icchina 发表于 2012-10-22 01:16


2012-10-18 09:02:00 中国新闻网

  因注射被污染的类固醇药物而引发的真菌性脑膜炎疫情继续在美国蔓延,美国疾病预防控制中心(CDC)2012年10月17日发布的最新数据显示,确诊感染病例已升至247人,涉及15个州,一天之内又有4人因此丧命,使得总死亡人数增至19人。  所有感染者都因为背痛而接受过注射治疗。这种受污染的药剂作为治疗背部疼痛的药物使用普遍,因此疫情扩散得非常快。  联邦食品药物管理局(FDA)确认这批问题药剂来自马萨诸塞州的新英格兰化合制剂中心,其已召回产品并停止营运,接受调查。但受染药品此前已被配送到了23个州的76家医疗机构,用药患者达1.4万人。官方预计,感染病例还会持续增多。  根据“重灾区”田纳西州的卫生官员透露,该州已经确认注射过受感染针剂的人数超过1000人,目前已确诊61人感染脑膜炎,8人死亡。  美国疾病预防控制中心称,这种真菌性脑膜炎不具有传染性,但建议所有曾注射过此类固醇的病人密切关注相关症状,包括剧烈头痛、恶心和发烧,病患者还会有言语不清以及行走困难等症状。  这次脑膜炎的爆发再次引起美国对相关行业监管的质疑。新英格兰化合制剂中心从事一项不受FDA管制的药物调剂业务。药剂师根据医生指导,为患者准备特殊药剂,满足患者个人需求。  美国对药品生产有非常严格的规定,然而药品加工行业的管理则较为松散,药房往往负责把药品配置、分装成最后的成品,这个过程很难监控。据福克斯新闻报道,在过去10多年里,类似的药房已经出现过多次卫生事件,引发了不少批评。已有议员明确提出,要求扩大食品药物管理局的权限,将监督范围扩大到配药加工过程中。

常回家看看208 发表于 2012-10-22 01:29


老朽 发表于 2012-10-22 01:35


icchina 发表于 2012-10-22 01:39


Case Definitions for Meningitis and Septic Arthritis
October 16, 2012 8:00 PM EDTProbable CaseA person who received a methylprednisolone acetate (MPA) injection, with MPA that was definitely or likely produced by the New England Compounding Center (NECC), and subsequently developed any of the following
[*]Meningitis1 of unknown etiology following epidural or para-spinal injection2 after May 21, 2012;
[*]Posterior circulation stroke without a cardioembolic source and without documentation of a normal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) profile, following epidural or para-spinal injection2 after May 21, 2012;3
[*]Osteomyelitis or abscess of unknown etiology in the spinal or para-spinal structures at the site of injection following epidural or para-spinal injection2 after May 21, 2012; or
[*]Osteomyelitis or worsening inflammatory arthritis of a peripheral joint (e.g., knee, shoulder, or ankle) of unknown etiology diagnosed following joint injection after May 21, 2012.
1 Clinically diagnosed meningitis with one or more of the following symptoms: headache, fever, stiff neck, or photophobia, in addition to a CSF profile showing pleocytosis (>5 white blood cells, adjusting for presence of red blood cells by subtracting 1 white blood cell for every 500 red blood cells present) regardless of glucose or protein levels.2 Para-spinal injections include, but are not limited to, spinal facet joint injection, sacroiliac joint injection, spinal or para-spinal nerve root/ganglion block, or blood patch.3 Patients in this category who do not have any documented CSF results should have a lumbar puncture performed if possible.Confirmed CaseA probable case with evidence (by culture, histopathology, or molecular assay) of a fungal pathogen associated with the clinical syndrome.Post-ProceduralIinfection in Patients Exposed to Non-MPA NECC ProductsA patient who developed an infection in a normally sterile site4 following use of one or more products labeled as sterile and prepared by NECC, excluding MPA.4 Normally sterile sites include blood, CSF, pleural fluid, peritoneal fluid, pericardial fluid, surgical aspirate, bone, joint fluid, or internal body site (e.g., lymph node or brain).


icchina 发表于 2012-10-22 02:23

Exserohilum rostratum 喙状突脐霉(或:嘴突脐孢种)
Exserohilum is a common mold found in soil and on plants, especially grasses, and thrives in warm and humid climates. Exserohilum rarely causes infections for people. The most common infections caused by Exserohilum are sinusitis and skin infections, but it can cause keratitis (eye inflammation), subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis, endocarditis (inflammation of the lining of the heart), and osteomyelitis (bone infection).
Exserohilum rostratum has been recognized as a human pathogen.

icchina 发表于 2012-10-22 02:28

StateCase CountDeaths
Florida (FL)173
Idaho (ID)10
Illinois (IL)10
Indiana (IN)382
Maryland (MD)161
Michigan (MI)535
Minnesota (MN)70
New Hampshire (NH)100
New Jersey (NJ)160
New York (NY)10
North Carolina (NC)21
Ohio (OH)110
Pennsylvania (PA)10
Tennessee (TN)699
Texas (TX)10
Virginia (VA)412

马车 发表于 2012-10-22 07:18


江南水韵 发表于 2012-10-22 07:38


天师 发表于 2012-10-22 07:39


月光依旧 发表于 2012-10-22 07:50


控制感染 发表于 2012-10-22 07:56


一把酸枣 发表于 2012-10-22 07:59


微风兰聆 发表于 2012-10-22 08:04


chenqiong 发表于 2012-10-22 08:10


黄颜磷 发表于 2012-10-22 08:13


舒窈 发表于 2012-10-22 08:15


晴天也飘雨 发表于 2012-10-22 08:16


小白天使 发表于 2012-10-22 08:20


glh 发表于 2012-10-22 08:21


lyluoxiuhua 发表于 2012-10-22 08:21

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查看完整版本: 美国感控出大事了:因注射被污染的类固醇药物而引发的真菌性脑膜炎