蓝鱼o_0 发表于 2011-4-25 12:41


Lumbar puncture is indicated for both diagnostic and therapeutic reasons. Knowledge of the contraindications, the pertinent anatomy, and the methods to minimize the risk of complications are necessary for the safe and efficient performance of the procedure. Risks, although rare, can be substantial and even potentially life-threatening. The risks can be minimized with an appropriate understanding of the indications, contraindications, and procedural techniques.


蓝鱼o_0 发表于 2011-4-25 12:42

本帖最后由 蓝鱼o_0 于 2011-4-25 12:47 编辑

Lumbar puncture is used to obtain a sample of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to aid in the diagnosis of infectious, inflammatory, oncologic, and metabolic processes (Table 1). Therapeutic indications include the delivery of chemotherapy, antibiotics, and anesthetic agents.

蓝鱼o_0 发表于 2011-4-25 12:43

本帖最后由 蓝鱼o_0 于 2011-5-1 14:14 编辑

Cardiorespiratory compromise may occur because of the position patients must assume to undergo lumbar puncture; patients with some degree of cardiorespiratory compromise should avoid lumbar puncture.1 The procedure should also be avoided in patients with signs of cerebral herniation, patients with incipient herniation from increased intracranial pressure, and those with potentially increased intracranial pressure and focal neurologic signs. If there are concerns, cranial computed tomography (CT) should be performed before lumbar puncture, with the caveat that CT may not definitively reveal signs of increased intracranial pressure.2 Coagulopathy will increase the risk of a spinal hematoma, although the level of coagulopathy that increases risk is unclear. For patients who have previously undergone lumbar surgery, the likelihood of successful lumbar puncture may be increased if the procedure is
performed by an interventional radiologist using imaging techniques. Equipment Commercially available trays contain the necessary supplies, including a spinal needle with a stylet, skin-cleansing agents, drapes, collection tubes, and a manometer. A 22-gauge needle is preferred, because the smaller hole will decrease the risk of CSF leakage. In general, a needle measuring 1.5 in. (3.8 cm) is used in infants, 2.5 in. (6.3 cm) in children, and 3.5 in. (8.9 cm) in adults.

蓝鱼o_0 发表于 2011-4-25 12:44

本帖最后由 绿茵场 于 2011-4-26 12:16 编辑

The patient should assume either the lateral recumbent position or a sitting position. The lateral recumbent position is preferred, to obtain an accurate opening pressure and to reduce the risk of post-puncture headache. Since not all patients can be put in any position, it is reasonable to learn to perform the procedure in both left and right decubitus, as well as the upright, position. Once situated, the patient should be instructed to adopt the fetal position or arch “like a cat” with his or her back flexed, to widen the gap between the spinous processes. The lumbar spine should be perpendicular to the table with the patient in the sitting position and parallel to the table with the patient in the lateral recumbent position.
Landmarks Draw a line visually between the superior aspects of the iliac crests that intersects the midline at the L4 spinous process. Insert the needle in the interspace between L3 and L4 or L4 and L5, because these points are below the termination of the spinal cord. You should palpate the landmarks before preparing the skin and applying local anesthesia, since these procedures may obscure the landmarks. Use a skin-marking pen to indicate the proper position. Preparation After donning sterile gloves, clean the overlying skin with an appropriate disinfectant, either povidone–iodine or a chlorhexidine-based solution. Apply the disinfectant in widening concentric circles. Cover the area with sterile drapes.

翻译部分见16楼(认领人:mickeypank )

蓝鱼o_0 发表于 2011-4-25 12:45

本帖最后由 绿茵场 于 2011-4-26 09:11 编辑

Analgesia and Sedation
Lumbar puncture is a painful and anxiety-provoking procedure. At a minimum,
local anesthesia is appropriate. If time allows, you can apply anesthetic cream
topically before preparing the skin. After the skin has been clean and draped, local
anesthetic can be infiltrated subcutaneously. Systemic sedatives and analgesics may
also be used.
Lumbar Puncture
After once again palpating the landmarks, insert the needle, with stylet firmly in
place, at the superior aspect of the inferior spinous process, in the midline, approximately
15 degrees cephalad, as if aiming at the patient’s umbilicus. Recent data suggest
that the use of a “pencil-tipped” needle can decrease the risk of postdural puncture
headache3 owing to CSF leakage by spreading rather than cutting the fibers of
the dural sac. If the more commonly used bevel needle is used, the bevel of the needle
should be in the sagittal plane, so as to spread rather than cut the fibers of the
dural sac, which run parallel to the spinal axis.
If properly positioned, the needle should pass through, in order, the skin, subcutaneous
tissue, supraspinous ligament, interspinous ligament between the spinous
processes, ligamentum flavum, epidural space including the internal vertebral
venous plexus, dura, and arachnoid, into the subarachnoid space and between the
nerve roots of the cauda equina. As the needle passes through the ligamentum flavum,
you may feel a popping sensation. After this point, withdraw the stylet in 2-mm
intervals to assess for CSF flow.4 If the attempt is unsuccessful and bone is encountered,
withdraw the needle to the subcutaneous tissue, without exiting the skin,
and redirect the needle. CSF will flow once the subarachnoid space has been entered.
If the tap was traumatic, the CSF may be tinged with blood. The blood should
clear as additional CSF is collected, unless the source of the blood is a subarachnoid
hemorrhage. If flow is poor, you may rotate the needle 90 degrees, since a nerve
root may be obstructing the opening.

翻译部分见11楼(认领人:Adler007 )

蓝鱼o_0 发表于 2011-4-25 12:47

本帖最后由 绿茵场 于 2011-4-26 09:58 编辑

Opening Pressure
An opening pressure can be obtained only from patients in the lateral recumbent
position. Use a flexible tube to connect a manometer to the hub of the needle. This
should be done before you obtain any samples. A measurement can be made after
the column of fluid stops rising. It may be possible to see pulsations from cardiac
or respiratory motion.
Specimen Collection
CSF will drip into the collection tubes; it should never be aspirated because even
a small amount of negative pressure can precipitate a hemorrhage. The amount of
fluid collected should be limited to the smallest volume necessary — typically, 3 to
4 ml. Fluid should be collected from the manometer if an opening pressure was measured
by turning the stopcock toward the patient and draining the fluid into a tube.
After collecting an adequate specimen, replace the stylet and remove the needle.
The site should be cleaned, and a bandage applied. Despite the widely held belief,
bed rest does not decrease the incidence of headaches after lumbar puncture.

Obese patients may represent a challenge because of difficulty in identifying landmarks.
Osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, kyphoscoliosis, previous lumbar surgery,
and degenerative disk disease may make the procedure more difficult. In patients
with such conditions, consultation with an anesthesiologist or interventional
radiologist may be necessary for lumbar puncture to be successful.
Complications from lumbar puncture include herniation, cardiorespiratory compromise,
local or referred pain, headache, bleeding, infection, subarachnoid epider-mal cyst, and leakage of CSF. The most common complication is headache, occurring
in up to 36.5% of patients within 48 hours after the procedure. Headaches
can be caused by the leakage of CSF through the puncture site at a rate that exceeds
the rate of CSF production. The incidence increases in relation to the size of the
spinal needle.5 The most serious complication is herniation, which may result when
a large pressure gradient exists between the cranial and lumbar compartments.
This gradient can be increased during a lumbar puncture, resulting in brain-stem
herniation. Patients at high risk for herniation can be identified by a thorough history-
taking and neurologic examination. If there is still concern about the procedure,
CT may be helpful, with the caveat that these images may not identify pressure
elevations. However, CT is not necessary for all patients, because it could delay
diagnosis and treatment. Bleeding is most likely to occur in a patient with a bleeding
diathesis. The resulting hemorrhage may cause spinal cord compression. No
absolute criteria exist regarding the degree of coagulopathy and the risk of bleeding,
so clinical judgment is necessary. Subarachnoid epidermal cysts can develop as
a consequence of introducing a skin plug into the subarachnoid space and can be
avoided through the use of a needle with a stylet.

翻译部分见12楼(认领人:Adler007 )

绿茵场 发表于 2011-4-25 21:55


本帖最后由 绿茵场 于 2011-4-25 22:00 编辑

辛苦 蓝鱼o_0了!{:1_17:}

蓝鱼o_0 发表于 2011-4-25 22:09

回复 7# 绿茵场


米奇朋克 发表于 2011-4-26 08:15

The patient should assume either the lateral recumbent position o ...
蓝鱼o_0 发表于 2011-4-25 12:44 http://bbs.sific.com.cn/images/common/back.gif

Adler007 发表于 2011-4-26 08:37

【第五部分】Analgesia and Sedation

Adler007 发表于 2011-4-26 09:07

【第五部分】Analgesia and Sedation

【第五部分】Analgesia and Sedation止痛和镇静
腰椎穿刺是一个使人疼痛和令人焦虑的过程。最低剂量的局部麻醉是必须的,如果时间允许,在准备清洁皮肤前,你可以申请麻醉乳膏,在清洁消毒皮肤并铺上消毒巾后,局部麻醉剂已经透过皮下组织,也可以使用全身镇静剂和止痛剂。腰椎穿刺 再次摸清界标后,在中线位置、下一个棘突的上缘插入带针芯的穿刺针,针头朝向头部,约呈15度,似乎是向着患者脐部的方向。脑脊液(CSF)漏可引起穿刺后头痛,最新数据表明,采用“铅笔头样”针头可降低头痛的发生危险,因为这种针头可使硬脊膜囊的纤维散开,而不会将其切断。如果使用较常用的斜面针头,针头的斜面应位于矢状面,这样也可以使与脊柱轴平行的纤维散开,而不会将其切断。   如果进针位置正确,穿刺针应依次通过皮肤、皮下组织、棘上韧带、棘突间的棘间韧带、黄韧带、硬膜外隙(其中包括内椎静脉丛、硬脊膜和蛛网膜),进入蛛网膜下腔,并位于马尾神经根之间。当穿刺针通过黄韧带时,可感觉到一种突破感。此时,应将针芯拔出2 mm,观察是否有脑脊液流出。如果穿刺不成功,并碰到骨,将穿刺针退至皮下组织,但不要退出皮肤,调整好方向后再次进针。针头一旦进入蛛网膜下腔,就有CSF流出。如果穿刺时有创伤,CSF可能略带血。收集CSF时,CSF应清澈无血,除非存在蛛网膜下腔出血。如果脑脊液流出不畅,可将针头旋转90度,因为针头开口处可能被神经根堵塞。

Adler007 发表于 2011-4-26 09:36

【第六部分】 Opening Pressure

本帖最后由 Adler007 于 2011-4-26 09:49 编辑

Opening Pressure
An opening pressure can be obtained only from patients in the lateral recumbentposition. Use a flexible tube to connect a manometer to the hub of the needle. Thisshould be done before you obtain any samples. A measurement can be made afterthe column of fluid stops rising. It may be possible to see pulsations from cardiacor respiratory motion.开放压测量开放压时患者须侧卧位。用一根软管将测压计与穿刺针的中心(hub)相连。这项操作应在收集任何样本前完成。当测压计液柱不再上升时,读出测量值。您有可能看到因心脏或呼吸运动引起的液面浮动。 Specimen Collection
CSF will drip into the collection tubes; it should never be aspirated because evena small amount of negative pressure can precipitate a hemorrhage. The amount offluid collected should be limited to the smallest volume necessary — typically, 3 to4 ml. Fluid should be collected from the manometer if an opening pressure was measuredby turning the stopcock toward the patient and draining the fluid into a tube.After collecting an adequate specimen, replace the stylet and remove the needle.样本收集  脑脊液(CSF)应滴入收集管内;不应该进行抽吸,因为甚至是很小的一点负压,也会导致出血。收集的液量应限制在最小需要量,一般是3~4 ml。如果患者要进行开放压的测量,要将旋转阀转向患者,让测压计内的CSF流入收集管内。收集足量样本后、插入针芯、拔出穿刺针。 Follow-up
The site should be cleaned, and a bandage applied. Despite the widely held belief, bed rest does not decrease the incidence of headaches after lumbar puncture.
Obese patients may represent a challenge because of difficulty in identifying landmarks.
Osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, kyphoscoliosis, previous lumbar surgery,and degenerative disk disease may make the procedure more difficult. In patients with such conditions, consultation with an anesthesiologist or interventionalradiologist may be necessary for lumbar puncture to be successful.
Complications from lumbar puncture include herniation, cardiorespiratory compromise,
local or referred pain, headache, bleeding, infection, subarachnoid epider-mal cyst, and leakage of CSF. The most common complication is headache, occurring
in up to 36.5% of patients within 48 hours after the procedure. Headachescan be caused by the leakage of CSF through the puncture site at a rate that exceedsthe rate of CSF production. The incidence increases in relation to the size of thespinal needle.5 The most serious complication is herniation, which may result whena large pressure gradient exists between the cranial and lumbar compartments.This gradient can be increased during a lumbar puncture, resulting in brain-stemherniation. Patients at high risk for herniation can be identified by a thorough history-
taking and neurologic examination. If there is still concern about the procedure,CT may be helpful, with the caveat that these images may not identify pressureelevations. However, CT is not necessary for all patients, because it could delaydiagnosis and treatment. Bleeding is most likely to occur in a patient with a bleedingdiathesis. The resulting hemorrhage may cause spinal cord compression. Noabsolute criteria exist regarding the degree of coagulopathy and the risk of bleeding,so clinical judgment is necessary. Subarachnoid epidermal cysts can develop asa consequence of introducing a skin plug into the subarachnoid space and can beavoided through the use of a needle with a stylet.并发症  肥胖患者的界标很难确定,这是一种挑战。骨关节炎、强制性脊柱炎、腰部手术史、退行性椎间盘疾病可能使得腰椎穿刺较难完成。对于此类患者,可能需要请麻醉科医师或介入放射科医师会诊,以提高腰椎穿刺的成功率。腰椎穿刺的并发症包括脑疝、心肺功能受损、局部或牵涉痛、头痛、出血、感染、蛛网膜下皮囊肿和脑脊液漏。最常见的并发症是头痛,其在腰穿后48小时内的发生率高达36.5%。头痛的原因是CSF从穿刺部位渗漏的速度超过CSF的生成速度。头痛发生率的增加与所用腰穿针的粗细有关。最严重的并发症是脑疝,如果颅腔与脊髓腔之间的压力差大,就有可能导致脑疝。在腰椎穿刺过程中,这种压力差可导致脑疝形成。医师通过详细询问病史和神经系统体检,可以发现脑疝的高危患者。如果医师对进行腰椎穿刺仍有顾虑,CT可能有帮助,但颅内压升高不一定都能被影像学检查发现。但是,CT对所有患者可能都不是必须的,因为它可耽搁诊断和治疗。有出血体质的患者非常容易发生出血,出血可导致脊髓受压。关于凝血障碍程度与出血危险的关系,尚无绝对标准,所以必须根据临床情况进行判断。采用有针芯的穿刺针可避免其发生因皮肤栓子进入蛛网膜下腔引起的蛛网膜下囊肿。

蓝鱼o_0 发表于 2011-4-26 10:00

回复 7# 绿茵场



蓝鱼o_0 发表于 2011-4-26 10:02

回复 9# mickeypank


Adler007 发表于 2011-4-26 10:46

大家一起共同进步,Thank you for your hard work !

米奇朋克 发表于 2011-4-26 11:23

本帖最后由 mickeypank 于 2011-4-26 11:26 编辑

回复 14# 蓝鱼o_0


绿茵场 发表于 2011-4-26 12:14

回复 13# 蓝鱼o_0

蓝鱼o_0 发表于 2011-5-1 14:15

回复 3# 蓝鱼o_0


蓝鱼o_0 发表于 2011-5-1 15:38

回复 7# 绿茵场


蓝鱼o_0 发表于 2011-5-1 15:48

回复 17# 绿茵场


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