本帖最后由 Niki1 于 2023-9-20 09:53 编辑前几天看见关于尿路感染的讨论,我发现我有很多疑惑之处,而且发现国内的诊断真的太老旧了,我就去搜了一下美国NHSN的指南,和大家分享一下。
谢谢有心的老师分享~ 这个分享非常棒,谢谢NiKi1老师无私的分享 It is necessary to pay attention to the difference between monitoring standards and diagnostic standards, monitoring standards are only as close as possible to clinical diagnostic standards, the main purpose of monitoring uniformity, comparability, otherwise it is impossible to analyze the data, diagnostic standards are for better clinical diagnosis, inclined to treatment {:1_12:}{:1_12:}{:1_12:}{:1_12:} 谢谢有心的老师分享~ 谢谢NiKi1老师无私的分享 本帖最后由 Niki1 于 2023-9-20 17:39 编辑
jerkran 发表于 2023-9-20 01:21
It is necessary to pay attention to the difference between monitoring standards and diagnostic stand ...
hello, Jerkran, thank you for your comments, it helps a lot, so Isearched other files to learn, 《National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Patient Safety Component Manual》——Chapter 7: Urinary Tract Infection (Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection and non- catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infection ) and Other Urinary System Infection (USI) Events, but my English is not good enough, may I ask you a question that I can't understand this sentence“ If patient had an IUC in place for more than two consecutive days in an inpatient location and the IUC was in place on the date of event or the previous day the CAUTI criterion is met”,IUC:indwelling urinary。 catheter。{:1_12:}。This is my translation, is that right?“如果患者留置有导尿管并在感染事件发生时已经超过了2天和在感染时间发生之日或之前留置,那么符合CAUTI的标准”。thanks again~{:1_12:}
Niki1 发表于 2023-9-20 17:30
hello, Jerkran, thank you for your comments, it helps a lot, so Isearched other files to learn,...
The NHSN monitoring standard is as follows, indwelling for more than 2 days before being included in the surveillance, indwelling at the time of infection or indwelling the day before, NHSN monitoring only one day after extubation, China is 48h 谢谢分享 感谢老师的分享,已下载学习 谢谢老师分享,下载学习 这个分享非常棒,谢谢NiKi1老师无私的分享 谢谢老师,下载学习了。蛮好的 尽是英语 ,看不懂 谢谢老师分享,下载学习 谢谢老师分享,英文版 已学习,感谢分享! 谢谢老师分享,已经下载学习了 谢谢有心的老师分享~ 感谢分享,学习了