最近,我们医院的信息系统全面启动了,可是医院感染控制系统实现的功能除了上报,审核,别的功能都没了,就是说现在的工作把我以前手工操作的转换成了计算机操作,郁闷啊!这里是美国2006年的一个感控评价工具,详细的介绍了背景和具体操作的步骤,请大家一起学习,有时间的话我会尽量翻译成中文!积极响应号召,下载学习一下,只是不知能否看懂。谢谢 积极响应,好好学习{:1_17:}{:1_17:}{:1_17:} 语言能力是通往国际知识的很重要的桥梁 好好看一下,还是英语不行啊 期待老师中文版的尽快出来{:1_1:} 可以对照学习,单边英文版还是不行。期待老师上述英文版中的中文版教材! Kavita K. Trivedi, MD
Dr. Kavita K. Trivedi is the Public Health Medical Officer of the Healthcare Associated Infections Program at the California Department of Public Health (CDPH).
As a medical epidemiologist, Dr. Trivedi created, manages and leads the California Antimicrobial Stewardship Program Initiative.This initiative assists California hospitals and long-term care facilities implement and strengthen antimicrobial stewardship programs.She also leads CDPH in investigating outbreaks, potential exposures and enquiries regarding infection control and prevention in healthcare settings.Dr. Trivedi currently serves as the Chair of the SHEA Education Committee.
Prior to joining CDPH, Dr. Trivedi was the Medical Director of the Downtown Clinic, a multidisciplinary clinic for homeless veterans in San Francisco.Thereafter, she served as an Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer in the United States Public Health Service with the Enteric Diseases Epidemiology Branch in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia.Dr. Trivedi received her medical degree from Stanford University School of Medicine and completed residency in Internal Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco.
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