推荐一篇文献,MDRO引起的BSI研究比较多,当前,PLOS MED发表了一篇研究报道。系统回顾了2007年31个国家关于SA和E.Coli引起的BACTEREMIA,参考的数据库是欧洲抗生素耐药监测系统。有些数据还是很有参考价值,分享给大家。Abstract
Background: The relative importance of human diseases is conventionally assessed by cause-specific mortality, morbidity,
and economic impact. Current estimates for infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria are not sufficiently supported
by quantitative empirical data. This study determined the excess number of deaths, bed-days, and hospital costs associated
with blood stream infections (BSIs) caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and third-generation
cephalosporin-resistant Escherichia coli (G3CREC) in 31 countries that participated in the European Antimicrobial Resistance
Surveillance System (EARSS).
Methods and Findings: The number of BSIs caused by MRSA and G3CREC was extrapolated from EARSS prevalence data
and national health care statistics. Prospective cohort studies, carried out in hospitals participating in EARSS in 2007,
provided the parameters for estimating the excess 30-d mortality and hospital stay associated with BSIs caused by either
MRSA or G3CREC. Hospital expenditure was derived from a publicly available cost model. Trends established by EARSS were
used to determine the trajectories for MRSA and G3CREC prevalence until 2015. In 2007, 27,711 episodes of MRSA BSIs wereassociated with 5,503 excess deaths and 255,683 excess hospital days in the participating countries, whereas 15,183episodes of G3CREC BSIs were associated with 2,712 excess deaths and 120,065 extra hospital days.
The total costs attributable to excess hospital stays for MRSA and G3CREC BSIs were 44.0 and 18.1 million Euros (63.1 and 29.7 million international dollars), 因为MRSA喝G3CREC引起的血流感染而导致的住院时间增加,导致的额外支出为4千4百万和一千八百万。respectively. Based on prevailing trends, the number of BSIs caused by G3CREC is likely to rapidly
increase, outnumbering the number of MRSA BSIs in the near future.
Conclusions: Excess mortality associated with BSIs caused by MRSA and G3CREC is significant, and the prolongation of
hospital stay imposes a considerable burden on health care systems. A foreseeable shift in the burden of antibiotic
resistance from Gram-positive to Gram-negative infections will exacerbate this situation and is reason for concern.
Please see later in the article for the Editors’ Summary.
本帖最后由 蓝鱼o_0 于 2011-10-23 19:35 编辑
很不好意思,没有英文底子,想学习只能望文兴叹! 凤凰飞翔 发表于 2011-10-23 19:51 static/image/common/back.gif
有的战友对于里面的计算方法感兴趣,可以另外专研。 下载下来了,打算有时间好好学习,顺便学学专业英语! 已下载全文,谢谢老师,虽然很很困难,但打算硬着头皮把它啃下来!{:1_7:}