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A 67-year-old man presented with fever, abdominalcramping, and frequent diarrhea (six to nine bowel movements per day)for 4 days. Three weeks before the current episode, he had undergonea hip replacement and was rehabilitating in an orthopedic unit. During thathospitalization, he developed a nosocomial pneumonia and was treatedempirically with cefuroxime and clindamycin. He graduallyimproved and was discharged a week before his current presentation, withmaintenance oral antibiotics, to recuperate at home. His wife had no similarsymptoms. 【google翻译】一位67岁的男子出现发烧,腹部绞痛,腹泻频繁(六至九次每天排便)4天。当前事件的前三个星期,他已经经历了髋关节置换术,并在骨科单元恢复。在住院期间,他并发了院内获得性肺炎,经验性治疗头孢呋辛和克林霉素。他逐渐好转,在出现当前状况前一个星期出院,维护口服抗生素,在家休养。他的妻子有没有类似的症状。 PHYSICALEXAMINATION VS: T39°C, P 114 /min, R 18/min, BP 94/50 mmHg PE: The patient appeared confused and very pale. He could not answer questions abouthis current condition. His skin showed decreased turgor, and his oralmucosa was dry.
LABORATORYSTUDIES Blood Hematocrit: 45% WBC: 12,800/μL Differential: 71% PMNs, 24% lymphs Blood gases: Normal Serum chemistries: BUN 28 mg/dL, creatinine 1.5 mg/dL
【google翻译】实验室研究血 :红细胞比容值45%WBC:12,800/μL,分类:71%的中性粒细胞,24%lymphs血气:正常血清生化检查:尿素氮28毫克/升,肌酐1.5毫克/升