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本帖最后由 乔-乔 于 2013-1-25 21:49 编辑
Candida in respiratory secretionsPneumonia due to Candida spp. is extremely rare. The diagnosis is made not byculturing respiratory secretions but by demonstrating tissue invasion presentin histological studies . Microbiology laboratories have no role in thediagnosis of this disease . If Candida species are reported to be presentin respiratory secretions, physicians may interpret this as indicative of pneumoniadue to Candida. This misinterpretation causes diagnosis of a disease that ismost likely not present. At a minimum, problems caused by identifying Candidaspecies in respiratory specimens include (i) prescribing potentiallyunnecessary antifungal therapy, (ii) the potential risk of adverse drugreaction, and (iii) environmental pressure for increased resistance in yeastsand fungi. If fungal cultures are requested on respiratory secretions, many good laboratories do not perform a full identification to species level for allyeasts. They simply report "yeasts" for these specimens if the yeastis most likely Candida sp. All other yeasts and fungi (e.g., Cryptococcus and Histoplasma) continue to be fully identified and reported. When yeasts (orCandida spp.) are reported, many include a comment such as this: "If theserapidly growing yeasts are isolated, evaluation of their clinical significanceis indicated before treatment is initiated. Please note that pneumonia due tothese yeasts is extremely rare and is diagnosed by the presence of tissueinvasion on lung biopsy, not by culture."
来源: Clinical Microbiology Newsletter Vol. 25, No. 1