黎卫士 发表于 2014-9-9 21:42


                                 作者:王英 来源:生物通 日期:2014-09-09
       日前,来自英国利物浦大学的研究人员与英国公共卫生部门合作,研发出新的方法,来确定可用于治疗感染的药物。相关研究以“'Elucidation of the Ebola virus VP24cellular interactome and disruption of virus biology through targeted inhibition of host cell protein function”为题发表在最近的国际蛋白质组学领域权威杂志《Journal of Proteome Research》(2014年最新影响因子5.001)。
  利物浦大学传染和全球健康研究所的Julian Hiscox 教授和英国公共卫生部门的Roger Hewson教授共同指导了这项研究。
  这项研究还包括英国布里斯托尔大学的David Matthews博士,研究采用PHE Porton的独特专业设施——旨在安全地研究病毒,如高封闭条件下的埃博拉病毒。
  本文共同作者、PHE Porton研究负责人Miles Carroll教授说:“这一研究强调了一种已有的、被许可的人类药物的有效性,证明这种药物在治疗中是有益的。”
Elucidation of the Ebola virus VP24 cellular interactome and disruption of virus biology through targeted inhibition of host cell protein function
Abstract: Viral pathogenesis in the infected cell is a balance between anti-viral responses and subversion of host cell processes. Many viral proteins specifically interact with host cell proteins in order to promote virus biology. Understanding these interactions can lead to knowledge gains about infection and provide potential targets for anti-viral therapy. One such virus is Ebola that has profound consequences for human health, and causes viral haemorrhagic fever where case fatality rates can approach 90%. The Ebola virus VP24 protein plays a critical role in the evasion of the host immune response, and is likely to interact with multiple cellular proteins. To map these interactions and better understand the potential functions of VP24, label free quantitative proteomics was used to identify cellular proteins that had a high probability of forming the VP24 cellular interactome. Several known interactions were confirmed thus placing confidence in the technique but new interactions were also discovered including one with ATP1A1, which is involved in osmoregulation and cell signalling. Disrupting the activity of ATP1A1 in Ebola virus infected cells with a small molecule inhibitor resulted in a decrease in progeny virus, thus illustrating how quantitative proteomics can be used to identify potential therapeutic targets.

关键字: 埃博拉病毒,乌本苷,VP24

小叶子 发表于 2014-9-9 22:57

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查看完整版本: 英发现埃博拉病毒治疗新方法