医务人员HBV-Ag阳性,是否需要进行工作岗位的限制?比如可否在血液透析科工作?可否在手术室工作?尽量避免重点岗位、、、、、、、、、、、、、、安全起见 没有明确规定,医务人员HBV-Ag阳性,不能从事那些岗位。 艾丽莎 发表于 2022-2-7 16:16
2021版血液净化标准操作规程中要求:建立工作人员健康档案,定期(原则上至少1 次/年)进行健康体检以及乙型肝炎病毒、丙型肝炎病毒、梅毒螺旋体和人类免疫缺陷病毒标志物检测,并管理保存体检资料。建议乙型肝炎病毒易感(HBsAb 阴性)的工作人员注射乙型肝炎病毒疫苗。
因此,如果工作人员每年的体检出现了阳性结果应该如何处置?如果没有应对措施,那每年的体检又有何意义? 要看是否有传染性,查滴度指标,定期复查 重点工作岗位还是调离的好。 了解了 从感染防控角度来看需要调离,但从保护XX感染者的权益来讲又不能调离,因为规范操作不可能造成感染,但硬要这么讲,透析患者也就没有分区的必要了。 ybc67 发表于 2022-2-7 23:30
从感染防控角度来看需要调离,但从保护XX感染者的权益来讲又不能调离,因为规范操作不可能造成感染,但硬要 ...
老师真是道出了实际工作的矛盾点了 没有强制要求。但从人性化管理,可以考虑更换工作岗位。 这个可能很难,不可能一个外科医生因此就不能做手术,那岂不是叫他改专业去当内科医生。 尽量避免吧,楼主提供规范,又增长了见识。 ybc67 发表于 2022-2-7 23:30
从感染防控角度来看需要调离,但从保护XX感染者的权益来讲又不能调离,因为规范操作不可能造成感染,但硬要 ...
只是调离感染高风险的岗位,并非剥夺工作权,似乎并不能归类于就业歧视吧?就跟工作人员因为健康原因不能胜任某些岗位而安排其他能够胜任的岗位是一个逻辑吧? SWHXY123 发表于 2022-2-8 09:17
那如果是HIV呢? 石桥wshh1975 发表于 2022-2-8 09:54
做好标准预防吧,HIV的传播途径主要是····,日常接触不会传播的 HBV-Ag阳性传染途径与HIV是一色一样的,个人觉得有的岗位还是要调整的。 个人认为至少不能在手术科室工作,但很难,曾经也提过同样的问题,没有好的解决方案 了解了,学习一下,临床上有好多细节问题
实际解决问题看领导 本帖最后由 石桥wshh1975 于 2022-2-11 14:52 编辑
SWHXY123 发表于 2022-2-8 10:00
Recommendations for management of healthcare workers infected with HBV
1.All HCWs who perform EPPs have ethical and professional obligations to know their HBV status.
2.HCWs who remain susceptible to HBV should be tested at appropriate intervals as determined by their level of risk and whenever an exposure has occurred.
3.HCWs born or previously residing in high HBV endemic countries should be tested for both anti-HBc and HBsAg to fully define HBV status.
4.HCWs infected with HBV should seek medical care from a physician with expertise in HBV management for optimal health maintenance and should be managed according to current recommendations with regular monitoring of HBV DNA level.
5.HCWs infected with HBV should be restricted from performing EPPs until
a)the HCW is under the care of a physician with expertise in HBV management; and
b)the HCW’s HBV DNA level is below 103IU/ml (5 x 103GE/ml) or equivalent and monitored regularly (every 3 to 6 months).
6.HCWs infected with HBV who have HBV DNA levels less than or equal to 103IU/ml (5x 103GE/ml) or equivalent should have no restrictions on practice based on HBV status alone.
7.HCWs infected with HBV who do not perform EPPs do not need restrictions on practice based on HBV status alone.
8.If a HCW-to-patient transmission of HBV occurs, the HCW should cease clinical practice immediately until determination for fitness to return to practice is made.
anti-HBc, antibody to hepatitis B core antigen;
HBcAg, Hepatitis B core antigen;
HBsAg, Hepatitis B surface antigen
EPPs:exposure-prone procedures, Exposure-prone procedures are invasive procedures where there is a risk that injury to the infected HCW may result in the exposure of the patient’s open tissues to the blood of the HCW and depending on the nature of that exposure and host factors (e.g. immunity) transmission of the BBV may occur.
引自:加拿大公共健康局:Guideline on the Prevention of Transmission of Bloodborne Viruses from Infected Healthcare Workers in Healthcare Settings (2019)
https://www.canada.ca/content/da ... ible_aug-2-2019.pdf
@ybc67 @SWHXY123 @冬日飘雪