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几内亚数百名埃博拉疫情密切接触者实行隔离观察 翻译、审核:SIFIC热点关注全体队员
Hundreds of contacts identified and monitored in new Ebola flare-up in Guinea 现场最新报道 Update from the field
2016年3月22日,22 March 2016
Nzérékoré, Guinea — More than 800 contacts of recently confirmed Ebola cases in Guinea’s southern prefecture of Nzérékoré have been identified and placed under medical monitoring in a bid to contain a new flare-up of Ebola virus disease.
A community in Dubreka Prefecture, Guinea, gathers for Ebola-awareness meeting.
WHO/P. Haughton
3月16日,几内亚卫生当局向世界卫生组织及其合作伙伴通报,在克罗帕拉中心某村庄的一个家庭出现3例疑似埃博拉死亡病例和2例埃博拉疑似病例。第二天,包括母亲和她8岁女儿的这2例埃博拉疑似病例,她们接受埃博拉病毒检测均呈阳性。小女孩在某个医疗机构中不幸死亡,而母亲目前仍然病重。一位前往马森塔州周边地区求诊的高危密切接触者已经死亡,且其埃博拉病毒检测也呈阳性。至此,这次埃博拉疫情重,疑似和确诊埃博拉死亡人数上升至5人。 On 16 March, Guinean health authorities alerted WHO and partners to 3 probable Ebola deaths and 2 suspect Ebola cases in the village of Koropara Centre, all from the same family. The following day, the 2 suspect cases, a mother and her 8-year-old daughter, tested positive for Ebola virus disease. The child has since died in a treatment facility and the mother is reported seriously ill. A high-risk contact, who travelled to the neighbouring prefecture of Macenta to consult a healer, has also died and has since tested positive for Ebola, bringing the total number of probable and confirmed Ebola deaths in the flare-up to 5. 当地卫生部门已经重启了在恩泽雷科雷大区埃博拉疫情最严重期间使用的应急联合机制, 并全力以赴去提升跨机构之间的响应速度。世界卫生组织已经派遣了几十位流行病学家、疾病监测专家、接触者追踪员、预防接种员、社会动员工作者、健康促进工作人员和感染防控专家来提供援助。 Local health authorities have reactivated the emergency coordination mechanism that was in place during the height of the Ebola epidem ic in Nzérékoré, and a rapidly growing inter-agency response is in full motion. WHO has deployed dozens of epidemiologists, surveillance experts, contact tracers, vaccinators, social mobilizers, health promoters, and infection prevention and control experts to support the effort.
截至今天,克罗帕拉区,已在疑似和确诊埃博拉病人住所附近的107个家庭中确定了816名密切接触者。当中超过100名密切接触者被评为高风险等级。在接受医学观察期间,他们的活动范围将受到限制。今天,预防接种小组将开始对密切接触者和间接接触者进行埃博拉疫苗接种,以防止疾病传播。同时,计划在周围的村庄逐户开展病例筛查。 As of today, 816 contacts have been identified from 107 households in the immediate vicinity of the home of the confirmed and probable cases in Koropara. More than 100 of the contacts are considered high risk. Their movements to and from the area will be restricted while they are under medical observation. Vaccination teams will also begin administering the Ebola vaccine to contacts and contacts of contacts today to prevent possible spread of the disease. A door-to-door case search is planned for surrounding villages.
More than 50 contacts of the man who travelled to and died in the Macenta prefecture have been identified, and additional contact tracing and case investigation is underway.
在所有受影响的地区加紧实施传染病防控措施,包括公共知识宣传活动及其它健康促进和社区促进活动。 Infection prevention and disease control measures, including a public awareness campaign and other health promotion and community engagement activities, are being stepped up in all affected areas.
确诊病例和一些高风险接触者的样本已被送至恩泽雷科雷大区的一个实验室进行检测。初步检测表明,这些埃博拉病例病例的病毒并非从动物种群中获得的,但通过已知的传播途径进行传播。 Samples from the confirmed cases and some high-risk contacts have been sent to a lab in Conakry for testing. Initial tests indicate that the cases stem from known transmission chains and are not an introduction of the virus from the animal population.
克罗帕拉州下面的一个县,居民人口说约8200人,为2014年10约至12月最先被埃博拉病毒肆虐的地区。当时有24人感染埃博拉,15人病死,9人幸存。自最初出现埃博拉疫情到2015年12月29日宣布疫情结束以来,这是第一次再次出现埃博拉疫情。 The sub-prefecture of Koropara, which has a population of about 8200 residents, was originally hit by Ebola from October to December 2014. There were 24 Ebola cases, 15 deaths and 9 survivors. This re-emergence of Ebola in Guinea is the first since the original outbreak in the country was declared over on 29 December 2015.
3月17日,确诊了这几例几内亚埃博拉新发病例和世界卫生组织宣布邻国塞拉利昂最近的埃博拉疫情结束碰巧都在这一天。声明中,世界卫生组织提到,主要由于幸存者体内可能携带埃博拉病毒,复发是预料中事,所以要求这三个受埃博拉病毒感染的国家必须具备强大的预防、监测及应对暴发的能力。 These new Ebola infections in Guinea were confirmed on the same day, 17 March, that WHO declared the end of the latest Ebola flare-up in neighbouring Sierra Leone. In a statement, WHO said recurrences of the disease must be be anticipated, largely due to virus persistence in some survivors, and that the three Ebola-affected countries must maintain strong capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to further outbreaks.
据记录,世界上最严重的埃博拉疫情是发生在几内亚、利比里亚和塞拉利昂三个国家的埃博拉疫情,造成超过28500人感染,约11300人死亡。 More than 28 500 people have been infected and 11 300 have died in the world’s worst recorded Ebola epidemic in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.
文献来源 conference from: http://www.who.int/csr/disease/ebola/guinea-flareup-update/en/