反复使用抗菌药增加癌症风险近日宾夕法尼亚大学的 Yang 教授在 EJC 发表了关于抗菌药使用与癌症风险关系的研究。
为了明确抗菌药暴露与癌症风险的关系,Yang 教授在综合考虑前述因素之后,利用基于大规模人群医疗记录的数据库对 15 种常见恶性肿瘤进行了巢式病例对照研究。排除有癌症家族史及抗菌药暴露时间距评估时间小于 1 年的患者,对患者进行年龄、性别、抗菌药使用部位及随访时间进行匹配。
共计纳入 125441 例癌症患者及 490510 例对照,其中最常见的癌症在男性和女性中分别为前列腺癌(27212 例)和乳腺癌(31131 例)。使用最普遍的抗菌药是青霉素,超过 45% 的个体在随访期间使用过青霉素。
青霉素增加食管、胃、胰腺及结肠癌症风险,且增加程度与使用次数呈正相关;大环内酯类使用超过 5 次增加胆管癌风险;磺胺类轻微增加乳腺癌风险;青霉素、头孢类及大环内酯类增加肺癌和多发性骨髓瘤风险,尤其在使用超过 5 次的患者中表现更为显著;青霉素、喹诺酮类、磺胺类和四环素类轻微增加前列腺、膀胱和肾脏癌症风险。
反复使用特定类型抗菌药增加癌症风险,消化道、泌尿生殖道及肺癌罹患风险升高尤为显著。青霉素与癌症风险相关性最显著,而抗病毒药及抗真菌药与癌症风险不相关。评估抗菌药与癌症风险的关系必须考虑抗菌药对体内菌群的影响。 看来非到不得已尽量少用抗生素啊,太坑人了 抗菌药物使用一定要慎重哦 抗菌药物管理任重而道远 这样的结论,孕妇使用青霉素类对胎儿岂不是也不安全了吗? 我们肿瘤科抗生素使用率还蛮高,这个是不是也促进病人死亡率增加? 抗菌药物使用一定要加强管理,学习了。 请楼主把文章链接发上来好吗?谢谢! 谢谢分享,已认真学习! 学习了,谢谢老师的分享! 本帖最后由 yunduan 于 2015-10-13 10:59 编辑
Boursi B, Mamtani R, Haynes K, Yang YX. Recurrent antibiotic exposure may promote cancer formation - Another step in understanding the role of the human microbiota? Eur J Cancer. 2015 Aug 31. pii: S0959-8049(15)00805-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2015.08.015.
Bacterial dysbiosis was previously described in human malignancies. In a recent animal model, tumour susceptibility was transmitted using faecal transplantation. Our aim was to evaluate possible association between antibiotic exposure and cancer risk.
We conducted nested case-control studies for 15 common malignancies using a large population-based electronic medical record database. Cases were defined as those with any medical code for the specific malignancy. Individuals with familial cancer syndromes were excluded. For every case, four eligible controls matched on age, sex, practice site and duration of follow-up before index-date were selected using incidence-density sampling. Exposure of interest was antibiotic therapy >1year before index-date. Adjusted odds-ratios (AORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated for each antibiotic type using conditional logistic regression.
125,441 cases and 490,510 matched controls were analysed. For gastro-intestinal malignancies, the use of penicillin was associated with an elevated risk of oesophageal, gastric and pancreatic cancers. The association increased with the number of antibiotic courses and reached 1.4 for gastric cancers associated with >5 courses of penicillin (95% CI 1.2-1.8). Lung cancer risk increased with the use of penicillin, cephalosporins, or macrolides (AOR for >5 courses of penicillin: 1.4 95% CI 1.3-1.6). The risk of prostate cancer increased modestly with the use of penicillin, quinolones, sulphonamides and tetracyclines. The risk of breast cancer was modestly associated with exposure to sulphonamides. There was no association between the use of anti-virals and anti-fungals and cancer risk.
Recurrent exposure to certain antibiotics may be associated with cancer risk in specific organ sites. 乱用抗菌素害处也不小,能不用别用了。 谢谢老师分享,学习了。 谢谢老师分享,以前真不知道。乱用抗菌素的害处还有这些。 一定严格抗生素管理,一人应用,殃及后人。 谢谢老师分享,学习了。 合理使用抗生素重在执行,谢谢分享! 抗生素应慎用,现如今好多国人感冒就用抗生素,合理使用抗生素任重道远 现在抗生素管理是越来越重视了,确实是该引起重视,规范管理 谢谢老师的资料分享,学习了。