本帖最后由 鬼才 于 2015-5-4 05:06 编辑为了让大家了解医学教学的情况,我们在这选读一些国外医学生教材,这些选编的内容均来自目前国外最新医学教材,为方便大家学习,我用英中文两种语言提供给大家,如有不明确的地方,欢迎 大家提出来,我将为大家解答。
Respiratory disease呼吸系统疾病
Respiratory disease is responsible for amajor burden of morbidity and untimely death, with conditions such astuberculosis, pandemic influenza and pneumonia the most important in worldhealth terms. The increasing prevalence of allergy, asthma and chronic obstructivepulmonary disease (COPD) contributes to the overall burden of chronic diseasein the community. By 2025, the number of cigarette smokers worldwide isanticipated to increase to 1.5 billion, ensuring a growing burden of tobacco-relatedrespiratory conditions.
Respiratory disease covers a breadth of pathologies, including infectious, inflammatory, neoplasticand degenerative processes. The practice of respiratory medicine thus requires collaborationwith a range of disciplines. Recent advances have improved the lives of manypatients with obstructive lung disease, cystic fibrosis, obstructive sleepapnoea and pulmonary hypertension, but the outlook remains poor for lung andother respiratory cancers, and for some of the fibrosing lung conditions.
[注]:囊性纤维化是西欧国家中的一种遗传性疾病,主要出现在白种人中,在我国很罕见。因这个资料是转译自西方国家的医学生教材,故文中提到这一疾病。说明:呼吸系统疾病与感控工作关系较大,为使大家学习了解一些国外最新的相关资料,选译了部分资料,由于 呼吸系统疾病这一资料的篇幅较长,所有的文献全靠手工打字上传,因而翻译进展较慢,翻译好将陆续上传,如译文有不妥,敬请大家及时指出。我们表示感谢。其他相关感控的国外文献,也将陆续翻译上传到SIFIC,其目的是让大家多知道一些国外的感控进展情况,从而对我国感控学科的发展有所帮助。
鬼才老师的资料很好,谢谢分享,期待你更多的国外文献作品 佩服老师的英文水平、专业见解、执着追求!超赞! 谢谢鬼才老师,有了老师的辛勤,才有如此精彩的分享 谢谢老师的分析,辛苦了 翻译的很好,谢谢分享 老师辛苦了,谢谢老师的资料下载学习了。 鬼才老师真的是有才哦!