标准化操作能够降低医院感染的可能性。众所周知,新英格兰医学是目前医学领域的权威杂志,它制作了一些临床标准化操作的在线视频,链接地址:http://www.nejm.org/multimedia/medical-videos感兴趣的大家可以去看看。全英文的介绍,可以练练听力和口语。我已经下载了相应视频的PDF版本,分享给大家。 版主或者管理员可以组织大家翻译,我愿意报名承担一份! 下载了,图片能看看,等老师翻译再看了,继续学英语啊............... 回复 1# 蓝鱼o_0
您就是胡教授所说的英语基础好的人才啊,为我们开拓了国际视野,谢谢分享!{:1_17:} 非常好的资料!!!官网上面也有video,只是,这些,在国内行得通吗?????恩,目前只能适合自我提高吧~呵呵 回复 1# 蓝鱼o_0
临床操作规范的具体执行者是临床医务人员,了解这些操作标准对于拓展视野非常有帮助,也可以增加沟通的砝码。{:1_17:} 回复 6# 绿茵场
不论对翻译者,还是论坛的战友,都是有好处的。 回复 1# 蓝鱼o_0
好丰盛的大餐,向蓝鱼致以最崇高的敬意,更期待你的译本{:1_1:} 回复 7# 蓝鱼o_0
就是不知道论坛里的老师有没有时间?!{:1_1:} 回复 9# 绿茵场
我也需要一段时间,5月份我要去上海开会,还要考中级职称。 回复 10# 蓝鱼o_0
http://bbs.sific.com.cn/viewthread.php?tid=52358&page=1&extra=#pid588034 我愿意翻译脓肿穿刺引流水,如果没有其他人翻译的话。 这么多,真是有得一看了。特别是国外既定的标准化操作,只要国内能够实行,帮助是很大的。 很想看,但很可惜我打开的网页上不能预览?蓝鱼老师能否帮忙下载后再传上来?谢谢。 谢谢各位同仁为大家提供学习的机会,看来自己真的需要好好加强学习,快速提高,尤其是外语水平。有朋友愿意为我提供学习英语的帮助吗?如有请给我留言非常感谢。QQ624592373 回复 1# 蓝鱼o_0
真是书到用时方恨少,听起来比较吃力啊! 先下载了。本人英语底子很不好,但我想请医院里的英语高手帮我翻译,能了解多少是多少,多少都会有收获的。谢谢1#版主的分享! 精品内容,谢谢分享。{:1_17:} 听听还是有难度的,象深静脉穿刺,很熟悉的操作了,还是听起来云里雾里的,当做听力材料练习可能不错吧{:1_1:} Hand Hygiene
Health-care associated infections are a threat to patient safety and the most common adverse events resulting from a stay in the hospital.1 Approximately 5 to 10% of hospitalized patients in the developed world acquire such infections, and the burden of disease is even higher in developing countries. Proper use of hand hygiene is a critical to the prevention of these infections, but compliance among health care workers is most often below 40%. . . . .
The WHO takes no responsibility for the information provided or the views expressed in this article.
Supported in part by a grant from the Swiss National Research Fund (FN 3200B0-122324) and by the University of Geneva Hospitals.
Drs. Longtin and Sax contributed equally to this article.
Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with the full text of this article at NEJM.org.
We thank all members of the Infection Control Program, University of Geneva Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine, for their dedication to improving patient safety, Rosemary Sudan for editorial assistance, Otto Zingg for his technical assistance with the video, and Christa Prins for the photographs in this article.