2012年,美国感控协会(APIC)前主席Denise M. Murphy,撰写了反映美国感控学会要求的评述,感染预防能力:一个概念性的方法来指导当前和今后的实践Competency in infectionprevention: A conceptual approach to guide current and future practice细细研读,如坐针毡!原先引以为豪的近年来中国感控的成绩,但与美国相比,依然感觉差距巨大!因为我们在进步的同时,人家也在大踏步地前进。翻译文章的其中一段内容,“感控的核心能力”,供大家参考!感染预防的核心能力Infectionprevention core competencies1. 感染性疾病过程的识别1. Identification of infectious disease processes
a. 区分定植、感染和污染a. Differentiate amongcolonization, infection, and contamination
b. 识别感染发生率、病原储存库、潜伏期、可传染期、传染模式、体征和症状、易感性b. Identify occurrences,reservoirs, incubation periods, periods of communicability, modes oftransmission, signs and symptoms, and susceptibility associated with the diseaseprocess
c. 解读诊断/化验报告结果c. Interpret results ofdiagnostic/laboratory reports
d. 识别用于诊断感染过程的不同种类试验的局限性和优点d. Recognize limitations andadvantages of types of test used to diagnose infectious processes
e. 认识需要立即审核和调查的具有流行病学意义的微生物e. Recognize epidemiologicallysignificant organisms for immediate review and investigation
f. 抗菌药物预防性、经验性和治疗使用的区别f. Differentiate amongprophylactic, empiric, and therapeutic use of antimicrobials
g. 确定需要进行环境微生物监测的适应症g. Identify indications forenvironmental microbiological monitoring
2. 监测和流行病学调查2. Surveillance and epidemiologic investigations
a. 设计监控系统a. Design surveillance systems
b. 收集和汇编监测数据b. Collect and compilesurveillance data
c. 解读监测数据c. Interpret surveillance data
d. 开展感染暴发调查d. Conduct outbreakinvestigation
3. 预防/控制感染病原的传播3. Preventing/controlling the transmission of infectious agents
a. 制定、审核感染预防和控制的政策和规程a. Develop and review infectionprevention and control policies and procedures
b. 与公共卫生机构合作制订社区应对微生物(如炭疽、流感)的计划b. Collaborate with publichealth agencies in planning community responses to biologic agents (eg,anthrax, influenza)
c. 确定和实施下列有关的感染预防与控制策略:c. Identify and implement infection prevention and controlstrategies related to the following:
1) 手部卫生1) Hand hygiene
2) 清洗、消毒、灭菌2) Cleaning, disinfection, andsterilization
3) 直接和间接的保健机构3) Specific direct and indirectcare settings
4) 与治疗和诊断操作和装置相关的感染风险4) Infection risks associatedwith therapeutic and diagnostic procedures and devices
5) 可能受污染的设备和用品的召回5) Recall of potentiallycontaminated equipment and supplies
6) 隔离/屏障预防措施的启动与中止6) Initiation anddiscontinuation of isolation/barrier precautions when indicated
7) 患者安置、转运与出院7) Patient placement, transfer,and discharge
8) 环境危害8) Environmental hazards
9) 患者护理产品和医疗器械的使用9) Use of patient care productsand medical equipment
10) 给患者的免疫规划10) Immunization programs forpatients
11) 患者医护期间的建筑及装修11) Construction and renovationin patient care
12) 传染病患者的大量涌入12) The influx of patients withcommunicable diseases
4. 员工/职业健康 4. Employee/occupational health
a. 审核和/或制订筛查和免疫规划a. Review and/or developscreening and immunization programs
b. 相关传染病或职业暴露后,提供指导、跟进、工作限制和建议b. Provide counseling,follow-up, work restrictions, and recommendations related to communicablediseases or following exposures
c. 帮助分析职业暴露后感染发生趋势,职业健康和感染防控部门之间的信息交流c. Assist with analysis andtrending of occupational exposure incidents and information exchange betweenOccupational Health and Infection Prevention and Control departments
d. 职业暴露致感染性疾病的风险评估d. Assess risk of occupationalexposure to infectious diseases
5. 管理和沟通(领导力) 5. Management and communication (leadership)
A.规划A. Planning
a. 进行组织的感染风险评估a. Conduct an infection riskassessment of the organization
b. 制订、评估和修改感染预防和控制计划中的使命和愿景陈述、目标、可衡量的目标和行动计划b. Develop, evaluate, and revisea mission and vision statement, goals, measurable objectives, and actionplans for the infection prevention and control program
c. 针对感染预防和控制方案,推荐具体的设备、人员和资源c. Recommend specific equipment,personnel, and resources for the infection prevention and control program
d. 参与成本效益评估、功效研究和产品评估d. Participate in cost benefitassessments, efficacy studies, and product evaluations
e. 根据临床结果和财务情况,对实施提出修改建议e. Recommend changes in practicebased on clinical outcomes and financial implications
B.沟通和反馈B. Communication and feedback
a. 向适当的个人、委员会、部门和单位,提供感染预防和控制的调查结果、建议、年度报告、政策和规程a. Provide infection preventionand control findings, recommendations, annual reports, and policies and proceduresto appropriate individuals, committees, departments, and units
b. 与内部和外部客户进行沟通b. Communicate with internal andexternal customers
c. 对不良和警戒事件鉴定和审查的风险管理/质量管理部门,进行合作c. Collaborate with riskmanagement/quality management in the identification and review of adverse andsentinel events
d. 评估认证/监管和依从性改进d. Evaluateaccreditation/regulatory issues and facilitate compliance
C.质量/绩效改进和患者安全C. Quality/performance improvement and patient safety
a. 参与感染预防和控制相关的质量/绩效改进和病人安全活动a. Participate inquality/performance improvement and patient safety activities related toinfection prevention and control
b. 通过使用图形工具,展示质量/绩效改进项目b. Demonstratequality/performance improvement projects through the use of graphic tools
6. 教育和研究6. Education and research
A. 教育A. Education
a. 评估需要,制定目标和可衡量目标,并准备课程教案a. Assess needs, develop goalsand measurable objectives, and prepare lesson plans for educational offerings
b. 在教育策略和提供教育课程方面,采用适合****学习的原则b. Apply principles of adultlearning to educational strategies and delivery of educational sessions
c. 对各种感染的预防和控制议题,准备、展示或协调教育研讨会、讲座、讨论或一对一教育c. Prepare, present, orcoordinate educational workshops, lectures, discussion, or one-on-oneinstruction on a variety of infection prevention and control topics
d. 评价教育和学习效果的有效性d. Evaluate the effectiveness ofeducation and learner outcomes
e. 指导患者,家属,以及其他访问者关于感染预防和控制的方法e. Instruct patients, families,and other visitors about methods to prevent and control infections
B. 研究B. Research
a. 运用批判性阅读能力,评估研究成果a. Apply critical reading skillsto evaluate research findings
b. 通过教育和咨询,把研究成果转化为工作实践b. Incorporate research findingsinto practice through education and consultation
胡教授好早啊!辛苦了。 逐条对照,越品越流汗,当我们为一点点成绩窃喜时,当我们整天忙碌于各种检查时,当我们热衷于止血带怎么消毒时,当我们津津乐道于布局流程时,当我们纠结于各种登记表时,当我们……蓦然发现,自己的视角、眼界,整体思维……需要调整思路了 努力践行,吃透内涵。 逐条看了一遍,汗颜,胡教授指引了我们的感控视野,距离在哪,路就在哪,一步步,我们要团结起来,共同往前走! 参照美国标准,理顺我国的感控体系。医院感染管理科到底该做什么,不该做什么?我国的现状是……混乱。只有理顺体系,降低资源的浪费,集中精力,做好我们该做的事! 从培养人才的方向上来说医学院校应设院感专业。否则差距无法缩小。 像我们这样在临床干护理近30年转来干院感再来学习培养提升难度不小,寄希望予年轻人。 逐条研读,深感我们差距甚大!需要顶层设计,重新定位医院感染管理! 胡教授真是敬业!美国2012年的就这样了,感觉我们平时还是为检查而检查呢!汗颜…… 难!和我们日常工作逐条对照,差别不是一般的大!如果此条文以行政任务来下发估计还有几年的衔接推广期,否则在国内想要达到如此标准不是十年二十年的事情! 唯有奋发学习,迎头赶上,加强院感知识构架修养。 别说掌握了,有些项目都没了解过,任重道远啊! 本帖最后由 瞬间即永恒 于 2015-2-7 11:40 编辑
其实现在的现状还是跟着质控导向走。特别是那些检查一线临床护理老太太,真得是怕了他们的思维方式了。到现在为止还在没完没了的三通道、五不出门和医废桶的大小、空气培养几个平皿间纠缠不清! 看到差距,一步一个脚印的追赶 感控工作,任重道远,勇往直前。 感控的路很漫长,任重而道远,需要我们共同努力。 经过学习,深感我们差距好大,需要顶层设计,重新定位医院感染管理! 9感控工作的格局,感控人员的精力决定感控工作的走向,幸亏在胡老师精神感召下,感控工作者负责任,客服各种困难,朝着总体目标前行!! 如此详实,需要逐条对照、反思,加强学科的融合,踏实而行。