鬼才 发表于 2013-6-9 23:57


Tuberculosis (TB) is the most common infectious disease worldwide. It affects one third of the global population and is the leading cause of death from a potentially curable infectious disease. The 2009 global estimate for TB was 9.4 million incident cases (range 8.9-9.9), for a rate of 137 cases per 100,000 population (range 131-145). TB rate vary widely by geographic region, with 22 low- and middle-income countries accounting for more than 80% of active TB case worldwide.Prevalence rates of TB are highest in Africa and lowest in the Americas and Europe due to the high prevalence of HIV in some African countries and the effect of HIV on susceptibility to TB.Case infection with MCR-TB is defined as a person with Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistant to at least two antitubercular drugs—isoniazid and rifampicin. Recent surveillance data have revealed that prevalence of MCR-TB has risen to the highest rate ever recorded worldwide.The MCR-TB strain generally arises through the selection of resistance mutations that emerge during inadequate treatment. Prior TB treatment, shortage of α-tuberculous drugs, and treatment costs have been the most common reason for the inadequacy of the initial anti-TB regimen. Other factors that play an important role in the development of MDR-TB include limited administrative control of purchase and distribution of the drugs, inadequate mechanism for quality control and bioavailability tests, poor patient follow-up, and inadequate administrative infrastructure.结核病是世界范围内最常见的感染性疾病。影响着全世界三分之一的人口,导致一些可治愈的感染性疾病患者死亡。2009年估计有940万(890万-990万之间)人感染结核,比率为10万分之137(131-145)之间。结核的比率在各个地理区域变化很大,在22个低、中收入国家中占有全世界超过80%的活动性结核病患者。结核病的患病率在非洲最高,在美国和欧洲最低,因为非洲一些国家是艾滋病的高发地区,而结核对艾滋病很敏感。多重耐药结核(MCR-TB)感染定义为一个结核分枝杆菌感染者至少对两种抗结核药----异烟肼和利福平耐药。最近的监测数据显示多重耐药结核(MCR-TB)流行的比率上升到最高,超过了全世界曾有的记录。多重耐药结核(MCR-TB)菌株通常出现在选择不适当的治疗时发生耐药性突变。先前对结核病的治疗,缺少α-结核药物,初始抗结核疗法,治疗费用不足是一个最常见的原因。促使MDR-TB发展迅速的另一些重要原因是政府限制这些药物的购买和分配,质量控制和生物利用度测试机制不健全,病人随访太少,管理基础设施不足。   摘自《Best Practices in Infection Prevention and Control: An International Perspective Second Edition》一书,中文由本人翻译出来,方便大家阅读。对结核病的医院内感染,大家要警惕,必须加强防控,不可麻痹大意。

青木 发表于 2013-6-10 00:03


zjtlfhy 发表于 2013-6-10 08:22


家喻安顺 发表于 2013-6-10 09:39


xiaoling 发表于 2013-6-10 10:14


鬼才 发表于 2013-6-17 17:50

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