book Number
JIDNLM Unique IDUnique journal ID in the NLM catalog of books, journals, and audiovisuals
JTFull Journal TitleFull journal title from NLM cataloging data
LALanguageThe language in which the article was published
LIDLocation IDThe pii or doi that serves the role of pagination
LRModification DateCitation last revision date
MHMeSH TermsNLM Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) controlled vocabulary
MHDAMeSH DateThe date MeSH terms were added to the citation. The MeSH date is the same as the Entrez date until MeSH are added
OABOther AbstractAbstract supplied by an NLM collaborating organization
OABLOther Abstract LanguageLanguage of an abstract available from the publisher
OCIOther Copyright InformationCopyright owner
OIDOther IDIdentification numbers provided by organizations supplying citation data
ORIOriginal Report InCites the original article associated with the patient summary
OTOther TermNon-MeSH subject terms (keywords) either assigned by an organization identified by the Other Term Owner, or generated by the author and submitted by the publisher
OTOOther Term OwnerOrganization that may have provided the Other Term data
OWNOwnerOrganization acronym that supplied citation data
PBPublisherPublishers of Books & Documents citations
PGPaginationThe full pagination of the article
PHSTPublication History Status DatePublisher supplied dates regarding the article publishing process
PLPlace of PublicationJournal's (country only) or book’s place of publication
PMCRPMC ReleaseAvailability of PMC article
PMIDPubMed Unique IdentifierUnique number assigned to each PubMed citation
PRINPartial Retraction InPartial retraction of the article
PROFPartial Retraction OfArticle being partially retracted
PSPersonal Name as SubjectIndividual is the subject of the article
PSTPublication StatusPublication status
PTPublication TypeThe type of material the article represents
RFNumber of ReferencesNumber of bibliographic references for Review articles
RINRetraction InRetraction of the article
RNEC/RN NumberIncludes chemical, protocol or disease terms. May also a number assigned by the Enzyme Commission or by the Chemical Abstracts Service.
ROFRetraction OfArticle being retracted
RPFRepublished FromArticle being cited has been republished or reprinted in either full or abridged form from another source
RPIRepublished InArticle being cited also appears in another source in either full or abridged form
SBSubsetJournal or citation subset values representing specialized topics
SFMSpace Flight MissionNASA-supplied data space flight/mission name and/or number
SISecondary Source IdentifierIdentifies secondary source databanks and accession numbers of molecular sequences discussed in articles
SOSourceComposite field containing bibliographic information
SPINSummary For Patients InCites a patient summary article
STATStatus TagUsed for internal processing at NLM
TAJournal Title AbbreviationStandard journal title abbreviation
TITitleThe title of the article
TTTransliterated TitleTitle of the article originally published in a non-English language, in that language
UINUpdate InUpdate to the article
UOFUpdate OfThe article being updated
VIVolumeVolume number of the journal
VTIVolume TitleBook Volume Title


参与人数 2威望 +4 金币 +9 收起 理由
小猴子波波 + 1 + 1 赞一个!
昊爱无限 + 8 谢谢分享



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发表于 2016-8-15 07:56 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2016-8-15 08:08 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2016-8-15 08:10 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-8-15 08:11 | 显示全部楼层
例如:Varenicline.mp AND (randomized controlled trial.pt. OR randomized.mp. OR placebo.mp.)

mp指的是mp. [mp=title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol supplementary concept, rare disease supplementary concept, unique identifier]


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发表于 2016-8-15 08:23 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2016-8-15 09:33 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢分享 认真学习了的

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