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作者:王英 来源:生物通 日期:2014-08-22
绿脓杆菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)或称铜绿色假单胞菌,是一种致病力较低但抗药性强的杆菌。广泛存在于自然界,是伤口感染较常见的一种细菌,能引起化脓性病变。感染后因脓汁和渗出液等病料呈绿色,故名。绿脓杆菌(P.aeruginosa)属假单胞菌属(pseudomonas),广泛分布于自然界及正常人皮肤、肠道和呼吸道,是临床上较常见的条件致病菌之一。
最近有研究发现,绿脓杆菌会将自己包进人类细胞膜中。德国佛莱堡大学BIOSS生物信号研究中心生物研究所II的Thorsten Eierhoff 博士和Winfried Römer 教授带领的一个研究小组,发现了一种新的细菌入侵机制——绿脓杆菌利用细胞膜中的脂质,使其本身进入宿主细胞。
细菌表面的LecA蛋白,可结合特殊脂质分子(所谓的Gb脂质,存在于人类细胞的外膜)上的糖类。当细菌停靠到一个细胞上时,细菌的LecA分子和宿主细胞膜的Gb3脂质会互锁——就像一个拉链。以这种方式,细胞一步一步地将其自己包裹在细菌周围,并将其运输到细胞内部。 Römer和Eierhoff 在合成细胞膜以及人类肺细胞培养物中发现了这种新机制的证据。他们将相关研究结果发表在2014年8月18日的《PNAS》杂志。
绿脓杆菌在免疫系统较弱的人当中,可以引起严重的皮肤和肺部炎症,特别是那些患有遗传性疾病囊胞性纤维症的人。当细菌进入人体细胞后,Gb3脂质结合LecA蛋白并使细胞膜弯曲。荷兰瓦格宁根大学的Christian Fleck 教授通过计算得出,这种结合足以将细菌包裹起来。他是这项研究的参与者。
为了证明没有肌动蛋白该过程一样能运行,研究人员观察了假单胞菌(Pseudomonas bacteria)对合成膜泡的影响。膜泡既不包含肌动蛋白,也不包含其他细胞组分,只有脂质Gb3。当离体膜停靠到表面上时,就在细菌周围折叠和关闭。然而,只有当细菌产生LecA蛋白时,才会发生这个包装过程。Eierhoff 称:“实验结果表明,假单胞菌使用这种脂质拉链,使其自身进入细胞,而无需操控肌动蛋白。”
A lipid zipper triggers bacterial invasion
Abstract: Glycosphingolipids are important structural constituents of cellular membranes. They are involved in the formation of nanodomains (“lipid rafts”), which serve as important signaling platforms. Invasive bacterial pathogens exploit these signaling domains to trigger actin polymerization for the bending of the plasma membrane and the engulfment of the bacterium—a key process in bacterial uptake. However, it is unknown whether glycosphingolipids directly take part in the membrane invagination process. Here, we demonstrate that a “lipid zipper,” which is formed by the interaction between the bacterial surface lectin LecA and its cellular receptor, the glycosphingolipid Gb3, triggers plasma membrane bending during host cell invasion of the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In vitro experiments with Gb3-containing giant unilamellar vesicles revealed that LecA/Gb3-mediated lipid zippering was sufficient to achieve complete membrane engulfment of the bacterium. In addition, theoretical modeling elucidated that the adhesion energy of the LecA–Gb3 interaction is adequate to drive the engulfment process. In cellulo experiments demonstrated that inhibition of the LecA/Gb3 lipid zipper by either lecA knockout, Gb3 depletion, or application of soluble sugars that interfere with LecA binding to Gb3 significantly lowered P. aeruginosa uptake by host cells. Of note, membrane engulfment of P. aeruginosa occurred independently of actin polymerization, thus corroborating that lipid zippering alone is sufficient for this crucial first step of bacterial host-cell entry. Our study sheds new light on the impact of glycosphingolipids in the cellular invasion of bacterial pathogens and provides a mechanistic explication of the initial uptake processes.
关键字: 绿脓杆菌,伤口感染,细菌入侵机制