Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, December 2007, p. 4217-4224, Vol. 51, No. 12MINIREVIEW
Outbreaks Associated with Contaminated Antiseptics and Disinfectants
David J. Weber,1,2* William A. Rutala,1,2 and Emily E. Sickbert-Bennett1
Department of Hospital Epidemiology, University of North Carolina Health Care System, Chapel Hill, North Carolina,1 Division of Infectious Diseases, University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, North Carolina2
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has estimated that health care-associated infections account for an estimated 1.7 million infections, 99,000 deaths, and $4.5 billion in excess health care costs annually (16). The key interventions used to control health care-associated infections include surveillance (27, 33), isolation of patients with communicable diseases (26) or multidrug-resistant pathogens (81), proper skin antisepsis prior to invasive procedures and hand hygiene by health care workers (12), and appropriate disinfection and sterilization of medical devices and environmental surfaces (73, 75, 79).
Multiple nosocomial outbreaks have resulted from inadequate antisepsis or disinfection. Inadequate skin antisepsis may result from a lack of intrinsic antimicrobial activity of the antiseptic, a resistant pathogen, overdilution of the antiseptic, or the use of a contaminated antiseptic. The inadequate disinfection of medical devices or environmental surfaces may result from a lack of intrinsic antimicrobial activity of the disinfectant, an incorrect choice of a disinfectant, a resistant pathogen, overdilution of the disinfectant, an inadequate duration of disinfection, a lack of contact between the disinfectant and the microbes, or the use of a contaminated disinfectant. Editorials have noted that contaminated antiseptics and disinfectants have been the occasional vehicles of hospital infections for more than 50 years (20, 72, 76). This paper concisely reviews nosocomial outbreaks associated with the use of a microbiologically contaminated germicide and focuses on the currently recommended germicides.
简报:受污染的消毒防腐剂引起的医院感染爆发刊物名称与发表时间:抗菌药物与化疗December 2007, p. 4217-4224, Vol. 51, No. 12
消毒防腐剂的应用不当,导致了多种类型的医院感染暴发。皮肤消毒剂的使用不当,例如:消毒对象为耐药病原菌、消毒剂的浓度过低、消毒剂被污染,都降低了消毒剂原有的抗菌活性。医疗器械或环境表面的消毒缺陷,也可使消毒剂失去原有的抗菌活性。比如:消毒剂选择错误,消毒对象为耐药病原菌、消毒剂的浓度过低、消毒剂对病原菌无效、消毒剂被污染。作者指出,自50年以前,就有消毒防腐剂的污染造成医院感染偶发的陆续报道。本文简要回顾了目前常用的消毒剂和被微生物污染变质的消毒剂与医院感染暴发之间的相互联系。 多谢提供资料和摘要译文的两位朋友!下载后再慢慢去啃!:) 虽然这是07年的贴子,现在看来仍有启发作用。