ynosmile 发表于 2017-9-26 14:17


2017-09-21 WHO 感控plusfile:///C:/Users/lenovo/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.gif来源:WHO编辑:董宏亮关注WHO导读2017年9月20日 | 日内瓦 - 世卫组织今日发布了题为《临床开发中的抗菌剂:关于抗菌剂(包括抗结核药)的临床开发分析》的报告,指出目前新抗生素的开发严重不足,难以打击日益增长的抗微生物药物耐药性威胁。
目前进入临床阶段的大多数药物是对现有抗生素类型的修改,只是短期解决方案。该报告发现,对于世卫组织确定会构成最大健康威胁的抗生素耐药感染,包括每年导致约25万人死亡的耐药结核病,潜在的治疗方案极少。“抗微生物药物耐药性是一项全球突发卫生事件,将严重危害现代医学的进展,”世卫组织总干事谭德塞博士说。“目前迫切需要更多地投资于对抗生素耐药感染(包括结核病)的研究与开发,否则我们将被迫回到害怕常见感染,小手术会也导致生命危险的年代。”除了耐多药结核病外,世卫组织还确定了12种重点病原体,其中一些可引起常见感染(如肺炎或尿路感染),它们对现有抗生素越来越耐药,迫切需要新的治疗药物。该报告确认了临床开发中的51种新抗生素和生物制剂,以治疗对抗生素耐药的重点病原体,以及结核病和有时致命的艰难梭状芽胞杆菌腹泻感染。然而,在所有这些候选药物中,世卫组织只将8个列为创新治疗药物,这将扩增当前的抗生素治疗储备。对于可能导致严重且常常致命性的感染,并对医院和养老院构成特别威胁的耐多药和广泛耐药结核分枝杆菌以及革兰氏阴性病原体,包括不动杆菌和肠杆菌科(如克雷伯杆菌和大肠杆菌),严重缺乏治疗方案。开发中的口服抗生素也极少,而这些是在医院外或资源有限环境中治疗感染的基本制剂。“制药公司和研究人员必须立即关注能治疗某些因缺乏防线可在几天内导致患者死亡的极其严重感染的新抗生素,”世卫组织基本药物司司长Suzanne Hill博士说。为了应对这一威胁,世卫组织和被忽视疾病药物行动成立了全球抗生素研究与开发伙伴关系。9月4日,德国、卢森堡、荷兰、南非、瑞士和英国以及威康信托基金会为这方面工作认捐了5600多万欧元。“结核病研究严重不足,70多年来只有两种治疗耐药结核病的新抗生素进入了市场,” 世卫组织全球结核病规划司司长Mario Raviglione博士说。“如果我们要终止结核病,每年急需8亿多美元以资助研究新的抗结核药物。”然而,单有新治疗药物不足以打击抗微生物药物耐药性的威胁。世卫组织还与各国和合作伙伴一道努力改善感染预防和控制,并促进妥善使用现有和未来的抗生素。此外,世卫组织在制定指导,推动在人类、动物和农业部门负责任地使用抗生素。

ynosmile 发表于 2017-9-26 14:18

原文!The World is Running Out ofAntibiotics, WHO Report Confirms7 hours ago A report, Antibacterial agents in clinical development – an analysis of theantibacterial clinical development pipeline, including tuberculosis, issued today by the World HealthOrganization (WHO) shows a serious lack of new antibiotics under development tocombat the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance.Most of the drugs currently in the clinicalpipeline are modifications of existing classes of antibiotics and are onlyshort-term solutions. The report found very few potential treatment options forthose antibiotic-resistant infections identified by WHO as posing the greatestthreat to health, including drug-resistant tuberculosis which kills around250,000 people each year."Antimicrobial resistance is a globalhealth emergency that will seriously jeopardize progress in modernmedicine," says Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO."There is an urgent need for more investment in research and developmentfor antibiotic-resistant infections including TB, otherwise we will be forcedback to a time when people feared common infections and risked their lives fromminor surgery."In addition to multidrug-resistanttuberculosis, WHO has identified 12 classes of priority pathogens – some ofthem causing common infections such as pneumonia or urinary tract infections –that are increasingly resistant to existing antibiotics and urgently in need ofnew treatments.The report identifies 51 new antibioticsand biologicals in clinical development to treat priority antibiotic-resistantpathogens, as well as tuberculosis and the sometimes deadly diarrheal infectionClostridium difficile.Among all these candidate medicines,however, only 8 are classed by WHO as innovative treatments that will add valueto the current antibiotic treatment arsenal.There is a serious lack of treatmentoptions for multidrug- and extensively drug-resistant M. tuberculosis andgram-negative pathogens, including Acinetobacter and Enterobacteriaceae (suchas Klebsiella and E.coli) which can cause severe and often deadly infectionsthat pose a particular threat in hospitals and nursing homes.There are also very few oral antibiotics inthe pipeline, yet these are essential formulations for treating infectionsoutside hospitals or in resource-limited settings."Pharmaceutical companies andresearchers must urgently focus on new antibiotics against certain types ofextremely serious infections that can kill patients in a matter of days becausewe have no line of defense," says Dr Suzanne Hill, Director of theDepartment of Essential Medicines at WHO.To counter this threat, WHO and the Drugsfor Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi) set up the Global Antibiotic Researchand Development Partnership (known as GARDP). On 4 September 2017, Germany,Luxembourg, the Netherlands, South Africa, Switzerland and the United Kingdomof Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Wellcome Trust pledged more than

沧浪之水 发表于 2017-9-26 14:44


guoli2008 发表于 2017-9-26 15:09

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