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2006 MeSH
These formatted versions of the entire MeSH vocabulary are available to download.
2006 XML MeSH
􀂃 Descriptor Records
􀂃 XML file (updated weekly) [254MB, uncompressed], DTD
􀂃 compressed files ZIP file [14MB] GZ file [14MB]
􀂃 Qualifier Records XML file (updated weekly) [440KB, uncompressed], DTD
􀂃 Supplementary Concept Records (formerly Supplementary Chemical Records)
􀂃 XML file (updated weekly) [438MB, uncompressed], DTD
􀂃 compressed files ZIP file [31MB] GZ file [31MB]
􀂃 Descriptor Records [25MB]
􀂃 Qualifier Records [95KB]
􀂃 Supplementary Concept Records [53MB] (formerly Supplementary Chemical Records)
2006 MeSH Trees [1.7MB]
2006 MeSH in MARC format
These files are also available for 2006 MeSH:
Pharmacologic Actions of a given substance - 2006 [3.8MB, XML format], DTD
Substances with a given Pharmacologic Action - 2006 [2.3MB, XML format], DTD
New Headings with Scope Notes - 2006 [166KB]
Replaced Headings - 2006 [13KB]
MN (tree number) Changes - 2006 [209KB]
Updates and Citation Maintenance. (XML files)
Updates and Citation Maintenance - 2006 (XML files)
􀂃 Maintenance tasks - 2006 [1.6 MB, XML format], DTD
􀂃 Searches for Manual tasks - 2006 [730 KB, XML format], DTD
2005 MeSH
2005 XML MeSH
Descriptor Records
􀂃 XML file [240MB, uncompressed]
􀂃 compressed files ZIP file [13MB] GZ file [13MB]
Qualifier Records XML file [451KB, uncompressed]
Supplementary Concept Records (formerly Supplementary Chemical Records)
􀂃 XML file [408MB, uncompressed]
􀂃 compressed files ZIP file [29MB] GZ file [29MB]
Descriptor Records [24MB]
Qualifier Records [98KB]
Supplementary Concept Records [49MB] (formerly Supplementary Chemical Records)
2005 MeSH Trees [1.6MB]
2005 MeSH in MARC format
Updates and Citation Maintenance - 2005 (XML files)
Maintenance tasks - 2005 [2 MB, XML format], DTD
Searches for Manual tasks - 2005 [1 MB, XML format], DTD
2004 MeSH
2004 MeSH in MARC format
2004 MeSH files for TREC (Text REtrieval Conference) Genomics track The following files were preserved for use by the TREC community with the 2004 MEDLINE/PubMed Baseline. The files were downloaded when the 2004 MEDLINE/PubMed Baseline was created and represent the closest MeSH Vocabulary files for use with the data contained in the Baseline. For information about both the ASCII format and XML format, as well as sample files, see the information page for files available to download.
2004_MEDLINE_Baseline_MeSH_ASCII.tar.gz [18MB] Compressed tar file containing the MeSH ASCII files that were preserved including:
􀂃 c2004.bin - Supplementary Concept Records data elements
􀂃 d2004.bin - Descriptor data elements
􀂃 q2004.bin - Qualifier data elements
􀂃 mtrees2004.bin - MeSH main headings with the MeSH tree codes that place the heading in a hierarchical arrangement.
2004_MEDLINE_Baseline_MeSH_XML.tar.gz [44MB], DTD Compressed tar file containing the MeSH XML files that were preserved including:
􀂃 supp2004.xml - Supplementary Concept Records data elements
􀂃 desc2004.xml - Descriptor data elements
􀂃 qual2004.xm - Qualifier data elements
[ 本帖最后由 xxxxxx666666 于 2007-12-27 20:51 编辑 ]
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