本帖最后由 乔-乔 于 2013-1-25 21:49 编辑呼吸道样本中分离出的假丝酵母菌有意义吗?下面的这段文字给出了很好的回答。
Candida in respiratory secretionsPneumonia due to Candida spp. is extremely rare. The diagnosis is made not byculturing respiratory secretions but by demonstrating tissue invasion presentin histological studies . Microbiology laboratories have no role in thediagnosis of this disease . If Candida species are reported to be presentin respiratory secretions, physicians may interpret this as indicative of pneumoniadue to Candida. This misinterpretation causes diagnosis of a disease that ismost likely not present. At a minimum, problems caused by identifying Candidaspecies in respiratory specimens include (i) prescribing potentiallyunnecessary antifungal therapy, (ii) the potential risk of adverse drugreaction, and (iii) environmental pressure for increased resistance in yeastsand fungi. If fungal cultures are requested on respiratory secretions, many good laboratories do not perform a full identification to species level for allyeasts. They simply report "yeasts" for these specimens if the yeastis most likely Candida sp. All other yeasts and fungi (e.g., Cryptococcus and Histoplasma) continue to be fully identified and reported. When yeasts (orCandida spp.) are reported, many include a comment such as this: "If theserapidly growing yeasts are isolated, evaluation of their clinical significanceis indicated before treatment is initiated. Please note that pneumonia due tothese yeasts is extremely rare and is diagnosed by the presence of tissueinvasion on lung biopsy, not by culture."
来源: Clinical Microbiology Newsletter Vol. 25, No. 1
很好的资料,还有上下文吗?宿主的因素也要考虑进去吧,据我所知血液科的同道就不一定很同意该观点。 huangliur 发表于 2013-1-25 21:58 static/image/common/back.gif
关于 呼吸道样本中假丝酵母菌的意义 就只这一段!
呼吸道样本中的假丝酵母菌没有意义,就此问题曾经在2011年SIFIC上海年会请教过台湾感控专家王仁贤教授,他表达了和文章中相同的观点。 说的很好,“酵母菌性肺炎是极为罕见的”, 正常人的呼吸道会有少量的念球菌属,呼吸科的医生一般不予理会,当观察病人口腔有白膜出现时,再做痰培养,如果大量的念珠菌培养出来,就要考虑了,可能是大量使用抗生素引起的,细菌被抑制,真菌自然多了,医生会停止抗生素,使用一些抗真菌药物,让呼吸道正常菌群恢复过来。 学习了,只是本人英文基础太差,看不懂,通过几位老师的分析,知道了大概的意思。有个问题想请教老师,最近我们神经内科有2个脑梗塞病人,咽拭子培养白色念珠菌,是否考虑院感呢? jdzyya 发表于 2013-1-26 10:39 static/image/common/back.gif
学习了,只是本人英文基础太差,看不懂,通过几位老师的分析,知道了大概的意思。有个问题想请教老师,最近 ...
咽拭子分离出白色念珠菌,你考虑诊断什么医院感染?{:1_17:} 乔-乔 发表于 2013-1-25 22:34 static/image/common/back.gif
关于 呼吸道样本中假丝酵母菌的意义 就只这一段!
呼吸道样本中的假丝酵母菌没有意义,就此问题曾经在201 ...
对的,一般讲是没有意义的,但若有多部位定植或皮肤黏膜有破损是还是要警惕的,毕竟定植是感染的前提。 本人也觉得这两位患者咽拭子培养出真菌无意义,因为他们临床症状不明显,仅有轻微咳嗽,咳痰不明显,只是医生都用了抗真菌的药,所以我们科长说,只要他们用了药,就算院感:上呼吸道感染。
谢谢乔-乔老师的指点,我又将这两个病人的病历仔细的看了,有一位时有发热且大于38度,咽部吞咽时疼痛,符合上感的症状;另一位仅有少量痰,低热不超过38度,也没有鼻咽部等上呼吸道急性炎症的表现,因此不能诊断为院感。 每天登陆这个论坛,都能学到很多东西,理清概念,谢谢!
又学到了很多东西,谢谢分享 应该诊断霉菌性口腔炎吧,属于院感 我们院呼吸科也有很多病人痰检出假丝酵母,多数没有意义 痰培养出假丝酵母并不一定表示感染。 我觉得一般的真菌涂片检查如同时发现孢子及菌丝是否有意义? 一般的真菌涂片检查如同时发现孢子及菌丝有意义的,感染相非常大的。 达州赵 发表于 2015-6-13 18:46
呼吸道假丝酵母菌没有临床意义。 “酵母菌性肺炎是极为罕见的"谢谢老师的分享,以后诊断时要慎重。