Tag | Name | Description |
AB | Abstract | English language abstract taken directly from the published article |
AD | Affiliation | Author or corporate author addresses |
AID | Article Identifier | Article ID values supplied by the publisher may include the pii (controlled publisher identifier), doi (digital object identifier), or book accession |
AU | Author | Authors |
BTI | Book Title | Book Title |
CI | Copyright Information | Copyright statement provided by the publisher |
CIN | Comment In | Reference containing a comment about the article |
CN | Corporate Author | Corporate author or group names with authorship responsibility |
CON | Comment On | Reference upon which the article comments |
CP | Chapter | Book chapter |
CRDT | Create Date | The date the citation record was first created |
CRF | Corrected and republished from | Final, correct version of an article |
CRI | Corrected and republished in | Original article that was republished in corrected form |
CTDT | Contribution Date | Book contribution date |
CTI | Collection Title | Collection Title |
DA | Date Created | Used for internal processing at NLM |
DCOM | Completion Date | NLM internal processing completion date |
DDIN | Dataset described in | Citation for the primary article resulting from a dataset |
DRIN | Dataset use reported in | Citation for an article that uses a dataset from another scientific article |
DEP | Date of Electronic Publication | Electronic publication date |
DP | Publication Date | The date the article was published |
DRDT | Date Revised | Book Revision Date |
EDAT | Entrez Date | The date the citation was added to PubMed; the date is set to the publication date if added more than 1 year after the date published |
EFR | Erratum For | Cites the original article needing the correction |
EIN | Erratum In | Reference containing a published erratum to the article |
ED | Editor | Book editors |
EN | Edition | Book edition |
FAU | Full Author Name | Full Author Names |
FED | Full Editor Name | Full Editor Names |
FIR | Full Investigator | Full investigator or collaborator name |
FPS | Full Personal Name as Subject | Full Personal Name of the subject of the article |
GN | General Note | Supplemental or descriptive information related to the document |
GR | Grant Number | Research grant numbers, contract numbers, or both that designate financial support by any agency of the US PHS or other funding agencies |
GS | Gene Symbol | Abbreviated gene names (used 1991 through 1996) |
IP | Issue | The number of the issue, part, or supplement of the journal in which the article was published |
IR | Investigator | Investigator or collaborator |
IRAD | Investigator Affiliation | Investigator or collaborator addresses |
IS | ISSN | International Standard Serial Number of the journal |
ISBN | ISBN | International Standard Book Number |
JID | NLM Unique ID | Unique journal ID in the NLM catalog of books, journals, and audiovisuals |
JT | Full Journal Title | Full journal title from NLM cataloging data |
LA | Language | The language in which the article was published |
LID | Location ID | The pii or doi that serves the role of pagination |
LR | Modification Date | Citation last revision date |
MH | MeSH Terms | NLM Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) controlled vocabulary |
MHDA | MeSH Date | The date MeSH terms were added to the citation. The MeSH date is the same as the Entrez date until MeSH are added |
OAB | Other Abstract | Abstract supplied by an NLM collaborating organization |
OABL | Other Abstract Language | Language of an abstract available from the publisher |
OCI | Other Copyright Information | Copyright owner |
OID | Other ID | Identification numbers provided by organizations supplying citation data |
ORI | Original Report In | Cites the original article associated with the patient summary |
OT | Other Term | Non-MeSH subject terms (keywords) either assigned by an organization identified by the Other Term Owner, or generated by the author and submitted by the publisher |
OTO | Other Term Owner | Organization that may have provided the Other Term data |
OWN | Owner | Organization acronym that supplied citation data |
PB | Publisher | Publishers of Books & Documents citations |
PG | Pagination | The full pagination of the article |
PHST | Publication History Status Date | Publisher supplied dates regarding the article publishing process |
PL | Place of Publication | Journal's (country only) or book’s place of publication |
PMCR | PMC Release | Availability of PMC article |
PMID | PubMed Unique Identifier | Unique number assigned to each PubMed citation |
PRIN | Partial Retraction In | Partial retraction of the article |
PROF | Partial Retraction Of | Article being partially retracted |
PS | Personal Name as Subject | Individual is the subject of the article |
PST | Publication Status | Publication status |
PT | Publication Type | The type of material the article represents |
RF | Number of References | Number of bibliographic references for Review articles |
RIN | Retraction In | Retraction of the article |
RN | EC/RN Number | Includes chemical, protocol or disease terms. May also a number assigned by the Enzyme Commission or by the Chemical Abstracts Service. |
ROF | Retraction Of | Article being retracted |
RPF | Republished From | Article being cited has been republished or reprinted in either full or abridged form from another source |
RPI | Republished In | Article being cited also appears in another source in either full or abridged form |
SB | Subset | Journal or citation subset values representing specialized topics |
SFM | Space Flight Mission | NASA-supplied data space flight/mission name and/or number |
SI | Secondary Source Identifier | Identifies secondary source databanks and accession numbers of molecular sequences discussed in articles |
SO | Source | Composite field containing bibliographic information |
SPIN | Summary For Patients In | Cites a patient summary article |
STAT | Status Tag | Used for internal processing at NLM |
TA | Journal Title Abbreviation | Standard journal title abbreviation |
TI | Title | The title of the article |
TT | Transliterated Title | Title of the article originally published in a non-English language, in that language |
UIN | Update In | Update to the article |
UOF | Update Of | The article being updated |
VI | Volume | Volume number of the journal |
VTI | Volume Title | Book Volume Title |