在非洲推行WHO手卫生策略,值得借鉴哦!objective. To assess the feasibility and effectiveness of the World Health Organization hand hygiene improvement strategy in a lowincome African country.
design. A before-and-after study from December 2006 through June 2008, with a 6-month baseline evaluation period and a follow-up period of 8 months from the beginning of the intervention.
setting. University Hospital, Bamako, Mali.
participants. Two hundred twenty-four healthcare workers.
methods. The intervention consisted of introducing a locally produced, alcohol-based handrub; monitoring hand hygiene compliance; providing performance feedback; educating staff; posting reminders in the workplace; and promoting an institutional safety climate according to the World Health Organization multimodal hand hygiene improvement strategy. Hand hygiene infrastructure, compliance, healthcare workers’ knowledge and perceptions, and handrub consumption were evaluated at baseline and at follow-up.
results. Severe deficiencies in the infrastructure for hand hygiene were identified before the intervention. Local handrub production and quality control proved to be feasible, affordable, and satisfactory. At follow-up, handrubbing was the quasi-exclusive hand hygiene technique (93.3%). Compliance increased from 8.0% at baseline to 21.8% at follow-up (P ! .001). Improvement was observed across all professional categories and medical specialities and was independently associated with the intervention (odds ratio, 2.50; 95% confidence interval, 1.8–3.5). Knowledge enhanced significantly (P ! .05), and perception surveys showed a high appreciation of each strategy component by staff.
conclusions. Multimodal hand hygiene promotion is feasible and effective in a low-income country. Access to handrub was critical
for its success. These findings motivated the government of Mali to expand the intervention nationwide. This experience represents a significant advancement for patient safety in developing countries.
谢谢老师的分享,在上海年会时亲临现场听了WHO官员的介绍,印象很深刻。 英文水平不太行,慢慢看吧,也借此提高一下。 谢谢老师分享!在上海年会上亲临现场听过外国教授的介绍,感受很深,卫生条件那么差的地区,成功推行了手卫生,方法值得借鉴!我们在推行手卫生时总考虑这样那样的困难,看看他们,对比一下,世界上只有想不到的事,没有做不到的事!只要你想干! 谢谢老师分享,又学习了。 相逢是首歌 发表于 2013-5-28 17:55 static/image/common/back.gif
谢谢老师分享!在上海年会上亲临现场听过外国教授的介绍,感受很深,卫生条件那么差的地区,成功推行了手卫 ...
的确,感控需要正能量,需要改变,需要鼓劲!在马里能做的,在中国也一定能做! 英文不行,隐隐约约知道马里成功实施手卫生后感染率明显下降有统计学意义。 全是英文,看不懂呀!哪位老师可以翻译一下呢? 感谢老师的分享!借鉴一下他人的经验! 高人翻译一下可以吗?我们也可以借用一下。