可以设立一个板块或多个板块用英语讨论,类似以前盛行的英语角,使更多的不同英语水平的人加入进来,以点带面,共同提高。 非常好建议.欢迎您到我们的"国外最新医院感染文摘快译专递"发文和多说话哦,只要是英文的,我们都欢迎您发表于此版块!:loveliness: 不愧是版主,利用一切机会发展自己的地盘。但我觉得两者不一样,还是分别讨论比较好。您那论坛是以译文为主,主要反映学术动态;我说的论坛以日常的工作生活为主题,随意性较大,您说呢? 哈哈
也可以,就看胡老师那里还有没有空间啊? 只要大家都支持,胡老师那里一定会有空间的。 这是个好主意!司徒永康教授已经多次向我提出,希望大陆承办一次亚太区医院感染控制会议,今年是在马来西亚召开,2年后在澳门,4年后在澳大利亚,6年后的那一届申办将于2年后投票表决。如果我们有一批英文听说读写不错的医院感染专业人员,对大陆成功申办非常重要。我们需要操练英文,平时要多积累。
不知道大家对此想法如何?可以讨论或请依依先试试看,时机成熟了我们可随时设立版块。我们从国外最新医院感染文摘快译专递 的版块可以看出这里英文基础好的人才不少呢。 能用英语交流最好了,我是感觉自己就是“哑巴”英语。对着英文翻译还勉强,要直接表达(不管口头还是书面)就有难度了。 赞同,希望寄托在年轻人身上了.:P I think most people must be very busy at working, and have no spare time to
translate or practice Englist .But if we talk with English even if several sentences ,it
will be much interesting and convenient .Don’t you think so ? Ladies and gentleman, please join in our English forum. It will practice your reading writing and so on. Don’t hesitate. Come on please. Everybody is welcome to the English Corner. I am sure that it is a good opportunity for everyone who likes english in SIFIC to share your story and thought about hospital infection control. I just want to say ,it is a good idea and I will always support you !
a humour
At a French hotel, a man read the word “All Languages Spoken Here.”He spoke to the manager in English, German and Russian, but received no answer. At last he asked in French:” who speaks all the languages here?”. A waiter said: ”the hotel guests”.Ha ha ha Sometimes we translate “医院感染”with “hospital infection” and sometimes with
“nosocomial infection” .Which one is right or which one is better? What's difference
between “hospital infection” and “nosocomial infection”? Who can explain my
[ 本帖最后由 依依 于 2007-10-8 17:00 编辑 ] hahaha ,I always see "hospital infection " in articles,hardly see "“nosocomial infection',so ,I have no idea.:loveliness: nosocomial infection:hospital cleaning and healthcare-associated infection
hospital infection:all the infections in the hospital include nosocomia and community
I think so! Thank you very much.
But hospital infection include community?
[ 本帖最后由 依依 于 2007-10-9 11:31 编辑 ]
回复 #14 依依 的帖子
The term"nosocomial infections" is replaced by "healthcare associated infection"(HAIs) in The Guideline for Isolation Precautions(CDC 2007). I think that "hospital infection" trend to be a transmission route of disease.[ 本帖最后由 wzcdcyxh 于 2007-10-14 15:46 编辑 ] Sorry, I still couldn't know the difference between them.
Can you explain them clearly?