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本帖最后由 焚膏继晷 于 2016-5-24 14:25 编辑
译者:李元叶、邓粮 审核:陈志锦 Ebola is no longer a Public Health Emergency of International Concern(Statement on the 9th meeting of the IHR Emergency Committee regarding the Ebola outbreak in West Africa)
世界卫生组织声明 2016年3月29日 WHO statement
29 March 2016 2016年3月29日(星期二)12:30至15:15,世界卫生组织(WHO)总干事遵循《国际卫生条例》(2005)的相关规定,召开西非埃博拉疫情突发事件委员会第九次电话会议。 本次会议要求委员会成员就该次埃博拉事件是否继续作为国际关注突发公共卫生事件,以及是否延续、取消或修改目前的临时对策等问题各抒己见。 The 9th meeting of the Emergency Committee convened by the WHO Director-General under the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) regarding the Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in West Africa took place by teleconference on Tuesday, 29 March 2016 from 12:30 until 15:15 hr. The Committee was requested to provide the Director-General with views and perspectives as to whether the event continues to constitute a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) and whether the current Temporary Recommendations should be extended, rescinded or revised. 几内亚、利比里亚和塞拉利昂的代表们分别报告了本国目前流行病学状况、预防埃博拉再发的工作进展,以及各国家快速检测和应对新发聚集事件的能力。 Representatives ofGuinea,LiberiaandSierra Leonepresented the epidemiological situation, ongoing work to prevent Ebola re-emergence, and capacity to detect and respond rapidly to any new clusters of cases in each country. 委员会指出自上次会议以来,以上三个国家都符合了确认其原有埃博拉病毒传播链中断的条件。具体而言,自最后一个与最初传播链相关的病例两次病毒检测阴性以来,这三个国家现在已经完成了42天的观察期和额外的90天强化监测期。几内亚在2016年3月27日达到了这一里程碑。 The Committee noted that since its last meeting all three countries have met the criteria for confirming interruption of their original chains of Ebola virus transmission. Specifically, all three countries have now completed the 42 day observation period and additional 90 day enhanced surveillance period since their last case that was linked to the original chain of transmission twice tested negative.Guineaachieved this milestone on 27 March 2016.
委员会注意到,正如预期所料,新的埃博拉病例持续发生是因为幸存者体内残余病毒排除并再次侵入,虽然频率在降低。截至目前,共发生12起聚集性事件,最近的一起是2016年3月17日发生在几内亚,该事件仍在持续中。令委员会欣慰的是,截至目前已经终止的11起聚集性事件中,采取了快速检测和响应措施,使疫情传播均控制在2代病例以内。 The Committee observed that, as expected, new clusters of Ebola cases continue to occur due to reintroductions of virus as it is cleared from the survivor population, though at decreasing frequency. Twelve such clusters have been detected to date, the most recent of which was reported on 17 March 2016 inGuineaand is ongoing. The Committee was impressed that to date all of these clusters have been detected and responded to rapidly, limiting transmission to at most two generations of cases in the 11 clusters which have now been stopped.
委员会认为,在西非埃博拉传播已经不再构成特殊事件,目前国际传播的风险低,而且各国也具备了快速应对新发病毒感染的能力。据此,委员会认为,西非的埃博拉疫情已不再构成国际关注的突发公共卫生事件,应终止已经采取的临时对策。委员会强调,几内亚、利比里亚和塞拉利昂的旅行贸易应不再受限,类似的限制措施也应立即取消。 The Committee provided its view that Ebola transmission in West Africa no longer constitutes an extraordinary event, that the risk of international spread is now low, and that countries currently have the capacity to respond rapidly to new virus emergences. Accordingly, in the Committee’s view the Ebola situation in West Africa no longer constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern and the Temporary Recommendations adopted in response should now be terminated. The Committee emphasized that there should be no restrictions on travel and trade withGuinea,LiberiaandSierra Leone, and that any such measures should be lifted immediately.
由于埃博拉病毒存在于撒哈拉以南非洲其他地区的生态系统中的,以及认识到未来数月内可能再次出现新的聚集性事件,所以委员会再次强调,这些国家必须随时保持预防、检测和应对现有和未来聚集性事件的能力和准备状态。国家和国际社会必须加大努力,确保对男性幸存者的精液进行病毒检测,了解病毒持续时间和状况。必须坚持对病毒持续排出幸存者的密切接触者进行埃博拉疫苗接种。特别重要的是确保在未来的应急中社区能够快速和充分地参与,病例能够得到迅速隔离和管理,受影响地区人口流动得到管理,边境部门能够获得相关联系人名单。 As in other areas of sub-Saharan Africa where Ebola virus is present in the ecosystem, and recognizing that new clusters due to re-emergence may occur in the coming months, the Committee reinforced that these countries must maintain the capacity and readiness to prevent, detect and respond to any ongoing and/or new clusters in future. National and international efforts must be intensified to ensure that male survivors can have their semen tested for virus persistence and know their status. Work must continue on the use of Ebola vaccination for intimate and close contacts of those survivors who have persistent virus excretion. Particularly important will be to ensure that communities can rapidly and fully engage in any future response, cases are quickly isolated and managed, local population movement in the affected areas is managed, and appropriate contact lists are shared with border authorities.
委员会进一步强调了国际社会持续提供援助和技术支持的重要性,以预防、检测和快速应对西非国家任何新发埃博拉暴发疫情。国际支持特别是保持甚至在必要时扩大诊断实验室来提升监测能力,维持免疫力来应对暴发,并继续相关研发活动,例如:清除病毒持续排出的治疗方案。委员会特别重视确保在这次特别的健康危机所有幸存者获得充分合理的临床治疗、检测能力和社会福利的需求。 The Committee further emphasized the crucial need for continued international donor and technical support to prevent, detect and respond rapidly to any new Ebola outbreak in West Africa. International support is required in particular to maintain and, where needed, expand diagnostic laboratory and surveillance capacity, sustain vaccination capacity for outbreak response, and continue relevant research and development activities (e.g. on therapeutic options to clear persistent virus excretion). The Committee gave special attention to the need to ensure that sufficient and appropriate clinical care, testing capacity and welfare services are available to all survivors of this extraordinary health crisis.
根据突发事件委员会意见,以及自身疫情评估,世界卫生组织总干事决定根据2005年的《国际卫生条例》,终止把西非国家埃博拉疫情认作国际关注突发公共卫生事件(PFEIC)。同时,总干事终止了她在该事件中签发的临时对策,支持委员会上述公共卫生意见,并强调各缔约国立即解除对这些国家旅游贸易限制的重要性。总干事感谢突发事件委员会成员和顾问提供的专业意见,必要时重新召集会议。 Based on the advice of the Emergency Committee, and her own assessment of the situation, the Director-General terminated the Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) regarding the Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa, in accordance with the International Health Regulations (2005). The Director-General terminated the Temporary Recommendations that she had issued in relation to this event, supported the public health advice provided above by the Committee, and reinforced the importance of States Parties immediately lifting any restrictions on travel and trade with these countries. The Director-General thanked the Emergency Committee members and advisors for their service and expert advice, and requested their availability to reconvene if needed.