ICBC 发表于 2024-6-25 15:05


本帖最后由 ICBC 于 2024-6-26 11:50 编辑


中国WS 507-2016≤10 cfu/100ml纯化水应符合GB 5749的规定,并应保证细菌总数≤10cfu/100ml
ISOISO 5111-2022≤10 cfu/100mlAt the point of use, the final rinsewater in WD intended to process thermolabile endoscopes should ensure fewerthan 10 CFU/100 ml sample of finalrinse water
ISOISO 15883.4-2018≤10 cfu/100mlthere are less than 10cfu/100ml sample of final rinse water when tested
WGOWGO Endoscope Disinfection 2023—Endoscopes should be thoroughly rinsedwith bacteria-free water after disinfection.
美国CLSI guidelines C3-A4<10 cfu/ml4.2.2 Microbiological ImpuritiesThe specification for microbial contentof CLRW at the point where the water exits a purification system for use inthe laboratory is a maximum of 10CFU/mL, measured by the plate count method described in Section 7.2.
美国AAMI/ST 108-2023<10 cfu/mlThe bacteria level for Critical Water in Table 2(<10CFU/mL) is consistent with the Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI)guidelines.
美国AAMI/ST91-2021<10 cfu/mlCriticalWater: This water is mainly used for the finalrinse or for steam generation
英国/香港/新加坡HTM 01-06 E:2016<1 cfu/100mlSatisfactory
1-9cfu/100mlAcceptable – indicates that bacterialnumbers are under a reasonable level of control
10-100cfu/100mlRisk assessment required to investigatepotential problems and super chlorinate or repeat EWD self-disinfect
>100 cfu/100mlRisk assessment required to considertaking EWD out of service until water quality improved

1. 我国的要求和ISO的要求一样;
2. 大多数欧洲国家也是采用的ISO标准;
3. 美国的标准(<10 cfu/ml,即:<1000 cfu/100ml)比ISO标准(≤ 10 cfu/100ml)要低很多;(为啥呢???)
4. 香港、新加坡采用的是英国HTM标准。这一标准是分段的;
5. 日本的标准没有找到英文版的;
6. 另附3张图片和参考文献于后,方便大家阅读和查阅原文

1.      WS 507-2016 《软式内镜清洗消毒技术规范》2.      ISO/TS 5111-2022 Guidance onquality of water for sterilizers, sterilization and washer-disinfectors forhealth care products.3.      ISO 15883-4:2018 Washer-disinfectorsPart 4: Requirements and tests for washer-disinfectors employing chemicaldisinfection for thermolabile endoscopes.4.      World Gastroenterology Organization(WGO) Guidelines, Endoscope disinfection update: 2023.5.      Clinical and LaboratoryStandards Institute. C3-A4 Preparation and Testing of Reagent Water in theClinical Laboratory; Approved Guideline, Fourth Edition.6.      ANISI/AAMI ST108:2023 Water forthe processing of medical devices.7.      AAMI ST91-2021 flexible andsemi-rigid endoscope processing in health care facilities.8.      Health Technical Memorandum(HTM) 01-06:2016 Decontamination of flexible endoscopes Part E: Testing methods9.      MOH Singapore, the NationalInfection Prevention & Control Guidelines for Endoscopy Centres. 2023.

junior86 发表于 2024-6-25 16:37

本帖最后由 junior86 于 2024-6-25 16:38 编辑


高山雪莲W 发表于 2024-6-26 11:03


ICBC 发表于 2024-6-26 11:19

高山雪莲W 发表于 2024-6-26 11:03
图表一目了然就能了解国内外内镜终末漂洗用水的标准要求。 ...


姓陳 发表于 2024-6-26 15:17


EMP 发表于 2024-6-26 18:57

junior86 发表于 2024-6-25 16:37
方法也很重要,R2A培养5天和普通琼脂培养2天,细菌数能差十几二十倍,还有有没有使用滤膜法。美国的建议再 ...


junior86 发表于 2024-6-27 07:51

EMP 发表于 2024-6-26 18:57
实际中应该参照哪个具体的实验条件进行呢?是取100mL,薄膜过滤法,30~35℃培养5天?现在有没有哪一个明 ...

规范没有给出检测方法,药典2022版纯水是R2A培养基培养的。美国的规范里就有通过第 7.2 节中描述的孔板计数方法测量的描述

ICBC 发表于 2024-6-27 16:54

ISO 15883-4:2018 Annex E(normative)Tests for microbialcontamination of final rinse water终末漂洗用水的微生物污染试验
E.1 PrincipleSamples of WDrinse water are inoculated onto appropriate microbiological growth media toevaluate the microbial quality of the water. The media facilitates the growthand counting of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and detection of environmental (atypical)Mycobacterium sp.E.1原则将清洗消毒机漂洗用水的样品接种到适当的微生物生长培养基上,以评估水中的微生物质量。培养基有利于需氧嗜温菌的生长和计数,包括铜绿假单胞菌,以及环境(非典型)分枝杆菌的检测。
E.2MaterialSampling containers used for collectionof final rinse water shall be 250 ml, or larger, and shall be sterile.E.2材料用于收集终末漂洗用水的取样容器应为250毫升或更大,并应无菌。
E.3ProcedureE.3.1Sampling techniqueTake samples from draw-off pointsadjacent to the WD and from the point of discharge into the WD chamber orload.E.3过程E.3.1采样技术从 WD 附近的取样点以及进入 WD 室或负载的排放口采集样本。
Swab the discharge surfaces of thesampling points thoroughly with 0.2 μm filtered 70% alcohol and allow to dry byevaporation immediately before the sample is taken.用 0.2 μm 过滤的 70% 酒精彻底擦拭取样点的排放口表面,并在采集样本前立即蒸发干燥。
Collect a sample of not less than 200 ml,or as specified, from each sampling point for each test to be carried out.对于每次要进行的测试,从每个取样点采集不少于 200 毫升的样品,或按规定采集。
Test the samples within 4 h of collectionor store at 2℃ to 5℃ and test within 48 h of collection.样品采集后4小时内检测,或2℃~ 5℃保存,采集后48小时内检测。
E.3.2Test for aerobic mesophilic bacteriaTest final rinse water for aerobicmesophilic bacteria in accordance with ISO 15883-1:2006+Amd 1:2014., andAnnex D of this document.E.3.2需氧嗜温菌试验根据ISO 15883-1:2006+Amd 1:2014的6.4.2.4和本文附件D测试终末漂洗用水中的需氧嗜温细菌。
NOTE   Specific microbiological media can be used for the detection ofcertain types of microorganisms (e.g. for Pseudomonasaeruginosa).注:特定微生物培养基可用于检测某些类型的微生物(如铜绿假单胞菌)。
E.3.3Test for environmental (atypical) Mycobacteriumsp.Filter a 100 ml aliquot of the sampleunder vacuum through a 0.2 μm filter that is of appropriate size to allow its transfer andincubation as described below (e.g. 47 mm diameter).E.3.3环境(非典型)分枝杆菌试验。将 100 ml 样品在真空条件下通过适当大小的 0.2 μm 过滤器进行过滤,以便进行如下所述的转移和孵育(例如直径 47 mm)。
Transfer the filter aseptically to thesurface of a Middlebrook * 7H10 Agar plate and incubate at (30 ±2)℃. The plates should be read regularly. Incubationshould be continued for 28 d before it is concluded that no growth hasoccurred.* Equivalent media can be used if they canbe shown to lead to the same results将滤膜无菌转移至 Middlebrook * 7H10 琼脂平板表面,在 (30 ±2)℃ 下培养。定期读数。培养 28 天后方可判定无生长发生。* 如果能证明它们会导致相同的结果,则可以使用等效介质
The agar plate should be sealed toprevent dehydration of the growth medium.琼脂板应密封,以防止培养基脱水。
Carry out thetest in duplicate. Examine the filters weekly and count and record the numberof colonies of bacterial growth.试验一式两份。每周检查过滤器,计数并记录细菌生长的菌落数量。
Record the meannumber of colony forming units per sample.记录每个样品的平均菌落形成单位数。
NOTE If plates are overgrown byrelatively faster growing contaminants within 48 h to 72 h, it might be necessaryto resample and perform a validated preliminary partial decontamination ofthe sample with one or more chemicals to which mycobacterial species are moreresistant than the other organisms.注:如果培养皿在48小时至72小时内被生长相对较快的污染物过度生长,可能需要重新取样,并使用一种或多种分枝杆菌比其他生物更耐药的化学品对样品进行初步的部分去污。
If growth of (atypical) Mycobacterium sp. is observedconsideration should be given to having the cultures transferred to aspecialist laboratory for identification of the mycobacterial strainsisolated.如果观察到(非典型)分枝杆菌生长,应考虑将培养物转移到专业实验室,以鉴定分离的分枝杆菌菌株。
E.4Results/Acceptance criteriaE.4结果/验收标准
Record the number of aerobic mesophilicbacteria per 100 ml sample of final rinse water;记录每100毫升最终漂洗水样品中需氧嗜温菌的数量;
Report the number of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in 100 ml, and (atypical) Mycobacterium sp. in 100 ml.报告100毫升中的铜绿假单胞菌的数量,以及100毫升中的(非典型)分枝杆菌属的数量。
There are fewer than 10 CFU/100 ml sampleof final rinse water and the water is free from Pseudomonas aeruginosa in 100 ml, and (atypical) Mycobacterium sp. in 100 ml (see 6.3).终末冲洗用水样品中的细菌数量少于 10 CFU/100 ml,且 100 ml 水中不含铜绿假单胞菌,以及(非典型)分枝杆菌属(见 6.3)。

zjw600154 发表于 2024-7-8 15:09

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