星火 发表于 2013-8-4 10:11


本帖最后由 星火 于 2013-8-4 10:17 编辑

#我眼中的美国医疗# 美国现有医疗体制的弊端:JAMA 今年4月文:手术后出现并发症不是件好事,但事实上,治疗术后并发症能给医院带来更大的收益,从而打击医院减少术后并发症的积极性。出现术后并发症,私立医保公司平均向医院多付3.9万美元/人,国家医保公司平均多付1700美元。http://t.cn/zQakCMY
Relationship Between Occurrence of Surgical Complications and Hospital Finances Sunil Eappen, MD; Bennett H. Lane, MS; Barry Rosenberg, MD, MBA; Stuart A. Lipsitz, ScD; David Sadoff, BA; Dave Matheson, JD, MBA; William R. Berry, MD, MPA, MPH; Mark Lester, MD, MBA; Atul A. Gawande, MD, MPH
JAMA. 2013;309(15):1599-1606. doi:10.1001/jama.2013.2773.


ImportanceThe effect of surgical complications on hospital finances is unclear.
ObjectiveTo determine the relationship between major surgical complications and per-encounter hospital costs and revenues by payer type.
Design, Setting, and ParticipantsRetrospective analysis of administrative data for all inpatient surgical discharges during 2010 from a nonprofit 12-hospital system in the southern United States. Discharges were categorized by principal procedure and occurrence of 1 or more postsurgical complications, using International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, diagnosis and procedure codes. Nine common surgical procedures and 10 major complications across 4 payer types were analyzed. Hospital costs and revenue at discharge were obtained from hospital accounting systems and classified by payer type.
Main Outcomes and MeasuresHospital costs, revenues, and contribution margin (defined as revenue minus variable expenses) were compared for patients with and without surgical complications according to payer type.
ResultsOf 34 256 surgical discharges, 1820 patients (5.3%; 95% CI, 4.4%-6.4%) experienced 1 or more postsurgical complications. Compared with absence of complications, complications were associated with a $39 017 (95% CI, $20 069-$50 394; P < .001) higher contribution margin per patient with private insurance ($55 953 vs $16 936) and a $1749 (95% CI, $976-$3287; P < .001) higher contribution margin per patient with Medicare ($3629 vs $1880). For this hospital system in which private insurers covered 40% of patients (13 544), Medicare covered 45% (15 406), Medicaid covered 4% (1336), and self-payment covered 6% (2202), occurrence of complications was associated with an $8084 (95% CI, $4903-$9740; P < .001) higher contribution margin per patient ($15 726 vs $7642) and with a $7435 lower per-patient total margin (95% CI, $5103-$10 507; P < .001) ($1013 vs −$6422).
Conclusions and RelevanceIn this hospital system, the occurrence of postsurgical complications was associated with a higher per-encounter hospital contribution margin for patients covered by Medicare and private insurance but a lower one for patients covered by Medicaid and who self-paid. Depending on payer mix, many hospitals have the potential for adverse near-term financial consequences for decreasing postsurgical complications.


星火 发表于 2013-8-4 10:12

当然亚历山大!! 护士需要做很多chart audit 的工作,有没有每两小时翻身,有没有血栓的预防治疗,有没有防摔倒措施,入院病人有没有打流感疫苗(十月到三月),术前抗生素,心衰病人出院用药, too much work!
实际上美国联邦医保Medicare 对医院越来越苛刻。医院内的很多并发症Medicare 都以后不再报销了,比如院内感染,DVT,褥疮等等。所以院内的质量监控需要经常监控是否术前一小时给了抗生素,术后几天拔掉尿管等等。似乎这样对提高医疗水平有帮助,但给美国医院很大的压力。

星火 发表于 2013-8-4 10:15



黄河之水 发表于 2013-8-4 10:24


热带雨林2010 发表于 2013-8-4 10:27


星火 发表于 2013-8-4 11:51

【天津医院护士分五级 危重患者由高级护士负责】天津市推进责任制整体护理工作模式,各医院根据护士的工作能力、工作年限、学历等,将临床护理岗位划分为五个等级,只有最高级别的护士才有资格照料危重患者。同时,护士级别将与个人收入挂钩,实现多劳多得、优绩优酬。每日新报http://t.cn/zQSmPrL

星火 发表于 2013-8-4 11:54

【嚼口香糖助妇科腹腔镜术后患者肠蠕动】奥地利一项随机对照研究显示,作为微创手术后的辅助治疗,术后咀嚼口香糖似乎有利于肠动力恢复。研究者称,应推荐妇科腹腔镜术后患者咀嚼口香糖。该研究论文2013年7月发表于《妇产科学》[Obstet Gynecol 2013,122(1):85]杂志。http://t.cn/zQSRm3X

604885504 发表于 2013-8-4 15:41


神通广大 发表于 2013-8-4 16:00


子夜阳光 发表于 2013-8-4 16:42


草原星空 发表于 2013-8-4 19:00

星火 发表于 2013-8-4 10:15 static/image/common/back.gif

实际上,并发症出得过多的话,医院声誉会受损,不但患者不会来,保险公司也会避之则吉。对于 ...


衣带渐宽 发表于 2013-8-4 19:53

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查看完整版本: 微博观点:治疗术后并发症能给医院带来更大收益,打击医院减少术后并发症的积极性