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克林霉素在皮肤和软组织感染中的作用 (2014-07-10 11:47:07)转载▼
Title: Clindamycin's Role in Skin and Soft Tissue Infections 题目:克林霉素在皮肤和软组织感染中的作用 Author作者: Bryan Hayes 江利冰 译 肖锋 校 Clindamycin used to be a first-line agent for many SSTIs, particularly where MRSA was suspected. With growing resistance to staph species, the 2014 IDSA Guidelines recommend clindamycin as an option only in the following situations: 克林霉素以往作为很多皮肤软组织感染的一线用药,尤其是怀疑发生耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌感染时。随着金黄色葡萄球菌耐药性逐渐增加, 2014年美国传染病协会指南推荐只有在下列情况下使用克林霉素:• Nonpurulent SSTI (primarily strep species) Mild - oral clindamycin Moderate - IV clindamcyin Severe, necrotizing infections - adjunctive clindamycin only with suspected or culture-confirmed strep pyogenes 非化脓性皮肤软组织感染(主要是链球菌属) 轻度—口服克林霉素 中度—静脉注射克林霉素 重度,坏死性感染—只有在怀疑或者培养确定是链球菌化脓的情况下加用克林霉素。 • Purulent SSTI (primarily staph species) • 化脓性皮肤软组织感染(主要是葡萄球菌属) Clindamycin only recommended in moderate or severe cases if cultures yield MSSA 只有在培养确定的中重度金黄色葡萄球菌感染时推荐使用克林霉素。 * Clindamycin may be used if clindamycin resistance is <10-15% at the institution. 如果某医疗机构对克林霉素抵抗<10-15%,可以考虑使用克林霉素。 References 参考文献: