江边一碗水 发表于 2016-1-29 10:27




Don’t forget hand care when promoting hand hygiene in hospitals

Luangasanatip and colleagues’ interesting review provides a
timely opportunity to promote good hand care in healthcare
workers as a way to minimise the development of occupational
skin disease.1 Skin changes are often seen in healthcare workers,
with wet work, soaps, and cleaners being mainly responsible.
In 2014, I undertook a survey of occupational skin disease in
UK healthcare workers.2 The results provided an estimate (for
the first time) of the prevalence of occupational skin disease in
UK healthcare workers—20% for clinical staff and 7% for
non-clinical staff. I also found significant differences between
clinical staff who did or did not report skin symptoms regarding
a history of eczema, symptoms, frequent hand washing (defined
as >20 times a day), and moisturiser use.
In conclusion, healthcare workers are prone to the development
of skin disease for many reasons, including frequent handwashing,
which is required for good hand hygiene. Care should
be taken to reduce the risk of developing occupational skin
disease by using task appropriate gloves only for as long as
necessary; washing visibly soiled hands with soap and water;
using alcohol gels if the skin is not visibly soiled; and applying
moisturiser often, especially at the end of the day.

xiongkeyy 发表于 2016-1-29 10:48


中中苏 发表于 2016-1-29 10:51


chenshipaomo 发表于 2016-1-29 11:21


江南水韵 发表于 2016-1-29 22:39


gaojing 发表于 2019-5-23 14:35

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查看完整版本: 在医院内推动手卫生的时候,不要忘记了手部护理