别老是盯着那个菜鸟看时间:2015-08-18 15:58 来源:环球科学(huanqiukexue.com)http://www.huanqiukexue.com/html/newqqkj/newsm/2015/0818/25639.html
图片来源:JASON LEE (darts); ISTOCKPHOTO (action icons) 如果你擅长某种运动,那你可能得在新手运动员比赛时往别处看。一项新的研究发现,观察新手的动作会使高手的表现变差。
去年秋天Scientific Reports在线报道了这样一些实验:研究人员让专业飞镖运动员观看新手运动员的视频,并预测新手们的飞镖会击中什么位置。在这个过程中专业运动员们会得到反馈,令他们预测飞镖落点的能力得到了提高。研究人员发现,专业运动员的预测越是准确,他们自己的飞镖投掷水平降低得越多。另外,这个现象只会发生在同种运动上,也就是说飞镖运动员的表现只会因为观察飞镖运动员改变,不会因预测保龄球新手的动作而受影响。
先前实验要么悬而未决,要么只有相关性结论,因此科学界一直在争论,在理解其他人动作时,运动神经元到底会不会参与进来。在新的实验中,高手的发挥水平随着预测准确度上升而持续下降的事实给这一现象提供了因果证据,即运动系统至少在某些方面参与了理解他人的动作,具体来说是在预测运动结果的时候,Gowrishankar Ganesh解释道。Ganesh是日本国家产业技术综合研究所的神经科学家和机器人专家,他和来自大阪信息与神经网络中心的Tsuyoshi Ikegami共同设计并进行了实验。
用身体思考在新实验中,专业飞镖运动员在仔细观察新手运动员之后自身水平却下降了。这个现象是具身认知的一个例子。也就是说运动系统是理解他人动作的一个必要组成部分,而在观察他人的时候自身的运动系统也会因此受到影响。我们将在下文中列举一些先前实验中发现的其他有关具身认知的例子。(撰文:Tori Rodriguez翻译:杨一森审校:彭瑛)
原文链接:http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/dont-watch-that-clumsy-player-too-closely/ Don’t Watch That Clumsy Player Too Closely
Expert Athletes May Perform Worse After Watching Novice Actions
By Tori Rodriguez | Jun 11, 2015
JASON LEE (darts); ISTOCKPHOTO (action icons)
If you excel at a sport, you may want to look away when greener athletes take their turn. A new study finds that watching a novice's actions can deteriorate expert performance.
In experiments reported online last fall in Scientific Reports, researchers asked expert dart throwers to watch videos of novices and predict where their darts would land. The experts got feedback throughout the process, which helped to improve their predictive abilities. The findings show that as the experts became more accurate in predicting the novice dart throwers' actions, their own performance declined. The effect was task-specific: their performance was not affected by predicting the actions of novice bowlers.
Researchers have long debated whether motor system neurons are involved in understanding others' actions because past studies have been correlative or inconclusive. In the new study, the fact that experts' performance degraded steadily as their predictive ability improved provides causal evidence that the motor system is involved in at least some aspects—specifically outcome prediction—of understanding others' actions, explains Gowrishankar Ganesh, a neuroscientist and roboticist at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Japan, who co-authored the study with Tsuyoshi Ikegami, a neuroscientist at the Center for Information and Neural Networks in Osaka.
The authors hope their work will one day help in cognitive and motor rehabilitation. More immediately, they suggest that athletes should avoid focusing too much on the performance of less skilled teammates. Teachers and coaches, on the other hand, may not need to worry about averting their eyes from their students' efforts. “Although the evidence is preliminary, our data found that experts who teach show less deterioration,” Ganesh says. “We believe that because of their extensive experience with students, teachers can learn to not be affected by the process of understanding.”
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Thinking with the Body
In a new study, expert dart players became worse at throwing after studying novice players. The effect is an example of embodied cognition: the motor system is necessary to comprehend the actions of others—and the body's movements are affected by the new understanding. Here we sketch out a few other examples of this type of bodily cognition, as revealed in past studies.
Baseball players' ability to predict where a fly ball will land depends on how they move in relation to the ball, not their brain's ability to calculate its trajectory. Players move in whatever direction keeps the ball at a constant speed in their field of vision.
When dancers watch someone perform a familiar style of dance, their brain activity looks like it would if they were making the movements themselves. Neural response is less focused when dancers watch an unfamiliar style.
Acting out a story helps people remember it. One study showed that participants who acted out a monologue had better recall of the text 30 minutes later compared with people who read, discussed or answered questions about the story. 谢谢老师分享,学习了。 学习了,谢谢老师的资料分享。