为了更好的管理抗生素使用,美国CDC提出了抗生素管理(antibiotic stewardship)这一概念,旨在保护广大医务人员免受伤害,抗击抗生素耐药,虽然美国在合理开具抗生素和抗生素使用方面做了大量努力,但仍有很多可以提升的空间,机遇与挑战并存。
Antibiotic Use in the United States:
Progress and OpportunitiesReport describes programs and resources to support healthcare providers and protect patientshttps://www.cdc.gov/getsmart/pdf/stewardship-report.pdf]https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/USCDC/2017/07/1469520/stewardship-report_original.jpgImproving the way we prescribe and use antibiotics, a concept referred to as “antibiotic stewardship,” is critical for protecting patients from harm and combating antibiotic resistance. Although the United States has made progress toward optimal prescribing and use of antibiotics in human health, there are many opportunities to improve.This new report, https://www.cdc.gov/getsmart/stewardship-report/]Antibiotic Use in the United States, 2017: Progress and Opportunities, includes information about the current status of antibiotic use in healthcare settings, highlighting programs and resources to support stewardship.The report also demonstrates the specific roles and actions for healthcare providers; patients and their families; health systems, hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes; healthcare quality organizations; health insurance companies; healthcare provider professional organizations; and federal, state, and local health agencies.When we optimize the treatment of infections, we protect patients from harm and combat antibiotic resistance.
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