今天看到美国医院2007年排名,发现其中有4所医院我已经参观过。待有空时我发一些照片给大家看看US News & World Report’s top honor roll:
1. Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore
2. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
3. UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles
4. Cleveland Clinic
5. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
6. New York-Presbyterian University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell
7. University of California, San Francisco Medical Center
7. Duke University Medical Center, Durham. N.C.
9. Barnes-Jewish Hospital/Washington University, St. Louis
10. Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston
11. University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle
12. Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
13. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
14. University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers, Ann Arbor
15. Stanford Hospital and Clinics
15. Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Conn.
17. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles
17. University of Chicago Medical Center
回复 #1 icchina 的帖子
经营得好的医院,感控工作也应做得很好,不然哪来的持续发展,盼胡教授快快上传照片,让俺们的视野与国际接轨!:D :D :D 热切盼望中!!!!!:lol :lol :lol 盼望早点能看到啊!让我们也见识!见识!回复 #1 icchina 的帖子
胡教授肯定会给咱们惊喜的,只不过先吊一下咱们的胃口,对不?:lol :P 老大的相片呢,整理不过来了,太多了,呵 We are waiting! 谢谢胡教授让我们有机会见识美国的医院感控!!!